| - A game of simultaneous,area movement with a setting of Europe before WW1. For details see . A wiki with many variants can be found at DipWiki The map is used in Diplomacy-TripleA
- Diplomacy is a game mechanic introduced in Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
- The Diplomacy page is for listing IC guild and group alliance, treaty, and war statuses. This listing allows one to easily browse the politics of the server.
- Diplomacy is the section of UC that concerns Federations, Lords, and Vassals.
- Diplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between accredited persons (the diplomats) representing groups or nations, with regard to issues of peacemaking, culture, economics, trade and war. Diplomacy-related topics in Wikivex include:
* Consulate
* Diplomat
* Diplomatic seal
* Dormant nation
* Embassy
* Former nations
* International organizations
* Puppet state
* Satellite state
* Treaty
- Diplomacy is a 2003 comedy brickfilm by James Jannicelli and Joshua Leasure. It is about two imposing figures coming to the bar, to the displeasure of the patrons. It is the first film in the Diplomacy series, and the only one directed by both series creators.
- Fast talking, etiquette, bluffing and verbal trickery. Diplomacy is a skill of cunning words and a sharp tongue, and can be highly useful whether you are trying to impress a lord with your impeccable good manners, persuade a merchant that he can sell you that magic sword for much less, or placate the angry giant before he roasts you for his tea!
- Log Title: Diplomacy Characters: Cobra Commander, Flint, General Hawk, Lady Jaye, Lifeline, Scarlett, Shipwreck, Snake-Eyes Location: Bandito Base East Date: November 15, 2000 TP: None. Summary: Hawk and the Joes meet with Cobra Commander to try to secure President Clinton's release This log is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it. In the case of a log, that would mean linking this page from character profiles and possibly TP pages.
- An alternate history timeline as played in the strategic board game "Diplomacy" created by Allan B. Calhamer in 1954 and released commercially in 1959. The point-of-divergence is the Spring of 1901, when the players assume roles as the seven great powers of pre-WWI Europe:
* Austria-Hungary
* England
* France
* Germany
* Italy
* Russia
* Turkey (Ottoman Empire) Related articles:
* Kingdom of the French Republic by User:Sg647112c
- Diplomacy is a human racial effect that increases all reputation gained by 10%.
- Diplomacy is a Lionheart skill.
- Disney Animated Shorts
- L'uomo semplice e schietto tendono ad andare d'accordo con le altre razze e guadagnare la loro fiducia con relativa facilità.
- Diplomacy has been used since ancient times as a means of unilaterally crushing an opponent by force of words alone. Words, and possibly heavy rocks. Using one's superior intellect and bargaining position to gain an advantage over the weaklings who would oppose you is the fundamental concept behind diplomacy. One does not even need actual superior intelligence, just a strong conviction that one is indeed smarter than one's opponents.
- Skill at interacting with hostile Agents in order to de-escalate tense situations as demonstrated by some of the finest diplomats in New Eden. 4% Modifier per level to effective standing towards hostile Agents. Not cumulative with Connections or Criminal Connections.
- You can change the attitudes of others (nonplayer characters) with a successful Diplomacy check; see the Influencing NPC Attitudes sidebar, below, for basic DCs. In negotiations, participants roll opposed Diplomacy checks, and the winner gains the advantage. Opposed checks also resolve situations when two advocates or diplomats plead opposite cases in a hearing before a third party.
- Diplomacy can either be played in the RTS elements of the game, or during the duration of Conquer the World Campaigns. It is political gameplay, and helps stimulate or cease abruptly foreign relations and the legislative balance of your dealing, counsel, demands, offers, needs, and treaties with outside forces and other nations present in gameplay.
- Use Diplomacy to convince others of your opinion, gain their aid, or otherwise influence their attitude towards you.
- A successful Diplomacy check prompts NPCs to reveal additional information or give bonus treasure in conversation. Check: The DC is determined by the NPC being spoken to.
- During Vox Machina's year-long break, Percy enlisted the help of Taryon Darrington to create a second feature for Diplomacy. When activated, this feature creates a Silence spell with a ten-foot diameter that moves with the gauntlet which Percy can use to silence the sounds of his gunshots. The drawback to this is that the Silence bubble blocks all sound; Percy cannot speak or hear anything while the silencer is active.
- Diplomacy is a genre of custom StarCraft and StarCraft II multiplayer maps. Maps are based on real world geography; each map may portray a different area, like Europe or Oceania. The objective is to dominate the map through force and cooperation with other players, usually by way of securing "cities" for resources.
- Diplomacy is a secondary skill in Heroes II, Heroes III, Heroes IV, Heroes V, and Heroes VI. In all games, the skill allows heroes to bribe neutral creatures to join their army.
- Diplomacy is a gameplay mechanic in Empire: Total War. It allows the player faction to interact with other factions, allowing them to trade money, technologies, military access, become allies, etc.
