Characters with this feat are able to take better care of their animal companions. The Animal Companion will gain a HP bonus equal to the summoners Survival skill. In addition, they gain +2 to their Fortitude and Reflex saves.
Characters with this feat are able to take better care of their animal companions. The Animal Companion will gain a HP bonus equal to twice the summoners Survival skill. In addition, they gain +3 to their Fortitude, Will and Reflex saves. This feat also grants the companion immunity to mind affecting spells.
Characters with this feat are able to take better care of their animal companions. The Animal Companion will gain a HP bonus equal to twice the summoner's Survival skill. In addition, they gain +3 to their Fortitude, Will and Reflex saves.
Characters with this feat are able to take better care of their animal companions. The Animal Companion will gain a HP bonus equal to the summoners Survival skill. In addition, they gain +1 to their Fortitude save.
Characters with this feat are able to take better care of their animal companions. The Animal Companion will gain a HP bonus equal to the summoners Survival skill. In addition, they gain +3 to their Fortitude, Will and Reflex saves.