| - LOVE LETTER is Michishige Sayumi's 5th solo photobook. It was released on September 26, 2008. It was also released with a Making of DVD. The photographs were taken by Saijo Akihito.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ At one point the protagonist will find Liche who asks them to give the letter to Ania.
- Japanese lyrics to "Love letter."
- Love Letter is a plot item in Dragon Age: Origins.
- Love letter is a paper note in Fallout 3.
- 『Love Letter』(ラヴレター)は、1995年公開された岩井俊二監督の日本映画。 中山美穂、豊川悦司主演。誤配された恋文からはじまる、雪の小樽と神戸を舞台にしたラブストーリー。 TVドラマやCMなどで活躍していた岩井俊二の劇場用長編映画第1作。 第19回日本アカデミー賞にて、作品が優秀作品賞を、秋葉を演じた豊川悦司が優秀助演男優賞と話題賞(俳優部門)を、少年時代の藤井樹を演じた柏原崇と、少女時代の藤井樹を演じた酒井美紀が新人俳優賞を、REMEDIOSが優秀音楽賞を受賞した。一人二役を演じた中山美穂は、ブルーリボン賞、報知映画賞、ヨコハマ映画祭、高崎映画祭などで主演女優賞を受賞した。95年度キネマ旬報ベストテン第3位、同・読者選出ベストテン第1位。 1999年には韓国や台湾でも公開され、韓国ではとりわけ大人気を博し、劇中に出てきた「お元気ですか?」という言葉が流行語となったり、他にも豊川悦司の「それが山田さん家ィやったら、手紙は届けへんちゅうことや」というセリフがバラエティ番組でモノマネされるなどの話題を呼び、舞台となった小樽には韓国人観光客が大勢押し掛けたりした。なお、藤井樹(女性)の自宅という設定だった小樽市の旧坂別邸は、2007年5月26日に火災で焼失している。
- "A love letter from Hashihime to Ensuke. Beautiful handwriting...but somehow unnerving? No, it's probably just overflowing with her passion."
- The Love Letter is an item found in the Freezer in the Goat Sisters chapter using Meg's Pencil. It finds Aristocrat Page, Stray Dog List and Meg's Notebook.
- Love letter(共感[ラブレター]; raburetā) also known as Empathy, is a strange ability taught and learned in the Highschool DxD: Яe-birth continuitity. Considered a dangerous weapon that can either start or stop wars and conflicts, this ability is unique for humans or who at least want to understand others with all of their hearts, users usually being people who either went to the lowest level of grief or indifference. According to Rei Miyama, this ability is a rarity amount 'this world', and cannot be used by 'protagonists', Ichijou and Evelyn being the sole exceptions to this rule.
- Can be given to Montague as a part of Juliette's quest, though it is not necessary as a love letter can be obtained elsewhere.
- Love Letter is Gackt's 5th full-length album, released on February 14th 2005
- The mischievous pub halflives know what's best for Keats. This quest is unlocked in the Visions of the Tower pack. It is available to Keats during the night by speaking with the Ganconer.
- Como un joven "huérfanos", Andrea (Jo Hyun Jae) recibió un trato horrible mientras crecía bajo el cuidado de su tía (hermana de su padre). Cuando su tío (hermano de la madre), un sacerdote, se enteró de lo sucedido le tomó bajo sus alas. Crecer en el orfanato de la iglesia, Andrea deseaba ser sacerdote. Años más tarde, Cho Eun Ha (Soo Ae) vino a vivir en el orfanato después de que su madre falleciera. Aunque al principio Cho Eun Ha era hostil con todo el mundo, Andres logró convertirse en su amigo y los dos eran inseparables a lo largo de sus años de escuela secundaria. Alquilaron un lugar propio y se convirtió en compañero de habitación después de mudarse a la ciudad para asistir a la universidad. Cho Eun Ha oculta sus sentimientos por Andrea sabiendo que su meta era convertirse en un
- __NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::Activate only if you control a monster and a face-down Spell or Trap Card. Your opponent selects and activates 1 of these effects.● Take control of 1 monster your opponent controls.● Take control of 1 Set Spell or Trap Card your opponent controls.| ]][[Japanese lore::自分フィールド上にモンスターがいて、魔法罠ゾーンにカードがセットされている時発動可能。相手が選択した以下の効果のうち1つを発動する。●自分フィールド上のモンスター1体のコントロールを入れ替える。●自分魔法・罠ゾーンのカード1枚を相手のセットカードとして相手の魔法・罠ゾーンにセットする。| ]] [[?ATK::| ]][[ATK string::| ]][[?DEF::| ]][[DEF string::| ]][[Property::Normal Card| ]][[Property (short)::[[Normal Card|Normal]]| ]]
- I’ve been watching you for a while, my darling. I know we could be happy together, if only you’d hear me out and listen to my wishes… Though I’ve only been watching you from a distance, I know that I love you and I could very possibly need you, that is, until they got in the way. This person…what do you see in them? I could do so much for you. I could keep you safe and warm. I wouldn’t argue with you. I would never hurt you. That is, unless, you tried to leave. If that’s not good enough for you, I fear that I’ll have to go to the most drastic measures… P.S. Would someone please deliver this to ?
- Smile, Raybeam! I know that you're not terribly excited about the summons you've received from your grandfather, so I decided to write this letter for you, since I won't be able to see you off in the morning. You had better not lose it! Whenever you're gloomy, just read this letter and think of me! And that's all I shall write, my love. You'll be back soon enough: we can talk more when you return. Sheogorath guard you.
- The letter that Brian wrote to Angela reads as follows Dear Angela, I know in the past I've caused you pain, and I'm sorry. And I'll always be sorry til the day I die. And I hate this pen I'm holding, because I should be holding you. And I hate this paper under my hand because it isn't you. I even hate this letter because it's not the whole truth. Because the whole truth is so much more than a letter can even say. If you wanna hate me, go ahead. If you wanna burn this letter, do it. You could burn the whole world down. You could tell me to go to hell. I'd go. If you wanted me to. And I'd send you a letter from there.