- It features new units, some major changes, a new technology tree, and improved diplomacy. It was released on the 9th of February, 2010 for download, alongside the Trinity pack. In addition to some of the changes, Diplomacy takes into account every minor detail of your relationship with your fellow players. Also, as the defining feature, you can now issue missions to your allies, donate resources to change their opinion of you, and issue pacts for mutual benefits.
- Diplomacy is one of the four Mission Skills. It involves the art of conducting and managing negotiations. Diplomacy missions can be used to gain either Medical Supplies or Companion Gifts, they also come with additional dark-side or light-side points depending upon the mission.
- Diplomacy is a popular mod for Mount&Blade: Warband. It is intended to add many new features to enhance the gameplay experience.
- In the game of StarGateWars, Diplomacy is a recurring theme. Diplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or nations.
- The character's ability to get the most out of peace negotiations, and the ability to keep his vassals loyal.
- After the Yellowstone Supervolcano erupted, the erratic electrical power supply made it difficult for Marshall Ferguson to play online games such as World of Warcraft. However, his friend Lucas' father dug out an old game of Diplomacy that he had played in the ancient days when he was in high school. Marshal and his friends would gather at Lucas' house on weekends to play and while it was different from what they were used to, it still was a good game to play. The main difficulty was getting the seven of them together to play a full game but, since none of them had regular jobs, it wasn't as difficult as it might have been.
- Diplomacy is a key part of the game. Players — both human and AI — may trade technology, starbases, ships, planets and trade goods (unique improvements built by one race that provide a bonus to those obtaining them). Negotiation skill is an important factor which varies with inherent racial bonuses and research; it can be possible to gain a significant technological advantage through careful trading with less sophisticated races.
- The act of maintaining relations between alliances. These can be friendly for example the alliances have a NAP and conduct trade or hostile the alliances attack each other and this may escalate to war. Many alliances have a Diplomat (see ranks) who is responsible for maintaining dialogue between the parties when there is a war to ensure demands are met and negotiate the terms of surrender.
- Once you have met another player, you can engage in diplomacy with them as follows:
* Go to reports -> players (or hit the F3 key)
* Select the player you wish to engage in diplomacy with
* Click the Meet button
* Using the menus, decide on what you want to give another player, or what you want the other player to give you (see pacts).
* If the player is an AI player, and they are not cooperating, you can usually find out why by trying to arrange a peace or alliance with them.
- Diplomacy in Vanguard is meant to add an aspect to MMOGs that has been missing, and that is, combat doesn't solve everything. The Diplomat will play their game in the cities across Telon. What does this mean exactly? Diplomats will use their influence to convince or bribe their way into areas, quests, and even speaking with the King. Decisions you make, equipment you wear, and the abilities you choose when interacting with an NPC will be important. Each of these will require a player to plan a strategy and think carefully about how they counteract an NPC's move.
- Diplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct of international relations through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to issues of peace-making, trade, war, economics and culture. International treaties are usually negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by national politicians. Many world leaders (though not all) are skilled in the art of diplomacy. As monarchs, characters such as Aquaman and Queen Hippolyta have had to use their diplomatic skills to maintain peace within their respective kingdoms of Atlantis and Themyscira. Most U.S. Presidents have nurtured this skill as well including Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Pete Ross and Jonathan Horne. Pete R
- Diplomacy is linked with Charisma. You can influence others with your tact, subtlety, and social grace. Diplomacy is used to change opinions, to inspire good will, to haggle with a patron, to demonstrate proper etiquette and decorum, or to negotiate a deal in good faith. Diplomacy is a class skill for Cleric, Paladin, Warlord, Wizard. You can get a skill training with diplomacy with the Skill Training feat, or using the Multiclassing feat of the Paladin or of the Warlord.
- Diplomacy ist ein Brettspiel von Allan B. Calhamer, welches den Ersten Weltkrieg in Europa simuliert. Wichtiger als strategisches Geschick sind bei diesem Spiel vor allem das Führen diplomatischer Verhandlungen und das geschickte Aushandeln von Bündnissen zwischen den verschiedenen Spielern. Da es nur einen Sieger bei diesem Spiel gibt, ist man früher oder später gezwungen, die Bündnisse wieder zu brechen.
- Diplomacy is a heavily buggy feature in the game. Due to that, little is known about it. In the official version of the game, diplomacy mainly consists of trading spells and making peace with AI players. The remaining features are rarely used, and the AI is almost completely unable to interact with the player on their own, except for sending a declaration of war. Although the game has a diverse and rich diplomatic system comparable to Master of Orion, most of it is not functional, buggy, or halfway implemented.
- Diplomacy involves etiquette, social grace, tact, subtlety, and a way with words. This skill represents the ability to give others the right impression of yourself, to negotiate effectively, and to influence others. Modifying ability: Charisma Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Favored soul, Monk, Paladin, Rogue, Spirit shaman, Swashbuckler; Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep, Arcane trickster, Assassin, Blackguard, Harper agent, Neverwinter Nine, Pale master, Red dragon disciple, Shadowdancer, Shadow Thief of Amn, Stormlord, Warpriest Requires training: No Use: Selected (conversation)