| - Contents: Pounce Ravage Rumble Carrion Jetstream Galvatron Reavercraft Earthscorch Dirge Thrust Gigabyte Scourge Decepticon Advanced Troops 4758 Sensor2 Decepticon Automated Base Defenses #575 Electric Field Missile Launchers Defense Array Darkmount Reavercraft drifts closer to Galv, though wether by intent or just preoccupation with scanning it is hard to tell.... Avatar soars down into view from the skies above. Monolith soars down into view from the skies above. Ravage still has that smug, coy grin on his face Havok soars down into view from the skies above. Earthscorch watches casually. Prominence soars down into view from the skies above. The gloss black Reavercraft explodes outward, turning into the Decepticon Airlift. Galvatron faces upwards, stoic and prepared for all out war. A momentary shimmer passes through his optics at the seemingly empty skies, the only thing visible to the naked optic being the stars. Then, the figures appear, minute specks at first, growing steadily larger. Galvatron picks out the lead form easily, tensing for the coming onslaught. "Ready yourselves. Remain steady until my signal." Carrion squawks, not quite sure of what's going on. Pounce stands in line with the others, his missile launcher locked on his shoulder with a missile already in place, his systems charging the launcher. Airlift transforms as the baddies descend into range..since +everyone+ can see they are coming now. Monolith soars behind Avatar, just behind his right shoulder. He would appear less than pleased with the odds facing them, but his Ice-blue optics show no sign of fear, just a cold calculating mind that works on various options and plans. "Prominence, Havok, Delta Ceta Nine." Rumble whips out one of his scatterblasters and charges it up with a thin whine, standing amongst the other tapes. Jetstream narrows his optics as the bloody Batallion appears, ready to start a-fightin Compile is standing near his Bros "Ok, Which one of these ugly suckers hurt dad? Prominence banks slightly to the side as the orders are given, shifting into fighter mode for added maneuverability. Prominence leaps into the air and expands, transforming into a sleek space fighter. Havok descends from the skies, and moves to his position in the formation behind the Avatar. Ravage grins, as little lights start to flash on the thingies at his haunches... Galvatron says, "Left flank, get into position." Avatar hovers down from the sky his arms outstretched in a somewhat crucific type pose and smiles, "So the pretender and his army of charlatens have all come out to greet us. How lovely." he quips. As he suddenly cuts off his anti-grav unit and falls to the ground with a loud THUD, planting a hand, and landing on one knee. He snaps his head up quickly and gazes at Galvatron through his enraged, sanguine optics. "The time has come, Betrayer of the Empire." he snarls. "Let your path to eternal damnation begin now. Through my optics, through my hands. The will and rage of Straxus shall fall down apon you. Remember this day, for it shall be your last..." he pauses, a wicked smile snacking across his features, "... Fate ensures it." Galvatron says, "Right flank, positions." Jetstream gets into position as Galv gives the order, quickdrawing his Jetstream blaster and holding it at the ready Compile is standing near his Bros. Rumble jogs forward with the others, drawing down on Havok. This time that Monolith guy won't get in his way! Earthscorch just stands calmly at ease, watching boredly. Pounce gets into position, his launcher fully charged and ready. Ravage pads into position, eyeing Havok quite intently, yet, wondering where the last one is..... Compile follows his Brother, Rumble "Hey, lets get 'em. Monolith breaks from Avatar slightly, placing himself with close proximity, but not close enough that a single blast would catch them. He remains in the air, but only a few feet. His shoulders opening and from them extending out two long barrels. As they rotate into place, it is evident that they are a more ancient form of Vulcan Cannons. He doesn't look like he's ready to get scrapped just yet. Rumble isn't quite bright enough to wonder where the last one is. Gigabyte stands firm, her optics glaring at intruders. Two blades from the back of each hand seem to grow into view. Airlift's right top hand holds his laser pistol..complete with extensions so it's a rifle now. His bottom left hand holds a disruptor pistol. His top left hand is clenched in a fist adn his bottom left hand has morphed into a saw blade..he stares coldly at the batallion. Galvatron gazes deep into hauntingly familiar optics, a floodgate of memories opened up by the action. "Fate ensures nothing to you and everything to me, usurper. I've seen that face before. In my past, in my dreams, in the future... but NEVER in my present. You see, I killed a being that looked like me, once. And he's never coming back. Just as I will do the same to you." BRZZZT. A jagged, lancing beam erupts from a handle in his grip-a plasma sabre. Raising his free hand in a 'bring it' gesture, he finishes his speech. "The time has come, Avatar. One shall stand... one shall fall." Scourge folds his arms and casts his withering gaze at the Avatar and his minions, his optics varying hues of red as he stares at them. Scourge's claws click against his forearms once, then one side of his lip curls up a bit, "Fools...you came here to DIE!" REMINDER: Please remember to +nom your fellow players! Remember to check +tpinfo regularly for updates! Havok's optics flare a brilliant crimson as he eyes the assembled Decepticon army, he drops into a fighting stance, and looks about for anyone foolish enough to attempt to interfere with his commander's battle. Pounce continues to charge his missile launcher, targeting Havok with it, he still seems to be a bit perturbed about the missiles which he narrowly avoided earlier. Rumble morphs his left arm into a piledriver and cocks it back, charging it with a yellow crackle of sono-kinetic force. With a wild war whoop and his warcry "Kill indiscriminatelike!" Rumble charges full force for Havok, leaping at the much larger robot's left leg with deadly intent. Space Fighter is just a normal pyramid Seeker, right? Dead wrong. As he continues his approach, a small barrel extends from the nosecone, and a pair of panels slide open under his 'wings', with rather large missiles visible beneath them. Rumble unleashes his Kneebreaker attack on Havok, striking Havok. Avatar throws his head back and cackles, "Bwhahahahahahahahahahah! Your courage is suprising for one so cowardly as you. So be it. If it is a duel of honor you wish, then I shall be happy to grant it. It is fitting that you die as a warrior, despite ever truely being one." Suddenly a energy lance erupts from his cannon tip, as he crosses it across his chest, his smile twisting into one of pure sadism, "I promise to make your death a slow one, so that you may savor it." He then thrusts himself forward, lunging with his lance and screams, "Defend yourself coward! The rage of the ancients thirsts for your soul! Mwahahahahahahahahaha!" Monolith hovers farther to his lord Airlift looks about..and spotting Havok, guesses that is the one who is most dangerous..besides, Rumble is attacking that one. Aiming a bit, he opens fire with all of his ranged weapons at once..several beams of energy streaking towards Havok's form.. Earthscorch watches everyone, trying to assess who is a prime target... Compile follows Rumble, and Whoa...when did an Aautobot get here....Oh slag, he's OOC. :) He morphs his arms into speakers, and releases his own Sonic attack on Havok. Ravage has a bit of a hash to settle with Havok, as do his brothers. They want to dismantle him, the old-fashioned way... Monolith hovers farther to his lord's right, keeping ready for attack, ready to destroy any that might even think about entering the frey with Avatar and Galvatron. His weapons track, but do not fire... yet Galvatron raises his own blade and slams it sideways into