| - Rare tall pole popular throughout history.
- __TOC__
- Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
- A javelin is a light spear designed primarily for casting as a ranged weapon. The javelin is almost always thrown by hand unlike the arrow and slingshot which are projectiles shot from a mechanism. However, hurling devices do exist to assist the thrower in achieving greater distance. The word javelin comes from Middle English and it derives from Old French javeline, a diminutive of javelot which meant spear.
- A short spear, specially balanced for throwing. The S of the throwing character should be used in place of the Effective Strength of the weapon.
- File:Javelin.gif Write the text of your article here!
- The Javelin (Aclys festinus, meaning Hasty Javelin) is a species of fish native to Skull Island's waterways, similar to a gar in appearance.
- [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Javelin]], from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Javelin]] javeline, diminutive of javelot, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Javelin]] *gablakko- (Old Irish [[gabul#|gabul]], Welsh [[gafl#|gafl]]).
- The man who would become the Javelin was a German Olympic athlete, who for unknown reasons became a criminal. Using his talent, he has created an unusual arsenal of weapons based on spears. Javelin hired a gang of thugs and became a mercenary. In his first encounter with Green Lantern, Javelin stole a prototype jet-powered solar Ferris Aircraft and defeated the Green Lantern with various missiles. He was captured, however, when he tried to blow up the Ferris Aircraft.
- A javelin is a light spear that is designed to be thrown, predominantly used for sport. They apppear in Madness: Project Nexus 2 as throwing weapons.
- Real Name: Jade (Last name unrevealed) Aliases: None Age: Unknown, appears in her mid-teens Gender: Female Alignment: Good Race: Metahuman Goals: Unknown
- Conçu pour l’armée de l’UEE (et figurant en bonne place dans Squadron 42), le Javelin est un imposant vaisseau capital modulaire. Grâce à son intérieur détaillé, à son vaste choix d’options d’aménagement et à sa capacité à accueillir un équipage nombreux, le Javelin est un vaisseau qui se destine aux groupes de joueurs. Le vaisseau dispose de cinq ponts offrant chacun divers postes d’équipage et de nombreuses zones à explorer et exploiter.
- The Javelin starts a short-lived line of ranged pierce units, which are specialized in anti-shock warfare. Slightly sturdier and with a slightly higher Attack value, these units are very effective in defeat shock Units like sword. However they are slightly weaker than melee pierce unit.
- Javelin was a mid-sized model of League Armada destroyer.
- Javelin is the eleventh episode of Kings Season 1.
- The Javelin's class name in save files is "com.watabou.pixeldungeon.items.weapons.missile.". __TOC__
- Javelin is a Strike Vanisher type Robo that has appeared in Custom Robo V2, Custom Robo (GameCube), and Custom Robo Arena. In most of his appearances, he has appeared as a Normal Style robo, but he did appear as a Speed Type robo in Arena. He is primarily used by Melvin in V2 and Battle Revolution, Paulie in Battle Revolution, and Terrax in Arena. He has an upgraded version known as Javelin Mk II in Custom Robo GX.
- The Javelin is a sniper rifle in Mass Effect 3.
- The javelin is the only weapon to use the javelin skill. There are no artifact javelins.
- Javelin
* Speed: 4
* Accuracy: +0
* Damage: +2L
* Rate: 2
* Range: 20
* Cost: *
* Tags: P
- Javelins were once purely members content, but were made available to non-members on the release of the Evolution of Combat. They are currently the only thrown weapon available to non-members, and the only feasible one-handed ranged weapon in free-to-play. They are not sold in any free-to-play shops, but are accessible to non-members via the Grand Exchange or trading with other players. Due to the difficulty in obtaining them in free-to-play, and their higher price compared to similarly levelled bows and arrows, they are not commonly used in non-members worlds. Perhaps their most common use is to kill Elvarg in the Dragon Slayer quest.
- A light spear designed primarily for casting as a ranged weapon.
- Javelins are light-weight and easily-crafted spear-type weapons especially suited for throwing attacks. They can be used as one-handed melee weapons. Hit chance and damage depend upon the Spear skill. Javelins can also be used to fish, though not to much effect. A javelin is made from one staff, sharpened with a cutting weapon (a handaxe being ideal) and hardened over a fire or burned-down embers. - Game Encyclopedia
- Variants of the Javelin include:
* the Pilum
* Throwing darts
- A javelin is a light, flexible spear designed primarily as a throwing weapon. It is usually constructed of wood and may taper to a sharp point at one or both ends. Alternatively, it may be tipped with a small metal spearhead. The shaft is much thinner than a spear intended for melee combat. An average javelin with a metal head costs 1gp and weighs 2lbs (0.9kg).
- The Javelin is one of Ungaga's weaponns in Dark Cloud. Steve jokingly says at one point, "To build up a Javelin, it's thunder, wind, a mimic and a witch". When built-up, it can ether become a Desanga or a Partisan.
- Javelins encompasses both the Warrior skill and the weapon class it enables one to use. Practicing this skill gives residual practices to Lances, Spears, and Polearms. All javelins are able to be thrown at targets.
- The Javelin, javelinfish, or southern whiptail, (Coelorinchus australis), is a species of rattail found around Australia and New Zealand at depths of between 80 and 500 m. Its length is between 25 to 50 cm.
- The Javelin was first built in 2751. The 'Mech quickly gained a reputation as a sturdy and reliable scout 'Mech. The Javelin weighs in at 30 tons but it has the maneuverability of lighter 'Mechs with a jumping distance of up to 180 meters. The Javelin does pay for this in the armor protection on its chassis, in some areas carrying armor weaker then the structure beneath. This drawback to the design does hamper it in pitched battle as the 'Mech cannot stand up to any degree of fire from a 'Mech heavier then it.
