| - Amy Imrie (1870—1944) was a British heiress and one of the wealthiest women in Britain who, at the age of 37, became a Roman Catholic nun, Sister Mary Clare and, subsequently, Mother Superior of the Order of Poor Clares. Born as Amy Elizabeth Pollard in British Guiana, she was adopted when her mother died, by William Imrie and his wife Hannah. Hannah Imrie being Amy's maternal aunt. William Imrie was co-owner of White Star Line shipping, and Amy was the sole heir to his fortune upon his death in 1906.
| - Amy Imrie (1870—1944) was a British heiress and one of the wealthiest women in Britain who, at the age of 37, became a Roman Catholic nun, Sister Mary Clare and, subsequently, Mother Superior of the Order of Poor Clares. Born as Amy Elizabeth Pollard in British Guiana, she was adopted when her mother died, by William Imrie and his wife Hannah. Hannah Imrie being Amy's maternal aunt. William Imrie was co-owner of White Star Line shipping, and Amy was the sole heir to his fortune upon his death in 1906. The following year she became Sister Mary Clare of the Order of Poor Clares, eventually leading the convent as Mother Clare Imrie. In 1910 she funded the building and interior decorating of St Mary of the Angels Roman Catholic Church in Liverpool, which is known as "the Vatican outside of Rome", because of the splendid artistry displayed in its interior.