| - Phi (ζ×ψ=φ) ist ein Schlag-Arte.
- Phi Harier was the daughter of the former leader of the Bakugan Cloning Project Graydash Harier.She is an organic BakuHuman that can transform without a D.N.A.sensor.
- Phi is best known for great RP and famous "Phisets", resets that last longer than anyone could imagine. He likes strippers and DMing. Recorded Phisets to date: Over 9000.
- Φφ Phi is a letter in the Greek language alphabet of Earth, originating in the early period of Human history.It was used in the following contexts: Star
* Phi Puma
- The acronym PHI may refer to:
* Personal health information
* Protected health information
- Rita quickly draws her scroll and spins near her target, striking them in a blue flash of energy. The move's speed increases after 100 uses, and it can be used to knock enemies into the air after 200 uses. In the PlayStation 3 version of the game, an additional hit is added if any whip weapon is equipped.
- The Phi was an Immobilizer 418 cruiser in the Galactic Empire and later in the Imperial Remnant. While in service of the Imperial Navy, the Star Destroyer was part of the Thuris Sector Fleet, under Grand Admiral Marek Vaiken Stele.
- Phi (from the Greek letter φ) is an irrational number often referred to as "The Golden Ratio". It can be found in many places in nature.
- Φ φ Phi is a letter in the Greek language alphabet of Earth, originating in the early period of Human history. It is used for designations in science, mapping and other fields used in space travel and communications. Many planets, planetoids, stars and star systems use a variation of this term in their name.
- When the game starts, she finds herself trapped inside an elevator-like room, along with Sigma. The two eventually escape the room and the starts. In Luna's timeline, claims that he felt a connection to Phi, and that he felt that they are both similar somehow, however Phi disagrees with this. It is learned that Phi was recruited as a part of the AB Project due to her latent power in jumping between timelines. Like the others, she was infected with . The reason for this was to further speed up the development of this ability and send her consiousness to the past.
- Phi ist eine mathematische Konstante, oder jedenfalls wird sie dafür gehalten. Sie wird gerne dargestellt durch so eine griechische Hieroglyphe, die jedoch hier aus Gründen der Reinerhaltung der deutschen Sprache nicht angezeigt werden darf. Der Wert von Phi ist laut mehr oder weniger anerkannten Mathematikern 1 und ein paar Zerquetschte. Erstaunlicherweise trifft dies auf eine relativ große Anzahl von mathematischen Konstanten zu, wie etwa der Wurzel aus zwei, der Bevölkerung Indiens in Milliarden und der statistischen Anzahl Beine, die ein Mensch im Durchschnitt besitzt.
| - Phi ist eine mathematische Konstante, oder jedenfalls wird sie dafür gehalten. Sie wird gerne dargestellt durch so eine griechische Hieroglyphe, die jedoch hier aus Gründen der Reinerhaltung der deutschen Sprache nicht angezeigt werden darf. Der Wert von Phi ist laut mehr oder weniger anerkannten Mathematikern 1 und ein paar Zerquetschte. Erstaunlicherweise trifft dies auf eine relativ große Anzahl von mathematischen Konstanten zu, wie etwa der Wurzel aus zwei, der Bevölkerung Indiens in Milliarden und der statistischen Anzahl Beine, die ein Mensch im Durchschnitt besitzt. Zu beachten ist, dass dieser Zahlenwert sich auf das große Phi bezieht und nicht auf das ebenfalls existente kleine Phi. Dies drückt sich in einer bekannten Bauernregel aus: Klein Phi macht auch Mist. Der Unterschied zwischen großem und kleinem Phi entspricht etwa dem Unterschied zwischen großem und kleinem Wagen. Viele Menschen sind in den Aberglauben verfallen, dass ihr Gesicht schöner aussähe, wenn sie sich ein großes Phi hineinkleben würden. Das Paradebeispiel ist hier Michael Jackson. Phi hat anscheinend einen Bezug zur mathematischen Fibonacci-Folge. Außerdem wollen einige Abenteurer ein großes Phi auch schon auf karierten Din A 4 Seiten gefunden haben. Für derartige Aussagen gibt es jedoch keine Beweise.
- Phi (ζ×ψ=φ) ist ein Schlag-Arte.
- Phi Harier was the daughter of the former leader of the Bakugan Cloning Project Graydash Harier.She is an organic BakuHuman that can transform without a D.N.A.sensor.
- Phi is best known for great RP and famous "Phisets", resets that last longer than anyone could imagine. He likes strippers and DMing. Recorded Phisets to date: Over 9000.
