Kefflin was a "Second" of the Lucian Alliance and controlled several planets in its territory. Kefflin was extremely reclusive and most of the Lucian Alliance leadership has even never seen his face. However, he was a close friend of Netan, who frequently relied on his advice and appreciated his comments. He was rumored to have a nasty temper, and had a fondness for torture and murder. After the Odyssey was captured by the Lucian Alliance, Stargate Command decided to infiltrate the organization to find out what had happened to their battlecruiser. Because of his reclusive nature, Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell considered him the perfect candidate to impersonate. It was Mitchell's plan to inject the only one capable of recognizing Kefflin, Netan, with the Reol chemical. Mitchell, posing as Ke
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| - Kefflin är en manlig människa är en "Sekond" av Lucian Alliansen och kontrollerade flera planeter i dess territorium. Kefflin var mycket tillbakadragna och de flesta av Lucian Alliansen ledarskapet har ännu aldrig sett hans ansikte. Men han var en nära vän av Netan, som ofta förlitat sig på hans råd och uppskattade hans kommentarer. Han sades ha en otäck humör, och hade en förkärlek för tortyr och mord. Efter Odyssey fångades av Lucian Alliansen, Stargate Command bestämde sig för att infiltrera organisationen att ta reda på vad som hade hänt deras stridsskepp. På grund av sin tillbakadragna natur, Överstelöjtnant Cameron Mitchell betraktade honom som den perfekta kandidaten att imitera. Det var Mitchell plan att injicera enda som kan känna igen Kefflin, Netan, med Reol kemikalie. Mitchell,
- Kefflin was a "Second" of the Lucian Alliance and controlled several planets in its territory. Kefflin was extremely reclusive and most of the Lucian Alliance leadership has even never seen his face. However, he was a close friend of Netan, who frequently relied on his advice and appreciated his comments. He was rumored to have a nasty temper, and had a fondness for torture and murder. After the Odyssey was captured by the Lucian Alliance, Stargate Command decided to infiltrate the organization to find out what had happened to their battlecruiser. Because of his reclusive nature, Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell considered him the perfect candidate to impersonate. It was Mitchell's plan to inject the only one capable of recognizing Kefflin, Netan, with the Reol chemical. Mitchell, posing as Ke
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| - "Sekond" av Lucian Alliansen
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| - "Second" of the Lucian Alliance
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| - Kefflin är en manlig människa är en "Sekond" av Lucian Alliansen och kontrollerade flera planeter i dess territorium. Kefflin var mycket tillbakadragna och de flesta av Lucian Alliansen ledarskapet har ännu aldrig sett hans ansikte. Men han var en nära vän av Netan, som ofta förlitat sig på hans råd och uppskattade hans kommentarer. Han sades ha en otäck humör, och hade en förkärlek för tortyr och mord. Efter Odyssey fångades av Lucian Alliansen, Stargate Command bestämde sig för att infiltrera organisationen att ta reda på vad som hade hänt deras stridsskepp. På grund av sin tillbakadragna natur, Överstelöjtnant Cameron Mitchell betraktade honom som den perfekta kandidaten att imitera. Det var Mitchell plan att injicera enda som kan känna igen Kefflin, Netan, med Reol kemikalie. Mitchell, poserar som Kefflin till slut hjälpte Teal'c fly, och gjorde flera drag mot alliansen. Det återstår att se hur Mitchells åtgärder kommer att påverka den riktiga Kefflins position i Lucian Alliansen. Kefflin sågs vid ett par tillfällen, indirekt "genom Netans ögon", som visar hur han egentligen såg ut. (SG1: "Company of Thieves")
- Kefflin was a "Second" of the Lucian Alliance and controlled several planets in its territory. Kefflin was extremely reclusive and most of the Lucian Alliance leadership has even never seen his face. However, he was a close friend of Netan, who frequently relied on his advice and appreciated his comments. He was rumored to have a nasty temper, and had a fondness for torture and murder. After the Odyssey was captured by the Lucian Alliance, Stargate Command decided to infiltrate the organization to find out what had happened to their battlecruiser. Because of his reclusive nature, Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell considered him the perfect candidate to impersonate. It was Mitchell's plan to inject the only one capable of recognizing Kefflin, Netan, with the Reol chemical. Mitchell, posing as Kefflin, eventually helped Teal'c escape, and made several moves against the Alliance. It remains to be seen how Mitchell's actions will affect the real Kefflin's position in the Lucian Alliance. Kefflin was seen on a few occasions, indirectly "through Netan's eyes", showing how he actually looked. (SG1: "Company of Thieves")