| - Usually to PK repeatedly, but has other definitions. A griefer in World of Warcraft is almost always one who PKs or trains mobs to other characters, but the term includes any activity specifically designed to hamper another player's gameplay, progress, or fun. Additional notes:
* On servers designated as "PvP," activities such as corpse camping and ganking are not considered griefing by Blizzard and will not be punished by Game Masters.
* Griefing can also be harassment as it is defined in the EULA, which can result in disciplinary action for a player. Also see Gank and Griefing.
- Grief (傷心 Shōshin) is the seventh episode of Kamen Rider Kuuga. It features the debut of Kuuga's Pegasus Form.
- Griefing is any time a player performs an action that negatively impacts other players roleplay experience without a proper in-character reason. This action is usually punished by a ban.
- Grief might refer to:
* Grief (L&O), the Law & Order season 8 episode.
* Grief (SVU), the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit season 4 episode.
- Bolesna utrata bliskiej osoby, sprawia, że więzi pomiędzy Emily i Jackiem zacieśniają się. Tymczasem Victoria, która chce pociągnąć Conrada na dno, znajduje sojusznika. Charlotte stawia sobie nowy cel zemsty, Declana.
- Both teams can also shoot and knife their enemy team. When they do this it will push the players.
- Zuber MD, Abigail. 2010. Resilience, Not Misery, in Coping With Death. Dec 28. New York: New York Times.
- Grief is the 21st episode of Season 1 and the 21st episode overall.
- The Enigmatic and mysterious figure known to Imperial scholars as "Grief" is by origin and nature a Daemon of the Immaterium. It was originally thought Grief was a champion of chaos due to his humanoid appearance, but after recurrant sightings and multiple reported deaths, it has been decided that Grief was not born of the material plane.
- To grief in Second Life means to cause great distress or to abuse another resident. To avoid "griefing" other residents, follow the Golden Rule of "treat others as you would like to be treated", unless you like to be pushed around, orbited, or called names, then you might just want to keep to yourself. Read the CS and TOS and follow the rules or you could have an abuse report filed against you and possibly (but not likely, since Linden Labs ignores almost all abuse reports) get a warning, suspension, or be banned from Second Life. WHO ARE THEY? Traits commonly exhibited by griefers are: SUMMARY
- Griefing refers to a player intentionally disrupting others' enjoyment of a game. Exactly what actions constitute griefing will vary based on the setting, and it is up to each NWN server to determine exact guidelines. Griefing is prohibited on many persistent world servers.
- You have the power over loss. For each token you lose to the Warp, you may draw one card from the deck. History: The Griefs have learned how to trade in some of their own lives in exchange For increased power For the survivors. Other races, awed at this power lust and callous disregard For life, are often overcome by the powerful Griefs. Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power. Wild1: When you are entitled to consolation, you may take the appropriate number of cards from the winning main player and each of his allies. Displayed 1 powers.
- In Egypt, the Pack, except Dingo, is working on the Pyramids for the Emir on behalf of Xanatos, while the Avalon travelers arrive via the Nile and spot the robot, Coyote entering an underground chamber. Goliath and the others follow and arrive as the Emir casts a ritual to summon Anubis, the jackal-headed Keeper of the Dead. The Pack prove triumphant as Emir binds Anubis and demands the return of his dead son.
- Rachel stood to take her turn, the assignment was grief, she had thought long and hard about her song choice and decided that although it might be cliché she knew which song she wanted to tackle. You were once my one companion You were all that mattered You were once a friend and father Then my world was shattered Wishing you were somehow here again Wishing you were somehow near Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed Somehow you would be here No more memories, no more silent tears No more gazing across the wasted years Help me say, "Goodbye" Help me say, "Goodbye" Puck started,