Avatar's lance, grunting at the surprising effort it took to prevent being impaled. "I am more of a warrior than you could ever imagine, my friend. And you'll find that it takes quite the effort to best me in a duel." Still flowing with the momentum from his parrying action, Galvatron pivots and brings both legs towards Avatar's side. Jetstream noting how everyone is heading toward Havok, chooses another target. He goes for the Pyramid fighter, bloody seeker wannabe and locks his arm lasers. He aims and fires off streaking bursts of searing ruby-red laser energy at da Seeker-clone "GRAH!" the Avatar exclaims as the kick hits him in the midsection and sends him stumbling to the side, but not off of his feet, "Indeed?" he asks with a hint of humor in his tone, "We shall see, 'mighty Galvatron'." he quips thick with sarcasm. He spins around and lashes out with his cannon arm at Galvatron's body, not really caring at this point where it connects, just hoping it does. Just wanting him to get a small taste, a tiny morsel, of the neverending pain that awaits him on this night. Carrion watches his brothers perform what they do best. The little avian continues to remain silent, a shadowy observer. Carrion communicates with his siblings telepathicly to find out who was responsible for the incident with Soundwave. Havok grunts as Rumble's attack sends him staggering backwards, "Eh?! Finally.. someone worthy a..aaaarrg!" he throws his hands over his head as Airlift's lasers explode against his thick armor, "Gah.. fer Straxus' sake! Fight like a real Decepticon!" he shakes his fist menacingly, but turns his attention back towards Ravage, letting loose with a barrage of hypervelocity slugs. On each of the arm of the small seeker a laser gun retracts. Gigabyte raises her arm that doesn't have Carrion on it and aims carefully at Prominence. Scourge looks up at Prominence, unimpressed with his display of weaponry. Casually, he raises his right arm towards the underside of the Pyramid Fighter, a laserbeam sight shining a 3-dot triangle on one of the large missile, "Bang." *CH-KOW CH-KOW CH-KOW!* Scourge's thermal burster lights up the area, sending scorching thermo-blasts at the weapon. Monolith ignores Havok's grumbling as he watches those on the field closely, waiting for someone to make the mistake of attacking himself or Avatar Ravage pounces at Havok, slashing away at him like no tomorrow... Earthscorch suddenly flies up and cuts loose on Havok with his automatic rifle, quipping, "Oh, and how does a real Decepticon fight? By standing and taking hits?" Compile looks a Carrion, and telepathicly, and continues to hit Havok with his High Frequency Sonics, which he did not pose the results of my attack on him. Quite offguard Galvatron is, not expecting such a hasty recovery and counterattack. The Decepticon Leader tucks himself into a half-ball and rolls along the ground, but his actions aren't enough to prevent the burst of energy from relieving him of his footing. In such a position, it's enough to send the mighty Galvatron flying, back slamming into the gates as he slides down to the ground. Airlift laughs, "I think he meant more along the lines of screaming and whining about the hits Earthscorch!" he calls out as he leaps into the air, transforming and letting fly his mini-missiles in a mighty barrage. Huh? (Type "help" for help.) In a flurry of motion, Airlift reforms into a sleek, gloss black Reavercraft. Compile unleashes his High Frequency Bass Sonics attack on Havok and Rumble, striking Havok. Scourge strikes Space Fighter with Thermal Burster. Jetstream misses Space Fighter with his Arm mounted laser blasters attack. Gigabyte strikes Space Fighter with arm laser. Monolith cracks his finger actuators as Galvatraon rolls backwards, his lord has things well in hand. He looks to the targets, "Will none of these cowards face me? Prominence... Havok... Gamma six thete..." Rumble leaps into the air, allowing the sonic wave to pass under him and strike Havok instead. Morphing his left arm, Rumble flips and tumbles back towards the Horseman, whirling around for a one-two lightning punch and kick. "Payback's a bitch, ain't it, sucka?" Reavercraft strikes Havok with mini-rockets. Rumble strikes Havok with Old_One-Two. Havok staggers as Compile's blast shakes the surrounding area. His optics settle on the smaller Rumble, and even as the Reavercraft's lasers strike home, he growls, and raises a mighty fist. Avatar takes a few steps forward and unleashes another loud barrage of cackles, "This is your mighty leader? This is the one who bested the Master? Truely a disappointment! BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He continues to approach and gazes down at the fallen Galvatron as his optics flare, screaming, "Battallion, purge the heathen! Let the damnation of those who defy the will of Straxus begin!" He takes another step forward, now very close to Galvatron and leans forward, "Such a pity you weren't more of a challenge, I am quite disappointed." He leans back up and aims his cannon at Galvatron's face, "I do hope your lackey's prove to be more entertaining." Compile spots Havok "Hey, no one smask my bro, and gets away with it....." Space Fighter goes into a spiral, allowing most of the weaker blasts to deflect, while the stronger ones are merely absorbed into his armor. On Monolith's command, he streaks around in a wide arc, behind Monolith and back toward the attackers. A smaller set of hatches slides uopen underneath him, and he sends off a pair of projectiles aimed at the Sweep commander. Space Fighter misses Scourge with his HVAP Explosive Shell attack. Compile looks at you, and he begans to yell "KAMAAAA.....HAMAAAA......HAAA!!!!!!!" and a ball of fire flies out of his left arm that is pointed in your direction. Mmmm, Bar-B-Q. Havok growls at Rumble, "Payback?! PAYBACK!? You don't know the half of it, smegling!" and with that, brings his left fist crashing down. You strike Havok with Kama Hama Ha!!!!. Havok tags Rumble with that wacky Whack-a-Mole. Upon Monolith's shoulder rises a rather large missile launcher. As he watches his lessers get tag teamed he tracks Prominence and his attacker. As Prominence does as ordered and attacks his biggest threat, Monolith follows suit and slams his fists together. Drawing them outward his chestplate opens, revealing a rather nasty weapon barrel... an ancient fusion cannon. A massive ball of white hot energy forms and goes after the Decepticon attacked by Prominence. Havok shrugs off Compile's fireball. It leaves little more than a scorch mark on his already dull armor. He turns his attention back towards Rumble, "Ders plenty more where dat came from.." Monolith strikes Scourge with Fusion Cannon. Earthscorch frowns and flies at Monolith suddenly, aiming a shoulder at his arm. Earthscorch misses Monolith with his smash attack. Rumble drops about four feet into the ground, hammered in like the proverbial railroad spike. Snarling, Rumble pauses to crack his neck, extending it back out of his shoulders, and raises his gun, thumbing it up to eleven. "Smile for da boidy, busta," he hisses. Jetstream brings his Jetstream blaster to bear, getting a bead on the Seeker wannabe. He carefully aims his shot, checking the charge quickly and with an expression that's half grin, half sneer, he snaps off a compressed air charge at the suckah. Jetstream strikes Space Fighter with Jetstream. Rumble strikes Havok with Fusion Cannon . Galvatron brings his head up, staring into the mocking face of Avatar yet again. SO much like his former mask, so much like he was before his rebirth in 2005... so much hatred. Remembering how Optimus Prime took advantage of his former identity's over-eagerness, Galvatron growls out, "Disappointed? Why, Avatar... the FUN is just starting! NYARGH!" He lashes out with both mighty arms, locking them on Avatar's own, then pulls back, sending both smashing through the gates, Avatar-first. Reavercraft drifts low, and swooping on a wierd flight path he opens up with his