| - Anepigrafe.
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- Τ τ Tau is a letter in the Greek language alphabet of Earth, originating in the early period of Human history. It is used for designations in science, mapping and other fields used in space travel and communications. Many planets, planetoids, stars and star systems use a variation of this term in their name.
- Ττ Tau is a letter in the Greek language alphabet of Earth, originating in the early period of Human history.It was used in the following contexts: People
* Tau (pirate), a pirate native to the Delta Quadrant Colony
* Tau Cygna V colony Legal Document
* Tau Ceti Accords Location
* Tau Alpha C Planets
* Tau Ceti III
* Tau Ceti IV
* Tau Ceti Prime
* Tau Cygna V Star system
* Tau Cygna system Star
* Tau Ceti
- thumb|320px|Imperio Tau y sus expansiones.Los Tau son una raza joven y dinámica que habita en la Franja Este. Fueron descubiertos por el Imperio en el 789.M35, fecha en la que una nave exploradora del Adeptus Mechanicus descubrió y categorizó el planeta hoy conocido como T'au, la capital del imperio alienígena.
- The Tau was an Immobilizer 418 cruiser in the Galactic Empire and later in the Imperial Remnant. While in service of the Imperial Navy, the Star Destroyer was part of the Thuris Sector Fleet, under Grand Admiral Marek Vaiken Stele.
- Tau (Original: Dew) ist eine schlanke Kätzin mit kurzem, dickem, grauem Fell, eingekerbten Ohren und leuchtend blauen Augen.
- Tau (多雨; Tau) is one of the Thirteen Beast Kings.
- The Force Hound Xesh was named Tau, which meant "soul" in his native language.
- Tau was a member of the Cult of the Black Earth sometime after the War of the Silver Marches.
- Tau - Insel-Volk von Tau-Tau Bericht aus dem Altertum: TAU — Bewohner der Insel Tau-Tau, von ophisländischem Typ, aber blaßhäutig wie alle Insulaner in der Dämmerzone, in die nie ein Sonnenstrahl fällt und nachts kein Mondschein die Nebelschleier durchdringt. Bei den Tau herrscht, wie auf der gesamten Ophiswelt Vanga in vielen verschiedenen Spielarten, das Mutterrecht. In dieser Prauenherrschaft spielen die Männer eine nur untergeordnete Rolle, sie müssen die niedrigsten Arbeiten verrichten und sind zumeist nur bessere Sklaven. Mythor-Fundort: 52 .
- The Tau are a relatively young race situated beyond the eastern fringes of the Imperium of Man. They are extremely technologically advanced despite not long ago being a primitive race in the eyes of the Imperium and many theories have been suggested for the rapid development and evolution that they underwent. They follow an ideal known as the greater good, which is about better the entirety of the Tau Empire over self betterment.
- Tau właściwie Piotr Kowalczyk[1] (ur. 25 czerwca 1986 w Kielcach), dawniej znany jako Medium – polski raper, wokalista, beatboxer i producent muzyczny. Zadebiutował w 2008 roku nielegalem Seans spirytystyczny. Kolejne nagrania rapera ukazały się w 2010 roku na nielegalu Alternatywne źródło energii. Materiał wzbudził zainteresowanie oficyny Asfalt Records, która rok później wydała pierwszy, dostępny w powszechnej sprzedaży album rapera zatytułowany Teoria równoległych wszechświatów. W 2012 roku został wydany kolejny solowy album Mediuma pt. Graal, który przysporzył mu pewnej rozpoznawalności w kraju. Wydawnictwo dotarło do 18. miejsca najpopularniejszych płyt w Polsce (OLiS).
- thumb|Tau (2374) Tau ist eine Person, die im 24. Jahrhundert lebt. Er kontrolliert die siebte Provinz des Nordens auf einem Planeten im Delta-Quadranten. Er verkauft Waffen und Technologie, welche er mit einem Translokator stiehlt. 2374 greift er die USS Voyager an und stiehlt eine große Menge an Ausrüstungsgegenständen. Später verhandelt er mit einem Mann über den Verkauf von Gütern. Captain Kathryn Janeway nimmt Kontakt zu ihm auf und will einen hochentwickelten Computer kaufen. Es gelingt ihm jedoch Janeway zu enttarnen. Anschließend will er sie gegen ein Lösegeld freilassen, wird jedoch von Leonardo da Vinci niedergeschlagen. Nachdem er wieder zu sich kommt, verfolgt er das Hologramm und Janeway. Jedoch können die beiden mithilfe eines Gleitapparats entkommen. (VOY: )
- The exact date of founding of the Tau Empire in the Imperial Calendar is unclear, however the way in which the Tau were united as a species is a well-known tale. What is known is that only 6,000 standard years ago, in the 35th Millennium, an Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator fleet had discovered the Tau homeworld of T'au and determined that its population of sentient xenos were a primitive people at the Stone Age level of development who had only just mastered fire. They have developed very rapidly as a space-faring species.
- Tau is a mystical concept of the Fremen, expressing the oneness of a sietch, the sense of community and their devotion to it. The tau of the sietch was at the heart of the balance between spiritual beliefs and the rules of survival. It must be noted however that the tau concerned the oneness of each specific sietch; there was no tau among the entire Fremen peoples. Those who did not follow the tau and the principles of the sietch were expelled from it into the desert. Therefore betraying the sietch was equal to psychological and physical suicide.
- The Tau are the central figures of the Tau Empire, an interstellar polity which is composed of several different intelligent species, primarily the Kroot of Pech, the Vespid of the world of Vespid and the nomadic Nicassar, though there are now several human Tau Septs derived from conquered Imperial humans or humans who voluntarily joined the Tau Empire because they were impressed by the concept of the Greater Good. These people are known as Gue'vesa in the Tau Lexicon and they are considered amongst the most vile of Traitors and Heretics within the Imperium of Man. The Tau are a relatively young race (it has been only 6,000 Terran years since Imperial Inquisitors first noted that the Tau had only just mastered fire and the wheel), and they have evolved rapidly over the past few millennia.
- The Tau are a young race of technologically oriented beings from the Eastern Fringe. T'au, the Tau home planet, was discovered in 789.M35 by the Adeptus Mechanicus ship Land's Vision. Adeptus Mechanicus records indicate that at that time the Tau species had mastered the use of simple tools and weapons, as well as fire. Before the planet could be cleansed and colonized by the Imperium however, a violent warp storm erupted around the planet. This continued for 6,000 years, making the Tau's homeworld utterly inaccesible.
- The tau, also known as the gauss, is perhaps the most important weapon in AG. With it, you can gain speed and maintain it with bunnyhopping, as well as fire through walls. Primary fire quickly uses up the ammo; don't use it unless you're sure your opponent is low on health. Secondary fire is much more useful. You can charge up the shot, and fire it to launch yourself in the opposite direction (more effective when you jump right before firing).