The Liberal Democrats produced this poster for their 2015 General Election campaign. The poster includes Nick Clegg's face, just to remind you who he is, and also a yellow background, typical of Liberal Democrat colour schemes.
The message of the poster is that the Liberal Democrats are good at breaking two things. One of them is the barrier between constituents and their MP. The Lib Dem MPs are always warm and friendly and look out for their community. In fact Liberal Democrats were always rushing around doing errands for their electorate and sometimes breaking the speed limit while doing so. The second one of these is promises. The Liberal Democrats broke promises off the promise-making tree like there's no tomorrow.
Traditionally the Lib Dems appealed to intellectuals and students. However, to increase their voting base, they included the words "it doesn't take a genius to work out our campaign slogan" in order to attract more stupid members of the population.