slugslingers trying to nail Havok in the face! Reavercraft strikes Havok with slugs. Earthscorch flies right on by Monolith, and turns in the air, ready to defend against whatever attack is surely coming his way. He drops his rifle back into subspace, apparently wanting to take this to a more personal range than a gun allows. Havok growls once more as Rumble connects with his cannon, as the smoke clears, he grins, "Hey.. not bad for such a little punk." he grunts as Airlift's attack connects, and staggers a bit even as his shoulder-mounted rocket launcher snaps into place. "You.." he growls, "Are really startin' to tick me off!" Havok nails Airlift with his Shoulder Rockets attack. The gloss black Reavercraft explodes outward, turning into the Decepticon Airlift. Carrion tilts his head, still remaining dead silent. He watches the antics of the others curiously. His audio recievers hear something about a bird, it was Rumble's voice. Perhaps this was his que. Carrion pounces off Gigabyte and glides softly towards Havok, his brothers already attacking the intruder heavily. The avian hovers for a few brief moments over Havok. The bird outstretches his neck, a ball of energy snaking infront of his beak. They wrap together into a ball of electricity. With a flash, the sphere flies towards his target, forcing the avian to fly back a few meters. Carrion strikes Havok with Energy Sphere. Compile strikes the Sucker, and he looks around. He smiles under his faceplate, and he takes to the sky. He moves around Havok, and looks at his backside. There is a 'Ka-Click' heard, but from all of the firepower going on, if you can hear it, you get 1000credits. :) But he extends his arms, and with and at Max speed, he tries to implae the Creature named Havok in the neck. You strike Havok with Power Blade Punch.
* CRASH!* "ARGH!" is all that can be heard for the moment, as the Avatar flies through the gates and tumbles down the metallic hill that Darkmount rests apon. He sneers as he picks himself up and chuckles loudly, "Very good Galvatron, very good! You may prove to be worth my time after all!" He suddenly launches himself into the air, zipping up from behind the gates and aims his cannon arm at Galvatron once more, snapping off a medium level cannon blast at Galvatron, more to provide him with cover time to grab better positioning to strike any seriously damaging blow. Monolith see's his Lord as well as the Decepticon Betrayer fall through the Gates. "AVATAR!!!!" He cries out, reaching with one hand towards the gates. "Prominence, comence bombardment." He swipes his hand through the air motioning to Scourge and company. Scourge engages his antigravity boosters and soars up into the sky, extending his arms up into the sky as he does so. The missiles explode under him, "My, plan Gamma six theta is...terribly PATHETIC, now...AAGGGGH!" Scourge is blasted out of the sky by a huge energy blast that envelopes his whole chassis. Scourge's charred corpus falls the the ground, charred and slagged. Then, he staggers to his knees, guess he isn't dead after all, not yet, at least. "Hh..hh...is...that the most you can muster from your decrepit old frame, Monolith?" He gets to his legs, then leaps into the air, transforming into his alternate mode as he does so. Then, like a falling comet, Scourge drops from high in the sky towards Monolith, "You interrupted my hunt, Monolith, NO ONE STOPS THE HUNT!" Scourge transforms, his armored wings wrapping around his body like a shell, while engines lock into place to complete his transformation into a dreaded Sweepcraft. Airlift transforms as the rocket connects, and goes flying through space with an 'aiiieeeeeee' of painful intensity...there's one hell of a dent in his chest now and one of his arms has been blasted clean off...as he clutches teh 'shoulder' and stares at Havok he grates out.. "You...will...PAY..for that..and for challenging the master... The penalty..is death...sentance to be carried out...immediately..." and he transforms again, since he doesn't need that extra arm in this mode, and he streaks towards Havok, full throttle...hey, bury yourself up to the aft in bad guy and you're bound to do some damage...full speed mr. Sulu! In a flurry of motion, Airlift reforms into a sleek, gloss black Reavercraft. Reavercraft strikes Havok with ram. Gigabyte jumps into the air and transforms. She soars at Prominence. A soft hum begins to emit as rockets launch forth. Jumping into action, Gigabyte transforms into her jet mode Rumble grits his shiny silver teeth, a little bit of pink energon running out from between them from his recent head injury. The ground around him vibrates and cracks as he starts playing something very, very loud(Bad Girl by DJ Rap). When the bass kicks in, the ground splinters and floats into the air, the blurred Rumble clambers up out of the hole, and the sonic energy focusses forward in a visible wave of bass! F-22 Raptor misses Space Fighter with her Don't mess with me or I will blow your head off rocket attack. Rumble strikes Havok with Bass_Hammer. Sweepcraft [Scourge] strikes Monolith with You Think You're Big Time? You're Gonna DIE Big Time!. Earthscorch flies at Monolith again, this time extending a leg, effectively jump kicking him in the back.... Or trying to. Earthscorch misses Monolith with his kick attack. Havok grunts in pain as the reavercraft slams into him. He staggers backwards, but instead of rolling away, firmly grasps the craft with both hands, and with a mighty *HEAVE* sends Airlift careening towards Rumble! Havok succeeds in grasping Reavercraft , throwing him off-balance. Space Fighter just spins through the compressed air blast, one of his pyramidal points knocking away the incoming rockets. Two rather large panels slide open near his rear thrusters, and a halv-dozen spheres drop out, plummeting toward the airborne forms of Gigabyte and Jetstream. Monolith is distracted by Avatar's combat, allowing Scourge to suprise him. As Scourge rams him from on high, he is knocked clear of Earthscorch's kick. Riding the front of the Sweepcraft he grasps each side and his shoulder launcher levels down towards the vehicles aft. "You will not get so lucky again, servant of the Betrayer." KA-THOOOM Monolith strikes Sweepcraft [Scourge] with Shoulder Turret Missile Launcher. Prominence unleashes his Carpet Bombing attack on Jetstream and Gigabyte, striking Gigabyte. Galvatron lets out a heavy series of breaths as he rises to one knee, surveying the damage done to the gates. It doesn't matter, it can be fixed, which is more than he can say for Avatar once he finishes this duel. Arm brings up cannon in reaction to the noises, but nothing is there. Galvatron begins to turn his head to scan the back perimeter, just as he catches Avatar in his peripheral vision. It affords him enough time to backflip away from the actual blast, but the debris and smoke caused blots out any sign of his foe. Earthscorch cringes as the sweep commander takes yet another mighty blow. He then steadies himself at Monolith once more and prepares for an attack. Havok tags Rumble with that wacky Airlift-Toss. Jetstream hits his leg thrusters, easily avoiding the line-of-sight fireing bombs and once again arms his arm cannons. He aims carefully @ the dude, snapping off blast after blast of crimson laser energy Jetstream misses Space Fighter with his Arm mounted laser blasters attack. Havok nails Airlift with his Airlift-Toss attack. Compile is stuck so to speak in the back of Havok. He looks and plants both feet on avok's Back, and tries to get his blade out of the back of Havok "Ah Slag. It's stuck." an dhe begans to grunt, and pull, then, Havok is rammed and then hit by Rumbles attack hits. Then he looks at Havok grabs Airlift "Hey Lift, I'm Stuck." and he watchs Airlfit go flying "Uh Bye lift." an dhe looks "Hey, no one hits Rumble, except me." and he extnds his hand, which glows like Soundwave's and taps Havok on the back of the head. You strike Havok with Love Tapped Tasered Hand. Even as Havok tosses Airlift into the smaller Decepticon, his armor is seared by Compile's energy blast. The massive war machine shudders, and staggers backwards, "Gah.. *hack* wooo! Finally..." he spits out some energon, then returns his attention to the battle. The Avatar cackles and thrusts himself down towards Galvatron and lands on the ground, breaking into a run the moment his feet hit the ground. He charges toward the Decepticon Overlord with little remorse and zero mercy as he dips his shoulder down and smashes into him at full power, knocking him towards the walls of Darkmount, "Why don't you give me the tour of your home, Betrayer? Just so you can get one last look before I rid this world of your treachery!" he cackles, "How does it feel Galvatron? Can you sense it? CAN YOU? YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS? IT'S DEATH'S EMBRACE AND IT YEARNS FOR YOU! