Areta Bell was a red-haired Human female native from the planet Corellia, who served in both the Alliance Fleet and the New Republic Defense Fleet during the Galactic Civil War.
Areta Bell was a red-haired Human female native from the planet Corellia, who served in both the Alliance Fleet and the New Republic Defense Fleet during the Galactic Civil War.
Areta Bell byla rudovlasá lidská žena z Corellie, který sloužila ve flotile Aliance pro obnovu republiky a později Nové republiky během Galaktické občanské války.
Areta Bell was a red-haired Human female native from the planet Corellia, who served in both the Alliance Fleet and the New Republic Defense Fleet during the Galactic Civil War.
Areta Bell byla rudovlasá lidská žena z Corellie, který sloužila ve flotile Aliance pro obnovu republiky a později Nové republiky během Galaktické občanské války.