| - Space Quest, SQ for short, is a series of six games produced by Sierra Online from 1986 to 1996. There were plans for a Space Quest 7, but they were repeatedly dropped, yet there still remains an active Community which, among other things, has released (and plans to release) fangames of its own, dedicated to the memory of Space Quest. The hero of Space Quest is a janitor, Roger Wilco. The six official games, released by Sierra, are:
* (re-release of the original classic in an updated graphics style)
- Space Quest is a series of sci-fi themed adventure games made by Mark Crowe and Scott Murphy (collectively, the 'Two Guys from Andromeda'). Published by Sierra in the late 1980s and early-to-mid 1990s, the protagonist is not a grizzled Space Marine or brilliant scientist but one Roger Wilco -- a space janitor. And not even a particularly almighty one. Stronger than a Betegeusian Puddle Monster, faster than a Xenon Space Weevil, and better with a mop than a blaster, the unwilling Roger finds it his fate, time and again, to Save the Galaxy.
- The Space Quest is the quest to get Space Magic. To start this quest, the main character must have completed one of the Light or Shadow Quests and one of the Arcane or Rune Quests. The quest starts when the character speaks to Princess Rei at the shrine in Devin. Rei teleports the party to the Kyrin Paradise. Inside a building, they meet Kylin, who has them go through a maze. When the party finishes the maze, they meet Kylin. Blue fights Kylin for the gift of Space Magic, while the others can either ask Kylin to join the team or buy Space Magic from him.
- Space Quest ist eine Adventure-Reihe des Computerspiele-Herstellers Sierra On-Line. Das Spiel wurde entwickelt von Scott Murphy und Mark Crowe, den so genannten Two guys from Andromeda. Protagonist ist der tollpatschige Weltraum-Hausmeister Roger Wilco.
- Space Quest, SQ for short, is a series of six games produced by Sierra Online from 1986 to 1996. There were plans for a Space Quest 7, but they were repeatedly dropped, yet there still remains an active Community which, among other things, has released (and plans to release) fangames of its own, dedicated to the memory of Space Quest. The hero of Space Quest is a janitor, Roger Wilco. The six (seven counting the remake of SQ1) official games, released by Sierra, are:
* (re-release of the original classic in an updated graphics style)
| - Space Quest, SQ for short, is a series of six games produced by Sierra Online from 1986 to 1996. There were plans for a Space Quest 7, but they were repeatedly dropped, yet there still remains an active Community which, among other things, has released (and plans to release) fangames of its own, dedicated to the memory of Space Quest. The hero of Space Quest is a janitor, Roger Wilco. The six official games, released by Sierra, are:
* (re-release of the original classic in an updated graphics style)
- Space Quest, SQ for short, is a series of six games produced by Sierra Online from 1986 to 1996. There were plans for a Space Quest 7, but they were repeatedly dropped, yet there still remains an active Community which, among other things, has released (and plans to release) fangames of its own, dedicated to the memory of Space Quest. The hero of Space Quest is a janitor, Roger Wilco. The six (seven counting the remake of SQ1) official games, released by Sierra, are:
* (re-release of the original classic in an updated graphics style)
* There are also several Fan Games which have either been , or are . See Fan Main Page.
- Space Quest ist eine Adventure-Reihe des Computerspiele-Herstellers Sierra On-Line. Das Spiel wurde entwickelt von Scott Murphy und Mark Crowe, den so genannten Two guys from Andromeda. Protagonist ist der tollpatschige Weltraum-Hausmeister Roger Wilco. Der erste Titel erschien unter dem Namen Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter im Oktober 1986. Dieses Erstlingswerk sowie der zweite Teil verwendeten in der PC-Version die damals neue EGA-Grafik (16 Farben), die Amiga-Version hatte 32 Farben. Über einen Textparser konnten der Spielfigur Befehle gegeben werden, mit den Pfeiltasten wurde sie über den Bildschirm bewegt. Das Spiel gewann aufgrund seines Humors schnell Kult-Charakter, so dass in den darauf folgenden Jahren mehrere Fortsetzungen erschienen. Es gibt bis jetzt sechs offizielle Space-Quest-Spiele. Der erste Teil des Spiels wurde 1992 mit VGA-Grafik, Soundkarten-Unterstützung und einer Point-and-Click-Bedienung statt des alten Textparsers neu veröffentlicht. Mit der Space Quest Collection sind in den USA alle VGA-Versionen auch für die Betriebssysteme Microsoft Windows 98SE, ME, und XP erschienen. Der Name des Hauptdarstellers Roger Wilco hat eine besondere Bedeutung: Roger ist die von 1927 bis 1957 im Funkalphabet der US-Armee gebräuchliche Bezeichnung für den Buchstaben R, die auch als Abkürzung für Received, also habe Information erhalten, verwendet wird. Wilco ist die in der standardisierten Sprache des Funkverkehrs verwendete Abkürzung für Will comply, also Werde befolgen.
- The Space Quest is the quest to get Space Magic. To start this quest, the main character must have completed one of the Light or Shadow Quests and one of the Arcane or Rune Quests. The quest starts when the character speaks to Princess Rei at the shrine in Devin. Rei teleports the party to the Kyrin Paradise. Inside a building, they meet Kylin, who has them go through a maze. The maze is made of gift boxes, cookies, and candy. They must retrieve a key to unlock a door which allows them to travel upside down, use a pot to shrink down to travel through the small candy cane doors, and must flip a lever to allow access to a tea cup that leads to the end. When the party finishes the maze, they meet Kylin. Blue fights Kylin for the gift of Space Magic, while the others can either ask Kylin to join the team or buy Space Magic from him.
- Space Quest is a series of sci-fi themed adventure games made by Mark Crowe and Scott Murphy (collectively, the 'Two Guys from Andromeda'). Published by Sierra in the late 1980s and early-to-mid 1990s, the protagonist is not a grizzled Space Marine or brilliant scientist but one Roger Wilco -- a space janitor. And not even a particularly almighty one. Stronger than a Betegeusian Puddle Monster, faster than a Xenon Space Weevil, and better with a mop than a blaster, the unwilling Roger finds it his fate, time and again, to Save the Galaxy. His arch-nemesis -- Sludge Vohaul, a grotesque parody of an alien mastermind, who first encounters Roger face-to-face in the second game as Vohaul monologues about his plan to flood Roger's home planet of Xenon with an army of pushy insurance salesmen. The games extensively parody most of modern science fiction, and Star Trek in particular. In addition to the official six game series, there are several fan-made games and a graphical update to the second title on the level of the official update to the first. There had been talks of a Space Quest Seven but as of now it looks like there will be no more official installments in the series. However, the Two Guys have recently reunited and are looking to make a new "SpaceVenture" that's totally not a new Space Quest. Totally.