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Reavercraft gets tossed..and nails Rumble..and skips into the air in a manner that would impress the best stone throwers, and slams into Darkmounts gates..and then crumples to the ground and moans for several moments... Rumble throws up sparks as he skids across the metallic ground, gouging an ugly rut for a dozen meters. Rising to his feet, he pushes Airlift's body off of him with an "outta da way, Lifter," and fires off several short blasts from his laser, walking them across the ground with a *spak-spak-spak* towards his target. Rumble strikes Havok with Rapid_Laser. Havok grunts mildly as Compile taser's him, spinning around, his foot arcs outwards, hoping to catch the smaller Decepticon in the head.. at the last second, Rumble's lasers dig into his already-damaged frame, but hopefully.. the kick will still connect. F-22 Raptor goes twisting out of control through the air as the bombs rip through her armor. She struggles with bringing herself in order as she starts heading toward the crowd below her. Finally she manages to get control of herself as she soars overhead of those below. She zeros in on her target once more. Earthscorch flies at Monolith, before he can fully recover and does a back-fisted punch at his face. Earthscorch misses Monolith with his punch attack. Carrion blinks as the full-weight of the Reaver is placed onto his brother. "Impressive." The little bird looks around to see how the others are doing, hopefully better than they were. Shaking his head at the war machine called Havok, the avian reveals his concealed chainguns. They take aim and fire a barrage of plasma at the target. The volley of projectiles shriek as they speed their way to Havok. "By Unicron..." Galvatron manages to stammer out as the figure breaks through the haze and barrels full tilt into his chest plating. "NRGH!" is heard quite loudly, amid the shattering of Darkmount's defense wall. Ragged metal claws and scrapes along his frame as it tumbles through and into the base itself, sliding a good distance down the slick metal hall. Carrion misses Havok with his Twin Chainguns attack. Earthscorch says, "You cannot defeat us all, false one..." F-22 Raptor misses Space Fighter with her Heat seeking missiles attack. Havok grunts as the ENTIRE FRIGGIN ARMY descends upon him with tooth, claw, laser, and chainguns. His optics glow with a mad fury, and he reaches around to where Compile's blade is stuck into his thick armor. He reaches a hand towards the smaller Decepticon, and attempts to grab something vital.. maybe his throat, and slam him into the ground. You evade Havok's Choke-Slam attack. Rumble throws out his arms in an unconscious imitation of Monolith's chest-cannon attack on him the other day, but instead of a cannon appearing, his drums start to pulse instead, distorting the area around him and flattening debris with each impact. He raises his voice, calling in mega-bass-amplified stentorian tones, "Yer da poseurs around here, bucko! We's da magnificent basted posse! How's it feel ta get schooled by a buncha tiny punks, eh? Tell me how it freakin' feels!" The triphammer bass blows across the battlefield, ripping the very air apart in its eagerness to crush and rend. Space Fighter goes into evasive maneuvers as the firepower is sent his way. His sleek form jinks around laserfire and explosives alike, to bear down toward Gigabyte, "Bah... You call yourself a Seeker. With that mutated form... Here, allow me to improve upon it!" With a cackle, one of the missiles under his 'wing' slides forward and fires toward Gigabyte, the warhead pulsing ominously. Space Fighter strikes F-22 Raptor with Energon Warhead. Rumble unleashes his Sonic_Vengeance attack on Havok, striking Havok. The Avatar steps in following Galvatron's path and chuckles, "Get up coward. Look me in the optics, stare at your destiny. Straxus was the Alpha." he pauses, tensing his fist as he slams it across Galvatron's face, "And I... am the Omega." Sweepcraft [Scourge] is basically obliterated by the missile as it detonates point blank on his fuelsalage, ripping panels from the craft's armoring and leaving it a shattered spaceship in a pile of rubble. The gloss black Reavercraft explodes outward, turning into the Decepticon Airlift. Airlift manages to transform..the screeching of armor is like nails on a chalk board.. he pulls a device from a compartment..and grates out.. Jetstream begins glowing with a WHINE noise as Prom attacks Gigs. His body glows red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and finally pure white, and then he lets go with a Disruptor blast, focused through his seeker-lasers, though not generated by them Compile ducks behind Havok, well, more like hangs behind him, since his Power Blade is stuck in his Back "Ah Salg, I need to get a release built into my blade." and he mutters, as Rumble's attack hits, and he sees Havoks hand coming for him. Oh The big hand that shows when the mighty Choke SLam will come. He plants himself to Havoks back,a s th ehand passes over him. He looks and sighs and begans to pull more "Damn, You's got some Tough Armor. How about letting me get unstuck." and he looks as Havok is not paying attention to him. "HELLO, MCFLY. MCFLY HELLO!" he yells as he slaps the back of Havoks Head "I's is talking to ya's MCFLY." Earthscorch looks over his shoulder once as Scourge is rather brutally damaged, but presses on, attempting to keep Monolith from finishing him. Jetstream strikes Space Fighter with Disruptor. You strike Havok with Backhand. Monolith flies backwards nearly out of control away from Scourge, gaining himself just before he crashes into the ground he manages to make a hard landing on one knee actuator. shaking his head he tries to gain himself. Havok staggers backwards as Rumble's sonic attack connects, miraculously not doing any damage to the smaller tape still attached to his back. His optics flare once more, and he grunts, "Alright.. fun times over, ya little smegloids." Havok falls to the ground and expands outwards. As the newly formed tank drops to the ground, the enourmous artillary cannon snaps into place, sending shivers through the circuits of even the most courageous enemies! Rumble succeeds in grasping Compile, throwing him off-balance. Rumble strikes you with Oops_Sorry_Missed_That_One_Pose for 17 points of damage. You are now at 38 endurance and 0 injury level. Giant Tank's main artillary falls into place, and settles on Rumble. With an unholy scream, the cannon roars to life, sending arcs of electricity coursing over Havok's armoured form. Then, without warning, it explodes violently! Giant Tank tags Rumble with that wacky Nucleon Particle Cannon. Galvatron is met with the Avatar's fist before the impact of his travel can even register, sending him tumbling even farther into the winding corridors of Darkmount. There he lies motionless, the sounds of battle through the breached wall stirring back into the here and now. No time for resting, must fight with everything he's got. Fragments of dusted metal slide off of his body as he reaches for a handhold and pulls himself to a standing