| - It's started with the villains like Mr. Boss, Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb, Crazy Old Cat Lady, and Knightbrace decided to take over Sector V's treehouse. Then they heard a noise and they all hide while Mr. Boss check who it is, but much go their annoyance it's the Toiletnator. Toiletnator believe that he got the wrong message of where the meeting is (but they purposely did it so he wouldn't be there) and ask if he can help with today's plan. However they refuse because he always ruined their plans and reminded him the time he let Numbuh 1 in their lair and his only disguise was a t-shirt that said "I'm not Numbuh 1" written on it. Toiletnator said he didn't expect article of clothing to lie but then Crazy Old Cat Lady just told him he's too gullible much to the agreement of Mr. Boss and saying they don't need a pathetic villain like the Toiletnator to ruined their plans. This makes the Toiletnator break down into tears, so Mr. Boss send him to get coffee for them, and Toiletnator agreed to do so, which leaves the villains to quickly go to Sector V treehouse. At the villains coffee shop, Toiletnator realized that he's tired being left out of missions and having the other villains thinks they are cooler than him, Toiletnator wants to destroy the Kids Next Door single-handedly so Mr. Boss and the others will like him and go bowling with him on Tuesdays. Mr. Boss, Knightbrace, Mr. John Wink & Mr. Timothy Fibb, and the Crazy Old Cat Lady easily take over the treehouse of Sector V, but they are now spooked as they hear an evil voice, believing that the treehouse is haunted by an evil spirit. However, the voice turns out to be "The Terma Toiletnator", who then mistakes Mr. Boss, Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb, the Crazy Old Cat Lady and her cats, and, of course, Knightbrace to be Sector V and attacks them. Toiletnator thinks he succeeded, but then the REAL Sector V shows up and Toiletnator finally realizes that he forgot the coffee. He cries over this and during the ending credits, Toiletnator is then easily dispatched by Sector V and flushed down the toilet.