| - Trunko is a marine elephant-like cryptid. It made its first and only appearance in Zak's vision in The Return of Tsul 'Kalu.
- Trunko was a dinosaur taken from the Jurassic Period to the Cretaceous Period by Trans-Time Corporation. It was executed by Vegas Carver.
- thumb|center|450px|Trunko em combate com baleias, por Bill Asmussen thumb|right|200px|Outra concepção do trunko O trunko é um suposto animal visto em 1º de novembro de 1922 em Margate, África do Sul, em batalha com duas baleias. O animal, coberto de pelos brancos como neve, foi aparentemente morto no combate e à noite seu corpo deu à costa. Tinha pouco mais de 14 metros de comprimento, uma cauda de 3 metros e estava coberto por pelos de 20 cm de comprimento. No lugar da cabeça, tinha uma tromba (trunk, em inglês) de 1,5 metro de comprimento, à qual deveu seu apelido. O cadáver permaneceu dez dias até ser levado para o mar, sem chegar a ser examinado por cientistas.
- Trunko is the nickname for a reputed animal reportedly sighted in Margate, South Africa on October 25, 1924, according to an article entitled "Fish Like A Polar Bear" published in the December 27, 1924 edition of London's Daily Mail. The animal was reputedly first seen off the coast battling two whales which fought the unusual creature for three hours. It used its tail to attack the whales and reportedly lifted itself out of the water by about 20 feet. One of the witnesses, Hugh Ballance, described the animal as looking like a "giant polar bear" during a final fight.
- Trunko is the nickname for an animal reportedly sighted in Margate, South Africa, on October 25, 1924, according to an article entitled "Fish Like A Polar Bear" published in the December 27, 1924, edition of London's Daily Mail. The creature reputedly washed up on Margate Beach but despite being there for 10 days, no scientist ever investigated the carcass while it was beached, so no reliable description has been published, and no photographs of it have ever been published.
| - Trunko is the nickname for an animal reportedly sighted in Margate, South Africa, on October 25, 1924, according to an article entitled "Fish Like A Polar Bear" published in the December 27, 1924, edition of London's Daily Mail. The creature reputedly washed up on Margate Beach but despite being there for 10 days, no scientist ever investigated the carcass while it was beached, so no reliable description has been published, and no photographs of it have ever been published. In the March 27, 1925, edition of the Charleroi Mail, in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, an article entitled "Whales Slain By Hairy Monster" reported that whales there were killed by a strange creature which was washed up on a beach exhausted and fell unconscious, but made its way back into the ocean and swam away after 10 days, never to be seen again. Many suggestions have been made to explain this phenomenon, the most common explanation being that Trunko was the carcass of a large whale, basking shark, or whale shark, whose body's decay made it appear furry and that the orcas were feasting on its corpse. It has also been suggested that Trunko was a sighting of a strange-looking new species of huge whale, unknown pinniped or sirenian, one of sceptic explanations is an albinotic southern elephant seal. There has been speculation associating Trunko with the Hindu legend of Makara.
- Trunko is a marine elephant-like cryptid. It made its first and only appearance in Zak's vision in The Return of Tsul 'Kalu.
- Trunko is the nickname for a reputed animal reportedly sighted in Margate, South Africa on October 25, 1924, according to an article entitled "Fish Like A Polar Bear" published in the December 27, 1924 edition of London's Daily Mail. The animal was reputedly first seen off the coast battling two whales which fought the unusual creature for three hours. It used its tail to attack the whales and reportedly lifted itself out of the water by about 20 feet. One of the witnesses, Hugh Ballance, described the animal as looking like a "giant polar bear" during a final fight. The creature reputedly washed up on Margate Beach but despite being there for 10 days, no scientist ever investigated the carcass while it was beached so no reliable description has been published, and no photographs of it have ever been published. Some people who have never been identified were reported to have described the animal as possessing snowy-white fur, an elephantine trunk, a lobster-like tail, and a carcass devoid of blood. The animal has been claimed to be 47 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 5 feet high, with the trunk's length being 5 feet, the trunk's diameter 14 inches, the tail 10 feet, and the fur being 8 inches long. The trunk was said to be attached directly to the animal's body, as no head was visible on the carcass. For this feature, the animal was dubbed Trunko. In the March 27, 1925 edition of the Charleroi Mail, in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, an article entitled "Whales Slain By Hairy Monster" reported that whales there were killed by a strange creature which was washed up on a beach exhausted and fell unconscious, but made its way back into the ocean and swam away after 10 days.
- Trunko was a dinosaur taken from the Jurassic Period to the Cretaceous Period by Trans-Time Corporation. It was executed by Vegas Carver.
- thumb|center|450px|Trunko em combate com baleias, por Bill Asmussen thumb|right|200px|Outra concepção do trunko O trunko é um suposto animal visto em 1º de novembro de 1922 em Margate, África do Sul, em batalha com duas baleias. O animal, coberto de pelos brancos como neve, foi aparentemente morto no combate e à noite seu corpo deu à costa. Tinha pouco mais de 14 metros de comprimento, uma cauda de 3 metros e estava coberto por pelos de 20 cm de comprimento. No lugar da cabeça, tinha uma tromba (trunk, em inglês) de 1,5 metro de comprimento, à qual deveu seu apelido. O cadáver permaneceu dez dias até ser levado para o mar, sem chegar a ser examinado por cientistas.