position, facing down the Avatar with his cannon out. "You are NOTHING," Galvatron calls out, keeping his voice steady and strong. "You are the follower of a dead warlord, nothing more. And since you seem to enjoy Straxus so damned much, let me reunite the two of you!" A lance of pink explodes from the tip of his cannon. Compile blinsk and looks as he is hit by Rumbles Sonic attack.. Well, that helpped, and he goes flying as his blade snaps off "OUCH!" he screams as he sees the guns pointed at HAvok "DAMN...You's in a world of hurt....." he says as he raises his arm Galvatron Style and points it at Havoks rearend.... "It's going to be a hot time in the old town tonight." and he fires his weapon. You strike Giant Tank with Plasma-Disruptorthrower. F-22 Raptor is sent hurling toward the ground once more. The attack had torn through her armor and her wings were badly mangled. She has no choice but to transform once more since her jet mode is now useless. Transforming, she activates her thrust systems and lands some what gently on the ground. She narrows her optics at the space craft. She throws up her hand and sends a rush of flames toward Prom. Transforming into her robot mode, Gigabyte is now ready for a challenge Rumble is pegged solidly, disappearing in a tremendous fireball rising from the general area where he was and slowly mushrooming into the sky. He walks out of it, smoking, charred, but mighty! Then his left arm falls off and rolls down the hill. "Aww, crap, my freakin' arm! An' it's still got my gun on it!" He runs off after the arm to try to get it back. Gigabyte strikes Space Fighter with fireblaster. Earthscorch presses in at Monolith, though much smaller, his bulk making up some of the difference. He takes a heavy back-handed swing at his opponent's head... Earthscorch misses Monolith with his punch attack. Space Fighter gets a small score on one side from the lasers, and another char mark from the flames, but doesn't seem ready to stop at all. The barrel under his nosecone vibrates to life, and begins spewing shells toward Gigabyte, determined to finish her off. Space Fighter misses Gigabyte with his Nose-Mounted Machine Gun attack. Airlift raises an arm feebly, and opens fire with his disruptors on whoever is closest..which means: Havok.. From afar (to Havok, Compile, and Rumble), Carrion (rion) sorries for the idle and was putting his RL bird inside cause its getting really cold out. Airlift strikes Giant Tank with Optic Beams. Jetstream once again quickdraws his jetstream blaster, twirling it on his finger for a moment and taking aim at the seeker wannabe. He stops it's spinning and grabs it by the handle, squeezing the trigger and lancing out with a compressed air pulse The shot of unadalterated energy slams into Avatar's chest, sending him to the ground with a ungraceful clang. He kippups to a standing position quick enough however, although it is quite apparent that the cannon blast did not make Avatar a happy camper, "I see that playtime is over, well then. Let's get off the playground, hrm?" He rushes at Galvatron and rears back his cannon arm, intending to slam into his face with his fist once more. An enraged, almost feral scream emitted with his demonic, grating voice. Jetstream strikes Space Fighter with Jetstream. Monolith manages to clear his head just in time and rolls forward out of Earthscorch's swing. He comes up and draws from his hip a small hilt. From it grows a glowing blue energy blade. He glares at Earthscorch. "Good timing, but unfortunately, your skills are lacking." He then attempts to cleave Earthscorch in two from the shoulder to the opposite hip. "Now, learn the right way of doing things Betrayer Minion!" Monolith strikes Earthscorch with Blue Blade of Battalion Death. Rumble clambers back up the hill, bleeding and on fire, both his scatterblasters crudely tied together with a bit of wire and gripped in his remaining(right) hand. He takes a recoil stance and draws down on the tank's barrel with a grin on his face and a sneer in his heart, and he knows that if they take him, it won't be alive and it won't be alone! "Eat whateva da hell dis fires, sucka!" he yells, defiant as Galvatron himself. Rumble strikes Giant Tank with Some_Kind_Of_Crazy_Laser. Gigabyte throws herself to the ground as the bullets crash down around. She turns herself on her back and aims up at Prom. softly she mumbles. "Once again, I will probably end up in the slaggen medbay." Gigabyte strikes Space Fighter with arm laser. Earthscorch urgs loudly as the blade shreds through him with horrendous ease. Fortunately it only makes it to about his middle before he pulls back and off it. For a moment he stands in a sort of shock... then his left arm falls off, it's attachments too weakened to support it. Giant Tank spins as Airlift's feeble attack explodes against his armor. His optics narrow, but he decides to concentrate on the threat at hand (never thought I'd have to say that >:)... the tapes, "YAAAAArrrrG!" he bellows as Rumble's laser connects, "I admire *hack* your courage, Decepticons.. *cough* but.. the battle.. is MINE!" with that, he wipes some energon from his faceplate, and levels his gun-arm at Rumble. It spins into gear with a high-pitched whine, then unleashes a barrage of hypervelocity slugs. Space Fighter gradually decreases his momentum, flying through the pair of incoming blasts. With a grunt of annoyance, he transforms.. The sleek space fighter begins to break apart, emerging a mere moments later as the hovering Cybertronian Prominence. "The games are indeed over, Avatar!" Galvatron launches himself at the nearest wall, riccocheting above the thrusting fist behind its driven owner. "I do believe it's time for a payback, don't you agree?" He grimly intones, battering the Avatar in the back of his cranium with both fists. Satisfied that he's sufficiently off-balance, Galvatron slams his entire body in Avatar, sending him straight through the blast doors and into the command center. "GET UP! GET UP AND DIE!" Giant Tank transforms, beforehand, of course. The massive tank collapses and folds in on itself, and becomes the hulking behemoth, Havok! Havok tags Rumble with that wacky Hypervelocity Chain Gun. Earthscorch jumps up suddenly, his legs curled up in a sort of fetal position, then lashes out with a series of kicks at Monolith's face. Carrion has just about had enough. First his father, now his bretheren. The little bird can only stand so much agony in his loved ones. The condor makes a loud audio-piercing war cry, he dives upward to gain some altitude. Looking down, the tank doesnt seem so big. Spreading his wings out, the bird begins focusing the remnants of his energon into his optics. His eyes glow bright, energy building up behind the lense. Suddenly, a streak of red energy cuts through the dark air and towards the vehicle. The beam sending the bird back with such great force. Compile elooks at Rumble and Blinks. "Oh Slag, Rumble, you's just got that fixed." he yells as he heads for Havok. He jumps and his copper optic bar glows. Then he fires a beam of energy at the gun of Haovks, as he gets around the front of it. Just liek rumble, he is nmot to happ, and wants to slag this sucker. His shot is right into the barrel of Havoks un Also. FYI. :) Havok shrugs off the other assorted tape attacks that fall against his blackened, charred armor, he is intent on his target.. too bad for Rumble. You strike Havok with High-Powered X-Ray Eye Lasers. Carrion strikes Havok with Optic Blast. Earthscorch strikes Monolith with Irish Face Jig. Prominence glares down at the seekers, "I tire of this game. Now is the time for you to feel the pain of true pestilence!" He reaches behind his back, withdrawing a massive claymore easily as long as he is tall. While remaining a good distance off the ground, he swings the blade down at Gigabyte. As soon as the blade is extended, it seperates into several sections, increasing its length tenfold and sending the energized tip toward Gigabyte. Prominence strikes Gigabyte with Energized Chain Blade.
