| - On today's show, we follow the Google Chrome announcements live, but we'll have the real wrap-up tomorrow, because wow, did that thing go on and on. In other news today, Julian Assange is arrested but Wikileaks soldiers on; unsurprisingly, the DecorMyEyes guy turns out to be a bona fide sociopath; and whatever you do, do not buy anyone an iPhone or iPad for Christmas--just give them an IOU. Trust Shaw Wu on this one. Plus: Koreaceratops! --Molly
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- We're stealing lines from "Love, Actually" today, because Natali can quote it by heart when it's super a propos to a guy very disturbingly embedding a camera in the back of his own head. Ew. But hey, it's art! Also, Twitter says it's not suppressing Wikileaks as a trending topic--although it's a trending topic in our show. And AT&T is the worst carrier in America, says Consumer Reports. Hey, at least we didn't say it this time. --Molly
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- It's a shoestring-and-gum operation around here, and someone took our gum. But somehow, we've got another show for you today, and we're talking more Wikileaks Web warring , Google activating 300,000 phones a day, and Apple's refusal to let you donate money via iPhone apps . --Molly
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- On today's show, we premiere our new Friday segment, "Computer Love." We think you're really going to love it. But also, the Wikileaks aftermath is raising many more serious concerns about free speech issues than we ever expected -- it's a morally ambiguous world we live in. Google's trying to make nice with rights-holders because they've been bullied into submission by our growing intellectual property police state. And the missed connection success stories just come rolling in. --Molly
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- On today's show, NASA's announcement about training bacteria to exist on arsenic is super cool, and could lead to a great remake of "Toxic Avengers," but it's certainly not the little green men announcement we were hoping for. Plus, why the FTC's "Do Not Track" system is doomed to fail, we launch an angry Angry Birds take-down petition, and Donald "Downer" Bell buzzkills the entire show. --Molly
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- The Wikileaks war is escalating and it's threatening to go all "War Games" on us. 4Chan's forces, the Anonymous group, are DDoS-ing the heck out of sites like PayPayl, MasterCard, and anyone who bows to "government pressure." Meanwhile, secret forces of, uh, governments, are DDoS-ing Anonymous right back. And who's caught in the middle? The poor, innocent routers. Also, SpaceX successfully takes off, and scientists tee off on NASA's arsenic microbe. Ouch. --Molly
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- The Stuxnet worm isn't going away anytime soon, Julian Assange says "No" to WikiLeaks Cyber Attacks, and Michael Bay is re-writing the space landing...with Transformers.
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- We're pretty sure that both Lukin and the CIA are displaying a sense of humor this week, but frankly, it's kind of hard to tell. WTF? Also, did the FCC really try to tell us that they don't need wireless Net neutrality regulations because, um, Android is open? Wow. And NPR hands it to Ping in a big way, calling it one of the worst ideas in music in 2010. Ouch. And ... yes. And a special Computer Love on a Wednesday because it's the last live show of the year! See you all in 2011, everyone! --Molly
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- Today's show is more than a little off the rails, thanks to talk of the Sean Connery "Jeopardy" bot, a giant pancake maze visible from space, moochie friends, and air-groping. But there's news here, too: Facebook adds facial recognition to photo tagging, the Mac App Store is coming, and the dangerous success of the Stuxnet virus. Also, don't drink Donald's beer. --Molly
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- On today's show, the Internet revolts over Yahoo's plans to shutter Delicious, the U.S. is looking into a privacy "Bill of Rights," and Facebook suffers an embarrassing code leak.Plus, using augmented reality to translate information in real time, plus all the world's information organized to show us how language has evolved over the last 200 years? Dudes, the Singularity is seriously right outside the door, and it wants IN. --Molly
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- Twitter's top trending topics of 2010 sadly didn't include #mollyontopgear, but it's kind of a plus that Justin Bieber was only around No. 8. Also today, the 4Chan kids go crazy on Gawker and you know what? Innocent people are being caught in this hacker-gang crossfire, and it's frankly just not all that funny anymore. Also, could Verizon make my universal data plan dreams come true? --Molly
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- Our response to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg being named Time's Person of the Year? Um, actually, that kind of makes sense. Also, Yahoo makes some deep cuts, but the tech community rallies with job offers and free beer. And Gawker's password mess proves once again that you really, really, REALLY shouldn't poke the bear. We told you so. --Molly
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- On today's show, our cogent analysis of the FCC's Net neutrality regulation adoption , with surprisingly little argument. Also, the PlayStation phone and the Nintendo 3DS are planning to spoil our CES parade by announcing their cool gadgets after the big show. And Apple proves that it is Wiki-weak. Plus, our holiday thank you cards go out to those Scrooge-like rights-holders who keep shows off Google TV, Hulu Plus and Netflix off cable-supplied TiVo DVRs, and Google Maps off our Verizon phones. Seriously. Thanks for that. Xoxo. --Molly
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- On today's show, McDonald's has a data breach, although it's not as bad as the one from the Mesa County, CO, sheriff's office, which apparently keeps its lists of victims, suspects, and informants in a nice, big, unprotected plain-text database. So, that's a few informants running for safe houses, then. Also, the Comcast Death Star turns its rays on Roku, Apple TV, and the like; and the Nook Color goes from awesome to officially awesome. --Molly
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- Verizon's launching its LTE network on Sunday, the FCC is proposing a plan for Net neutrality tomorrow, and Google is about to take over the world EVEN MORE with its e-book venture . Also, that deafening silence you hear on Twitter is the sound of a bunch of celebrities playing dead to raise money for AIDS. New meme: celebrity zombie impersonator accounts! Get yours today! --Molly
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- On today's show, we get a brief appearance of Brian After Dentist, but it's not as fun as we hoped, because the poor guy was actually in pain. So, Donald and I soldier on, discussing how Google TV is probably just plain done for, Net neutrality is under attack from all sides, and how college may be useless for entrepreneurs but it's a crucial nerd breeding ground. Plus, in the future, we'll pay for everything in Jobses. Depressing. --Molly
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