| - Dino Rabbit, also known as Evolzar Rabbit or Guide Rabbit, focuses on using "Rescue Rabbit" to summon level 4 Dinosaur-Type normal monsters such as "Sabersaurus" and "Kabazauls" from your deck to Xyz Summon "Evolzar Laggia" and "Evolzar Dolkka" to negate spells, traps, monster summons and monster effects, respectively. "Tour Guide From the Underworld" lets you summon rank 3 xyz monsters such as "Leviair the Sea Dragon" to recycle banished Rabbits, "Number 17: Leviathan Dragon" for a beatstick and "Wind-Up Zenmaines" for a destructive wall.
| - Dino Rabbit, also known as Evolzar Rabbit or Guide Rabbit, focuses on using "Rescue Rabbit" to summon level 4 Dinosaur-Type normal monsters such as "Sabersaurus" and "Kabazauls" from your deck to Xyz Summon "Evolzar Laggia" and "Evolzar Dolkka" to negate spells, traps, monster summons and monster effects, respectively. "Tour Guide From the Underworld" lets you summon rank 3 xyz monsters such as "Leviair the Sea Dragon" to recycle banished Rabbits, "Number 17: Leviathan Dragon" for a beatstick and "Wind-Up Zenmaines" for a destructive wall. Due to the September 2013 TCG list, this deck was hit hard by limiting Rescue Rabbit and a few support cards, making this deck nearly unplayable in the TCG. However, it is still normally playable in the OCG, as of July 2014. The unlimiting of Rescue Rabbit in the October 2017 lists would probably make this deck playable, but due to the Link Summon mechanic, it is unknown if this deck can still be truly playable.