- Javelin sind ein Nutzgegenstand aus DotA und Dota 2.
- Javelins were once purely members content, but were made available to non-members on the release of the Evolution of Combat. They are not sold in any free-to-play shops, but are accessible to non-members via the Grand Exchange or trading with other players. Due to the difficulty in obtaining them in free-to-play, and their higher price compared to similarly levelled bows and arrows, they are not commonly used in non-members worlds. Perhaps their most common use is to kill Elvarg in the Dragon Slayer quest.
- Jabalina, en inglés. Apodo por el que se conoce a los trenes de la Serie 395 de la operadora británica Southeastern. Categoría:Motes
- There are two kinds of Javelins: the double-ended kind favored by the otters of Mossflower, and the short throwing missiles used by the Fur and Freedom Fighters. File:Otter javelin.png The otter javelin is made entirely out of wood save for a grip of bark, cord, or leather. They are double-ended, and are usually used for throwing but can also be used for melee combat. They are generally about as tall as a full-grown otter, but are very light and thin to keep the weight down.
- Most javelins can also be obtained by buying them from the Ranging Guild, the Void Knight Archery Store, or from Oobapohk's Javelin Store after completion of Monkey Madness II. Amethyst and Dragon javelins cannot be found in any store. Javelins are not attracted by Ava's devices and will always break upon hitting a target.
- The Javelin-7, and its successor the Javelin, were spaceships employed by the Justice League.
- Margrave Khendon, also known as Javelin, was the head of Drasnian Intelligence. He was the uncle of Liselle. Javelin was the one sent to Urgit in order to set up false negotiations that would distract Zakath from pursuing Garion. While there, he made distinct steps towards bridging the gaps between the Alorns and Murgos. He also gave valuable information on the Southern part of Cthol Murgos, of which little had been known to the West.
- ==See Also==__NOEDITSECTION__
* Javelins (similar name)
* Thrown Weapons ()
* Weapons ()
- A javelin is a light spear designed primarily to be thrown, historically as a ranged weapon, but today predominantly for sport. The javelin is almost always thrown by hand, unlike the bow and arrow and slingshot, which shoot projectiles from a mechanism. However, hurling devices do exist to assist the javelin thrower in achieving greater distance. The word javeline comes from Middle English and it derives from Old French javelin, a diminutive of javelot which meant spear. The word javelot probably originated from one of the Celtic languages.
- Die Javelin ist ein Präzisionsgewehr in Mass Effect 3.
- A light spear that can be thrown in an attack. It'll probably be safer to keep holding on to it, though.
- Javelin is a weapon that appears in Zone of the Enders and The Fist of Mars. In Zone of Enders, it is a spear-like weapon which is thrown at an enemy. The Javelin will travel in an arc, sinking towards the ground as it is affected by gravity. The Javelin doesn't inflict particularly large amounts of damage, and is relatively useless upon obtaining another subweapon.
- Javelin is a manned reverse joint MT around the size of an AC. It is armed with two 84mm machine guns and two 35mm grenade launcher with one of each mounted as weapon arms. The unit also has a shield like torso and on the back appears to have a radar.
- Javelin (ジャベリン Jaberin) is a magic-driven weapon manufactured for Special Duty Section 6 by the Vaizen-based Caledfwlch Techniques in Force.
- The Javelin is mainly a relatively light sharpened stick, often pointed at both ends, and useful in battles at medium or short ranges. With brief training and practice light javelins are simple to use and can often be easily thrown at a moderate range. They are particularly effective when hurled in a concerted attack. Ballaw de Quincewold once made a device that had the capability to propel javelins twice their intended distance. This device consisted of putting the javelin on a stick and moving the throwing stick in an arc, similarly to an atlatl.
- Der Javelin ist ein äußerst starker Raketenwerfe. Gut um Panzer auszuschalten. Es handelt sich um ein für die Verhältnisse recht einfaches Modell. Ein schlichter "Panzerschreck". Außerdem kann der Javelin Raketenwerfer auch lenkbare Raketen abfeuern, ideal um Hubschrauber abzuschießen.
- +% Resilience +% critcal strike rate reduction +8% critcal strike chance +% cooldown reduction -- + + Passive Aura Builds into [[ |24px|link= ]][[]][[ |24px|link= ]][[]][[ |24px|link= ]][[]][[ |24px|link= ]][[]][[ |24px|link= ]][[]][[ |24px|link= ]][[]][[ |24px|link= ]][[]][[ |24px|link= ]][[]][[ |24px|link= ]][[]][[ |24px|link= ]][[]] Recipe [[ |24px|link= ]][[]] + [[ |24px|link= ]][[]] + [[ |24px|link= ]][[]] + [[ |24px|link= ]][[]] + [[ |24px|link= ]][[]] Cost320No Buy Sell192 CategoryAttackNo category TierTier I No Tier
- The Javelin (手槍 Te Yari lit. Hand Spear) is a Lance that recurrently appears across the Fire Emblem series. The most basic lance that permits its wielder to engage in ranged combat, the Javelin is a weapon that is rather valuable for its ability to counter indirect attacks. The Javelin often possesess less Accuracy, attack potency and Durability than its non-ranged iron counterpart. These weaknesses are, however, meant to counteract the lance's abilities to counter almost all attacks equally and their widespread availability.
- A javelin is a heavy thrown weapon, so a character can throw it to make ranged attacks, using Strength instead of Dexterity for ranged basic attacks. Ardents, artificers, avengers, barbarians, bards, battleminds, clerics, druids, fighters, invokers, paladins, psions, rangers, runepriests, seekers, shamans, sorcerers, swordmages, vampires, wardens, warlocks, and warlords are proficient with all simple melee weapons, including the javelin. Assassins are proficient with one-handed simple melee weapons, including the javelin.