* BRRRRAAAT!* A half-dozen ferro-nickle slugs chew through Rumble's belly, aerating his innards nicely. He staggers back a step with a sharp 'hurk!' and lowers his head, pausing to recover, then, unbelievably, raises his makeshift dual blaster and just keeps on firing, undaunted! "Think again! Think freakin' AGAIN." Rumble misses Havok with his Desperate_Barrage attack. Laserbeak soars down into view from the skies above. Laserbeak soars into view Monolith shows no sign of gloating. He merely readies himself, but he is not ready enough. Earthscorch Jig's across his face knocking him staggering backwards. He rollls backwards and stands. Withdrawing the blade and returning it to his hip he pulls from his back a medium sized pole, on it's end, a large shaped... is that a BRAND ...in the shape of Straxus's orifional Decepticon emblem. The end begins to glow and he charges Earthscorch, attempting to drive the brand into his torso. "Face retribution follower of the betrayer." Havok staggers backwards under the onslaught, but remains standing somehow, "You cannot defeat me! I live for chaos.. I breed destruction.." he removes a long metallic pole from his back, and activates it with a twist. In an explosion of energy, the head of the weapon ignites, forming what can only be called a giant war hammer, of pure energy, he growls, grim, and determined, "I -AM- WAR!" Airlift goes through his transformation again, the screeching deafening..and then his jets bring him slowly into the air..where he takes aim, and looses a volley of his missiles at Havok.. "The Battle...will NEVER...be yours! GO JOIN YOUR DEAD MASTER!" the reaver bellows as the missiles fly. Jetstream transforms and hits his afterburners, wanting to finish this seeker wannabe loser and get on with it. He flies toward the dude, aiming his nose toward the guy and attempting to plow into him Monolith misses Earthscorch with his Brand of the Battalion attack. Rumble frowns. "Aww, damn." In a flurry of motion, Airlift reforms into a sleek, gloss black Reavercraft. You d Rumble, Havok, and Carrion with 'hehehehe'. Jetstream misses Prominence with his ram attack. Havok tags Rumble with that wacky Warhammer of Doom. Rumble falls to the ground unconscious. Reavercraft strikes Havok with mini-rockets. Carrion swings around and notices the arrival of his twin, the condor rejoices, he welcomes his sibling with a squawk and transmits a telepathic signal. Laserbeak falls out of the sky squawking loudly...he quickly surveys the situation and begins his assault Compile watchs as Rumble gfalls to the Ground "Why I out to Slag you for that." and he flies up to Havoks face. Compile makes a fist, "Allow me to introduce you's to my friend," and he pulls his arm and his balled hand back. "Face meet Knuckle Sandwich, Knuckle Sandwich meet Face." and he extends his arm and balled fist towards your face. You strike Havok with Knuckle Sandwich. Jetstream begins shifting and changing shape, legs folding up, wings flipping over and cockpit folding up, until an F-15 Jet Fighter is in his place. Orange F-15 Jet Fighter strikes Prominence with ram. The Avatar tumbles into the Command Center and gets up in indeed, forming his energy lance once more and slashing it across the consoles, tearing through them like a hot knife through butter, sending sparks and small explosions everywhere, "Why do you fight your destiny Pretender? Why do you try to change that, which is unchangeable? It is of no consequence, for I am enjoying this." he cackles, "I have yearned for this day for millenia, and now it has finally come, and I shall be sure to savor every last moment of your death." He slashes down across Galvatron's chest, and immediately afterwards grabs a hold of him, lifting him above his head and literly launching him into the destroyed consoles, "Let the pain remind you. Let it sink in. You may hide behind that new title and body, but I know who lurks beneath, it was YOU who betrayed the Master, it was YOU who brought defeat and shame upon this Empire... and it is YOU who shall die on this day!!" Rumble looks over as his -other- arm is knocked off. He screws up his face into a snarl and looks up at Havok, pauses, then realizes he doesn't have much else he can do. "Neva take me alive, coppa," he mutters, spits energon in Havok's eye, and falls over with a clang. Earthscorch manages to dodge the brand, perhaps because of his missing arm. He flips away, kicking out in a sort of Guile flash kick on the way. Gotta love that flight. Earthscorch strikes Monolith with kick. Gigabyte doesn't move in time as the engergon blade rips through her armor, cutting through nessary circuitry. She trys to get up only to find that she can't seen to manage it. Carrion cackles at the Tank, his voice raspy and barely understands. "You are nothing! DIE infidel!" The buzzard swivels upside down and launches several blasts of lasers out from his shoulders. Carrion misses Havok with his Lasers attack. Monolith is kicked, but as he is far more massive, he takes it in stride... his armor doesn't even dent. But he definately noticed it. He turns and faces Earthscorch and as his Ice-Blue optics flare briefly he levels the twin Vulcan-Cannons at his opponent. "You dodge well, dodge this!" He then lets loose with the pair of vulcans on Earthscorch. Monolith strikes Earthscorch with Vulcan Cannons. Havok's head turns as Airlift's attack connects, "My dead master?" he chuckles, "Who do you think is killing YOUR pathetic master right now?!" he growls, and turns his attention to Carrion as Rumble falls lifeless, "This game.. is OVER!" Prominence snaps his sword back with a cackle, "Ha! That'll teach you to-" His words are broken off as Jetstream rams into his chest. His optics narrow dangerously as he grapples with the jet, "You. Do. Not. Touch. Me. INFIDEL!" He lifts one arm and levels the cannon straight at Jetstream's cockpit, letting loose a full-power blast. Prominence strikes Orange F-15 Jet Fighter with Seeker Arm-Lasers-High Power. Havok misses Carrion with his Sucker Punch attack. Laserbeak flies at Havok, squawking with rage, he aims and fires, targeting the tank's treads... Laserbeak strikes Havok with Eye Lasers. Orange F-15 Jet Fighter gets SLAMMEd with the seeker lasers, blots ripping clean through his hull and scoring him badly. He however manages to continue flying and comes about, on an erratic course, aiming his underwing lasers and fireing Orange F-15 Jet Fighter misses Prominence with his Wing mounted laser blasters attack. Compile is suprised he has hit "Hey guys, I have the power of Z in me." he yells as he yells loud enough for all to hear "DECEPTICONS FOREVERRRR!!!!!!!!" and he brings his leg back, and sends it flying to Havoks Face as well. You bet he is getting brownie points for this. :) "And the kick is up........" You strike Havok with Shin Kick. Earthscorch urks as the slugs push him back through the air. His face is a mask of stern desperation. Earthscorch moves into the air, pulling in his arms and legs until they are one with his body. His wings fold forward while his nosecone folds down. Whe re Earthscorch once stood, there is only a hoverjet. Reavercraft laughs..nay..