| - Die Bosmer, auch Waldelfen genannt, sind eines der spielbaren Völker in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
- thumb|170px Son una raza de elfos, denominadas "Elfos del bosque", también llamados "Bosmer", cuyo significado sería "Gente del bosque". Poseen una naturaleza curiosa y aventurera, cosa que contrasta a otras razas élficas, como el Altmer y el Dunmer.
- Across the Empire, the various barbarian Elven clanfolk of the Western Valenwood forests are collectively referred to as "Wood Elves." They also call themselves "Bosmer" - which, roughly translated, means "Tree-Sap/Wood People," denoting their wild vitality and youthful energy. The curious and adventurous nature of the Bosmer contrasts with that of their more dour "cousins," the Altmer and Dunmer.
| - Die Bosmer, auch Waldelfen genannt, sind eines der spielbaren Völker in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
- thumb|170px Son una raza de elfos, denominadas "Elfos del bosque", también llamados "Bosmer", cuyo significado sería "Gente del bosque". Poseen una naturaleza curiosa y aventurera, cosa que contrasta a otras razas élficas, como el Altmer y el Dunmer.
- Across the Empire, the various barbarian Elven clanfolk of the Western Valenwood forests are collectively referred to as "Wood Elves." They also call themselves "Bosmer" - which, roughly translated, means "Tree-Sap/Wood People," denoting their wild vitality and youthful energy. The curious and adventurous nature of the Bosmer contrasts with that of their more dour "cousins," the Altmer and Dunmer.