| - Lloyd Jefferson was never well educated, for which he blames his mother. She had suppressed his creativity when he was a boy. Now, he is Frenzy, and he is the king of the world inside the painting that ate Paris.
When the Doom Patrol had come to save Paris, Frenzy and the rest of the Brotherhood of Dada had soundly defeated them. That was until Sleepwalk woke from her sleep with a warning about an evil entity - the Fifth Horseman - that had awakened somewhere within the painting.
Travelling deeper into paintings within the painting, they discovered a giant hoofprint. Nearby, they found Byron Shelley, otherwise known as The Fog, lying unconscious - which explained his absence earlier. He explained that when he tried to absorb the soul of Crazy Jane, her multiple personalities caused him to vomit, and they traumatized the other souls he had absorbed. Then, he had seen the horse appear, and it had given him visions that told him that it was the fifth horseman; the horseman of extinction and oblivion, Jane added. The horse and its rider apparently went into the sea, and, to the surprise of the assembled, it rose up out of the water, rearing up in a disturbing spectacle.
Worried that they wouldn't be able to hand this monster on their own, Mister Nobody had the brotherhood revive the Doom Patrol. The Quiz reversed time to fix the damage they did to Robotman. The Negative Spirit, too, was released from the bottle it was trapped in, and returned to Rebis's body. Banded together, Jane warns them all that if the rider gets out of the painting, somehow, it will mean the destruction of the earth. The rider had been taking power from the energy of each level of the painting. In the symbolist world they were standing in, the rider would be able to supercharge itself with iconic energies.
As the rider entered their reality, Jane was overtaken by the personality Flit, who claimed that it was her duty to take over the riding of the horse, and save the world. She ran off, brushing past Cliff, and disappearing before their eyes. Moments later, Rebis sensed Jane's voice echoing in its mind. She explained that she had found her way into the rider's heart. Unfortunately, the heart was too big for her to gain any control.
Strangely, Mister Nobody came up with the idea that they should join hands and try to send their super-powered energies to Jane in the hopes of helping her guide the horse. Rebis confirmed that this plan might actually work. Furthermore, Mister Nobody realized that if the rider took its power from ideas converted into energy, then the best possible place to send it would be the Dadaist world.
Meanwhile, in the desert where Paris once stood, the Justice League of America rendezvoused with the Justice League Europe in the hopes of determining just what was going on with the painting. Superman examined the painting, and was disturbed to see that a giant horse seemed to be rushing toward them from inside the image.
Hopefully, the Doom Patrol and the Brotherhood waited to see if they had helped Jane get to the Dada world. Mister Nobody explained that because Dada is about the antithesis of ideas, it destroys meaning, stripping away sense and significance. If the horseman entered that world, he would be torn apart.
Superman and company watched as the rider got closer and closer to them, finally shooting out from the painting into their reality - with underwhelming results.
The Doom Patrol, meanwhile, had been left in an unstable world with the Brotherhood. Despite Cliff's urgings, the Brotherhood decided to stay in the painting, and so Rebis and Cliff left without them. They arrived in Paris, which had returned to its natural state, vomited back into reality by the painting. The rider, it turned out, had appeared in this reality as a mere hobby-horse. The bad news, though, was that Jane didn't make it out alive.
Now, Frenzy believes that he and the Brotherhood of Dada escaped the painting, and found the world empty. In truth, they are still in the painting, which was returned to the vault of Horst Eismann, collector of bizarre antiquities, and locked away forever.