+cackles+ in response, transforming again, the screeching filling the air.. "Don't you understand yet fool!?" he rasps out his demand, "He +KILLED+ your Master..your +creator+! If my Master can kill Straxus, what chance do +you+ have? You are a pathetic shadow of what once was fool! A throwback to a dead age and a worthless pile of scrap! You will fall before Galvatron's heel and be destroyed by the might of the Empire, for even though you might kill each of us here, Galvatron will prevail over your leader, and then...then my foolish friend... You. Will. Die." and he opens fire with his laser rifle, right at Havok's head.. The gloss black Reavercraft explodes outward, turning into the Decepticon Airlift. Prominence draws his sword once more, optics still flaring. He swats at the incoming blasts, deflecting them off into the atmosphere. Foot thrusters fire, sending the Battalion Seeker flying toward Jetstream in what appears to be a collision course. At the last moment, he juniks upward, swinging his sword downward to slice across the jet's form. Prominence misses Orange F-15 Jet Fighter with his Energized Chain Blade attack. Airlift misses Havok with his Laser Rifle o' Doom attack. Hoverjet says, "Now you will face my full power, interloper!" Monolith merely braces... Galvatron fights back an audible expression of discomfort as his body is slashed open, sparks issuing forth from the intense heat of the weapon. Before he can retaliate with violence or words, he finds himself above the ground, world spinning in his head, then heaved towards the remaining bank of control systems. This time a cry of pain escapes, before the series of monitors and consoles begin to erupt and crumple, showering the command center with sparks and shreds of console parts. All of Darkmount's lights begin to flicker, a strobe like effect produced by the fluctuations. And in the middle of the command center, suspended at the wrists by thick electrical cables and wiring, is Galvatron, systems already screaming warnings to him by the second. Prominence strikes Orange F-15 Jet Fighter with Energized Chain Blade. Hoverjet's mini-missile pods suddenly perk up and train on monolith. Even as he flies backward a barrage of finger-sized mini-missiles, many dozen, fire forth in a long stream at his opponent. Orange F-15 Jet Fighter pushes down at the last second, getting clipped accross the maneuvering rudders and being knocked DOWN. Unalbe to pull up he continues on a collision course with the ground that he cannot avert and he SLAMS into the ground Hoverjet misses Monolith with his rapid-fire mini-missiles attack. Carrion looks up at the flickering lights and whispers to himself. "Galvatron?" Orange F-15 Jet Fighter just sticks to the ground, smoking and out like a light. Havok dodges to the side of Airlift's attack, and ignores the tape army for the time being, and instead charges the Reaver, "Straxus was YOUR master as well, fool! If you were a true Decepticon, instead of a pathetic boot-licker for that smegger Galvatron.. you'd know it!" he chuckles, "Perhaps ya need a reminder?" he swings his massive energy War-Hammer over his head and brings the end of the weapon arcing towards Airlift's head. Havok Airlift dodges Havok's It's Hammer Time! attack! Galvatron strains against the tangled remains of the control wiring, putting his strength into it and gaining freedom with a sickening snap. He lands on one knee, awaiting the next strike. "It'll... urgh... take MORE than that!" Prominence straps his sword to his back again, "So be the fate of all filthy infidels.." He hovers back up slightly, taking care to brush the filth of contact from his arms and chest. The Avatar throws his head back and cackles yet again, as he takes a few slow steps forward, "Oh... how unfortunte... 'mighty Galvatron'." he sneers, as he approaches to finish it off, but is taken off guard by Galvatron freeing himself, he throws up his cannon arm to shield himself from a counter-attack, but knows it's more than likely, too little, too late. Airlift drops..and then touching down on the ground for a moment, he crouches..and this his optics flare a crimson so bright it's almost painful to look at for a moment.. "True Decepticon? To the victor goes the spoils fool! Straxus was defeated, throw down your arms and serve the rightful master of the Empire!" and he launches up, his wings slicing towards Havok's neck with every intent of decapitating the Horseman..he doesn't even percieve Galv's plight. Airlift misses Havok with his blade attack. Rally returns to reality. Monolith dances as well as any choreagraphed artists as he maneuvers through the blasts form Earthscorch's weapons. He pulls from his back his Plasma rifle and levels it, waiting, waiting, waiting, then letting loose as Earthscorch passes over him. Tryiing to take out the Decepticon's undercarrage. Monolith strikes Hoverjet with Plasma Rifle. Compile loos at Darmount and allof the flickering light s"Whoa...Cool." an dhe turns around and looks for Havok "Hey, where did that fulla go?" he asks as he scratchs his head. He then spots HAvok,a nd says "Hey, no one attack's my bros and gets away with it. Carrion, Beak, lets turn this Mutha out." he yells as he looks "And you's never turn your back on a Tape." an dhe raises his left arm, Galvatron Style again, and he looks and smearks "Computer, all Max Firepower." he syas as there is a few beepings and he fires on the Wannabe Decepticon "Hey Freak, let me freak ya out." You strike Havok with Kama Hama Ha!!!!. Laserbeak takes advantage of Havok's back and fires again, aiming for his head "Turn your back to me at your peril, fool!", he shrieks as he fires and flies by... Laserbeak strikes Havok with Eye Lasers. Carrion streaks above Havok, he flies directly overhead. The tape squawks, a small compartment on the bottom of his body opening. They begin to release several metal canisters, the containers tumbling as they fall from the heavens. Hoverjet growls as Monolith dodges his rocks with uncanny ability. The anger turns to a gasp of pain as a huge bolt of plasma cooks open his underbelly. He swaggers and does a nosedive at the ground, only pulling up at the last minute. Carrion strikes Havok with Turd Bomb. Galvatron doesn't even take a second evaluation, launching himself at Avatar with no sign of restraint. His vigor is renewed, nevermind the shouts of danger to systems going through his processor. A left hand uppercut contacts Avatar's chin, with a right jab impacting into his midsection. The flurry of punches continues, pushing his foe back a great distance with the frenetic assault, towards the stairs leading into Darkmount's upper levels. Meanwhile, what's left of the control system ticks of a warning that cooling stabilizers in the smelting pits have shut down... Havok grunts at Airlift, "Feh.. too many words." he lifts his energy hammer once again, but this time, swipes at Airlift with the business end, sending a flaming blurr of energy arcing over the war machine's head towards the reaver. Havok Airlift dodges Havok's Warhammer of Doom attack! The hoverjet tilts back, its wings folding upwards at forty-five degree angles. Arms emerge from the aircraft's sides, and a pair of legs seperate from the aircraft's tail end. The nosecone folds back, revealing Earthscorch. Soundwave enters from the Security Checkpoint to the north. Airlift laughs, "Accept your death fool! Serve Galvatron or Die! That is the choice of all in the galaxy!" and he transforms again, opening up with his slugslinger again. In a flurry of motion, Airlift reforms into a sleek, gloss black Reavercraft. Reavercraft misses Havok with his slugs attack. Soundwave flies out carrying Inuisitra in one arm and a few other wounded on his back and in his other as Darkmount shakes rattles and rolls. Earthscorch pretty much rolls across the ground, his body suffering from horrendous wounds. In a last ditch effort, he pulls his rifle out of subspace and lets loose at Monolith. Earthscorch says, "We'll never succumb to you, usurpers! Not so long as a single spark flows through the circuits of a single one of us!" Havok shrugs off the tape army once again.. it seems to get harder and harder everytime. Energon leaks from cracked armor, optics blaze with a desperate fury. He WILL be victorious this day.. after all.. The Avatar said so. At the last minute, he dodges Airlift's fire, and snaps his rocket launchers into place, sending a barrage of ancient warheads towards the Reavercraft. Earthscorch strikes Monolith with automatic rifle. Havok nails Airlift with his Shoulder Rockets attack. Gigabyte just lays there still unable to move, energon pours from every wound and torn circuitry sizzles out their rage on the helpless seeker. She clenches her fists trying to ignore the unspeakible pain. Her optics struggle to stay on, yet she