- Φφ Phi is a letter in the Greek language alphabet of Earth, originating in the early period of Human history.It was used in the following contexts: Star
* Phi Puma
- The acronym PHI may refer to:
* Personal health information
* Protected health information
- When the game starts, she finds herself trapped inside an elevator-like room, along with Sigma. The two eventually escape the room and the starts. In Luna's timeline, claims that he felt a connection to Phi, and that he felt that they are both similar somehow, however Phi disagrees with this. It is learned that Phi was recruited as a part of the AB Project due to her latent power in jumping between timelines. Like the others, she was infected with . The reason for this was to further speed up the development of this ability and send her consiousness to the past. For the first round of the AB game, she and Sigma pair up with Alice and go to the crew quarters. After she tells Sigma about the Prisoner's dilemma, he betrays Alice who picked ally, much to his surprise, as he remembered in another timeline, Alice picked betray and they had picked ally, with her stating that picking ally was a foolish choice. For the next round of the AB game, Phi is a Magenta Solo, and she goes with Sigma and Luna into the red door and heads into the Control Room. After escaping, she betrays Sigma and Luna in the AB game, who ally, wanting revenge for an alternative timeline where she picked ally, but Sigma betrayed her. Sigma eventually remembers this and is able to convince Phi not to leave, (due to her wanting to know the truth about the game), much to the relief of the others. At the infirmary, Sigma remembers other timelines and remembers Dio owning the bombs. He tricks him into admitting it, Dio pulls out the detonator and has everyone move back, except for Tenmyouji who kicks him. This causes the detonator to move one metre away from Dio, putting it on countdown mode. using the other timelines, Sigma and Phi are able to remember the bomb locations (except from Bomb 0, but Sigma successfly deduces a possible location) and passwords, deactivating the bombs with a minute to spare. Phi along with Tenmyouji and Sigma head into room Q. Phi and Sigma jump back into the past, one hour before the start of the Nonary Game, to prevent Dio from killing Akane Kurashiki. By saving her, they altered the past, bringing a new future. Akane ties a key to Sigma around his ankle, just before he is forcibly pushed back into the future. For the next round of the AB game, Phi is a Magenta Solo, and she goes with Sigma and Luna into the red door and heads into the Control Room. After escaping, she betrays Sigma and Luna in the AB game, who ally, wanting revenge for an alternative timeline where she picked ally, but Sigma betrayed her. Sigma eventually remembers this and is able to convince Phi not to leave, (due to her wanting to know the truth about the game), much to the relief of the others. At the infirmary, Sigma remembers other timelines and remembers Dio owning the bombs. He tricks him into admitting it, Dio pulls out the detonator and has everyone move back, except for Tenmyouji who kicks him. This causes the detonator to move one metre away from Dio, putting it on countdown mode. using the other timelines, Sigma and Phi are able to remember the bomb locations (except from Bomb 0, but Sigma successfly deduces a possible location) and passwords, deactivating the bombs with a minute to spare. Phi along with Tenmyouji and Sigma head into room Q. Phi and Sigma jump back into the past, one hour before the start of the Nonary Game, to prevent Dio from killing Akane Kurashiki. By saving her, they altered the past, bringing a new future. Akane ties a key to Sigma around his ankle, just before he is forcibly pushed back into the future. Sigma and the group successfully escape through The Number Nine Door, leaving Dio handcuffed to a sink in the Infirmary. Upon leaving the facility, they find out from Tenmyouji that they were on the Moon and that the current date is January 25th, 2074. Sigma leads everyone to the B. Garden, where he unlocks the grave. A treatment pod appears, presumably holding Akane. However, it must defrost for a while before it can be opened. While they wait, K explains about everyone's importance in the Nonary Game. When K finishes, the pod opens, revealing a Sigma clone. Everyone is confused who he is, saying that they've never seen anyone like him before. Sigma tries to get everyone to stop playing around, but no one seems to be joking. Panicking, Sigma finds a small pond in the garden and looks at his reflection. Shocked, Sigma discovers his 22-year old mind in an older version of himself. Suddenly, K sheds his armor showing that, in this timeline, K was actually Akane. Akane explains that this was all a part of the AB Plan and that his current young mind switched places with his older mind. Akane explains that Sigma was there to develop his time jumping abilities along with Phi. With his training complete, Akane tells Sigma that it is his time to return to his past body. Akane then proceeds to attack Phi with the knife she recovered earlier from Dio. Sigma throws himself in front of Phi to protect her and is seemingly stabbed, but Akane merely hits him with the handle of the blade. Regardless, Sigma's and Phi's mind returns to the past to April 13 2029. ? meets Phi in the Director's Office, after she fails to keep the virus contained. Sigma told Phi to show Kyle/? a hologram of Sigma talking. Phi is asked by ? about her involvement at the Mars Mission Test Site, but she does not tell him anything, because if ? knows why the mission failed, the possibility of getting to Point E (Radical-6 doesn't escape from the test site) disappears. It is also revealed her consciousness went back to the past along with Sigma's when Akane attacked her. She is suspicious of how he knows so much about the events that occurred, despite not being conscious at the time.
- Rita quickly draws her scroll and spins near her target, striking them in a blue flash of energy. The move's speed increases after 100 uses, and it can be used to knock enemies into the air after 200 uses. In the PlayStation 3 version of the game, an additional hit is added if any whip weapon is equipped.
- The Phi was an Immobilizer 418 cruiser in the Galactic Empire and later in the Imperial Remnant. While in service of the Imperial Navy, the Star Destroyer was part of the Thuris Sector Fleet, under Grand Admiral Marek Vaiken Stele.
- Phi (from the Greek letter φ) is an irrational number often referred to as "The Golden Ratio". It can be found in many places in nature.
- Φ φ Phi is a letter in the Greek language alphabet of Earth, originating in the early period of Human history. It is used for designations in science, mapping and other fields used in space travel and communications. Many planets, planetoids, stars and star systems use a variation of this term in their name.