| - Ten Kredowy Dinozaur Żył 120 mln lat temu. Triasowe Badania Są Przesacowane. Na Początku Naukowcy Myśleli, Że Żył w Triasie (258 mln lat temu) Ale w 2000 Roku Okazało Się, Że Żył w Późnej Kredzie Jak Inne Dromeozaury i Raptory, Oprócz Najstarszego, Zwanego Deinonychem.
- Eoraptor luensis ein Theropode der frühen Trias. Er war einer der ersten Dinosaurier die es womöglich gab.
- Eoraptor was one of the world's earliest dinosaurs. It was a two-legged meat-eater that lived between 230 and 225 million years ago, in what is now the northwestern region of Argentina. The type species is Eoraptor lunensis, which means 'dawn plunderer [from the Valley] of the Moon', denoting where it was originally discovered (Greek eos/εως meaning 'dawn' or 'morning' and Latin lunensis meaning 'of the moon'). Paleontologists believe the Eoraptor resembles the common ancestor of all dinosaurs. It is known from several well-preserved skeletons.
- Eoraptor probably ate mostly small animals. It was a swift sprinter and, upon catching its prey, it would use claws and teeth to tear the prey apart. However, it had both carnivore-type and herbivore-type teeth, so it could possibly have been omnivorous.
- An Eoraptor is a non-mailable Rank 1 meat eating Dinosaur which is used optionally in Rank 4 for the Dino Ambush Module, Rank 1. This Item is used in the construction of the Dino Ambush Module, Rank 1 to get Dino Fangs.
- Eoraptor (formerly Tyranosaur) is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series.
- Eoraptor was one of the world's earliest dinosaurs. It was a two-legged meat-eater that lived between 230 and 225 million years ago, in what is now the northwestern region of Argentina. The type species is Eoraptor lunensis, which means 'dawn plunderer [from the Valley] of the Moon', denoting where it was originally discovered (Greek eos/ηως meaning 'dawn' or 'morning' and Latin lunensis meaning 'of the moon'). Paleontologists believe the Eoraptor resembles the common ancestor of all dinosaurs. It is known from several well-preserved skeletons.
- The Eoraptor, was given the name raptor but it has no relations to the Velociraptor or any dromaeosauridea. Like many early dinosaurs, had a relatively small body in comparison to dinosaurs of later periods. It had a thin body that was approximately one metre in length when fully developed, and weighed approximately 10 kilograms. A bipedal carnivore, the Eoraptor ran upright on its hind legs, while its fore limbs were only half the length of the hind legs. Each fore limb ended in a five digit hand, with three of the digits ending in large claws that were believed to be used to catch and handle prey. While it was believed to have eaten small animals, due to its like swift speed and sharp claws, the Eoraptor also possessed both herbivorous and carnivorous teeth, leading to suggestions that i
- thumb|400px Cuándo se descubrió al Eoraptor se creyó que se trataba de un antepasado de los dinosaurios, pero hoy se le considera un terópodo primitivo. Poseía un cráneo pequeño y alargado provisto de una dentadura muy extraña: tení dientes pequeños, curvos y afilados que usaba para cortar la carne y para atrapar a las presas, pero también tenía pequeños dientes en forma de hoja, característicos de los herbívoros, por lo que se cree que era un animal omnívoro con preferencia por la carne. Sus patas delanteras tenían la mitad de tamaño que las traseras, tenían cinco dedos, pero solo tres tenían el tamaño y la fuerza suficientes para poder cazar. Sus huesos, especialmente sus vértebras tenían muchos orificios para reducir el peso del cuerpo, a pesar de que era ya un animal muy ligero. Las pr
- Eoraptor had a slender body that grew to about 1 meter (3.3 ft) in length, with an estimated weight of about 10 kilograms (22 lb). It had a lightly built skull with a slightly enlarged external naris. Like the coelophysoids which would appear millions of years later, Eoraptor had a kink in its upper jaws, between the maxilla and the premaxilla. Sereno et al. (2013) observed that the lower jaw had a mid-mandibular joint. It ran digitigrade, and upright on its hind legs. The femur of the holotype specimen PVSJ 512 of Eoraptor is 152 mm, and the tibia is 157 mm, suggesting that it was a fast runner. Its forelimbs are only half the length of its hindlimbs, which would suggest that it was an obligate biped. All of its long bones have hollow shafts. Eoraptor had five digits on each 'hand', the t