seems to be in a losing battle against herself Compile drops to the ground, covering his head as Airlifts attack misses and almost hits him "Hey, watch it." he says as he gets up, and looks "Lets ROCK this joint...." he yells. With that cool transformation sound. The arms of Compile began to rearrange themselves and turn into huge speakers. These speakers are twice the size of Compile, and they begain to "THUMP...THUMP" and the song 'Respect The Wind' from the Twister Movie Soundtrack is heard. It is turned up to full blast, espically since it is one long Guitar solo (5 minutes and 48 seconds) by Edward and Alex Van Halen. Boy, is this place going to be rocking. Compile unleashes his High Frequency Bass Sonics attack on Havok, striking no one. Rumble lies on the ground, all smoking. Both his arms lie next to him. But don't pick him up, he's logging! Earthscorch grunts unhappily, as he had been trying to work his way into Darkmount. Carrion cackles as he swings around for another attack run on Havok. However, the bird is distracted as he notices the arrival of his father. Changing his course, he flies over to Soundwave and hovers silently for a brief moment above him. The bird chirps to welcome his creator back to the world of the living. Laserbeak swoops back around and continues firing at Havok's upper body, he then does another flyby
* CRACK* *POW* *CLANG!* *CRUNCH!* It's worse than an old batman show! The Avatar takes each hit hard, getting pushed back further and furhter up the stairs until they near the top. He growls and summons all of his strength and reaches out with his hands, grabbing a hold of Galvatron by the shoulders and falling backwards, and rolling, planting his feet on Galvatron's midsection and launching him up into the room. He stumbles to his feet and walks towards Galvatron, sneering, as he holds up his cannon arm, "I've waited an eternity for this..." he narrows his optics as he prepares to finish off Galvatron, "... your end... is now." Laserbeak strikes Havok with Eye Lasers. Reavercraft is busy flying through the air from being blasted by Havok..he transforms painfully as he slams into a wall again..and then standing up he starts stalking across the battle field, bruised, battered, beaten, almost dead.... "I....will...not....fall....to....you!" and he fires up his chainsaw and hits at Havok with it..there's nowhere to retreat to..no escape...fight or die...and os he fights. The gloss black Reavercraft explodes outward, turning into the Decepticon Airlift. Airlift misses Havok with his Buzzsaw hand of doom! attack. Galvatron is tossed backwards and into several structures, taking pillars and supports clean out of his way. His body is smashed, battered and cracked with each pass through, until he finally ends the journey in the middle of the room. Nowhere to go for cover, no allies, no way out... just the way he likes it. "N.no... this is over, Avatar. FINISHED! It's time for you... to be on your way... on your way to the v-void...." Galvatron quickly transforms into 26 feet of Death On Treads . Monolith is caught by suprise as the rifle's shot, it catches him square in the left optic and he goes realing. Crahsing into the ground he raises on all fours. "No you have... displeased me." He stands and turns to face his opponent. His left optic ripped asunder and what is left of it hanging from his faceplate. He once again slams his fists together and begins drawing them outward. His chestplate follows his hands movements opening to reveal the Fusion Cannon once more. Once again the ball of white-hot energy builds until it is almost ready to engulf the weapon, then it streaks out at Earthscorch. Monolith strikes Earthscorch with Fusion Cannon. Earthscorch falls to the ground unconscious. Monolith says, "Never displease, Monolith" Earthscorch makes a note to avoid doing so in the future. Airlift bleeds all over the people he attacks. Galvatron and Avatar's battle has not been kind to Darkmount. As the Battalion -barely- manages to hold off a sizable portion of the Decepticon army at it's gates, the two titans battle inside. Smashing through walls, destroying entire computer systems with energy backwash, the fortress is in a sad condition. Those nearby will start to take notice. When will Galvatron and Avatar emerge from the Decepticon fortress? And who will remain standing? Compile blinks as he misses "What the slag...I never missed before, well, except against that bot, Wolfsong. But that is another Stroy." he syas as he powers his Optics and as they glow copper, he fires them at the Cybertronian named Havok. And he looks to see Gavly TF "Oh Slag." he says a she fires at Havok. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" he yells as Galvy fires. You strike Havok with High-Powered X-Ray Eye Lasers. Galvcannon doesn't waste time in speeches, in charging or in even letting the Avatar run. He's devoted to finishing this and doing it now. With a thunderous *BWA-THWOOM*, his cannon barrel erupts, sending the wide arc of pure chemical electricity into Avatar's body. Monolith turns from his fallen opponents and looks to the Decepticon HQ. "Avatar!" he then takes to the air. "Havok, Prominence, quit toying with them and finish this. Avatar and the Betrayer are within." He looks to the swarm on Havok and is, displeased. He measures the field looking at who is left. Laserbeak squawks viciously as his attacks go unanswered, he swoops back around and continues his barrage on Havok's head and shoulders Prominence finishes brushing himself off, finally somewhat content that he's gotten most of the filth and char free from his armor. Finally, he peers downward at Monolith and Havok, while pointing one arm out and spraying torrents of hot lasers into a crowd of charging Decepticon gumbies, "You fellows done down there yet?" Soundwave carries the wounded off to the south, Soundwave leaves to the Outskirts of Darkmount to the south. Havok side-steps the buzzsaw attack, and drop to his knees as Carrion, Compile, and Laserbeak's attacks hit home. Apparently, the wrath of the tapes is not something to take lightly. Nevertheless, Havok, the physical embodiment of war itself, struggles onwards. One target at a time will fall. Unfortunatley for Airlift, he's next. Havok leaps to his feet, and grabs Airlift's throat. With a massive swing of his arm, he attemps to smash the reaver into the ground! Earthscorch finds himself facing a long blast that he is unable dodge... He just kind of stares as it seems to approach in slow motion. Then suddenly it connects and he finds himself with a large hole through his body. His optics flicker and he falls face-down. Havok nails Airlift with his Choke Slam of Doom attack. Airlift falls to the ground unconscious. Laserbeak strikes Havok with Eye Lasers.
* CRUNCH* Carrion woddles over next to Havok. The bird clamps his talons into the steel floor, the claws keeping a firm and tight grip. The buzzard folds his wings inward and focuses another ball of energy. The sphere launches as Carrion hurls his neck forward. Carrion strikes Havok with Energy Sphere. The cannon suddenly shifts into motion, the explosive transformation sequence revealing Galvatron. Havok bellows as one more Decepticon falls, he then collapses as lasers slice through is armored frame. Staggering to his feet, he manages to get out, "Eh.. Monolith.. ah'll be right there." he grunts in pain, "Just two more of these punks to finish off!" 3 Havok, not 2, 3. :) Monolith transforms and begins hovering, gaining speed as he approaches the others. Monolith falls forwards admists a crunching of gears and metal, and emerges moments later as a massive Armoured Personnel Carrier. Dredclaw enters from the Security Checkpoint to the north. Airlift is chokeslammed +INTO+ the ground, buried in the rubble that is rapidly becoming known as Darkmount..the Medic fought a brave battle..for a weakling. Earthscorch is missing an arm and has a large smoking hole through the middle of him. And he's lying face down. Laserbeak is swooping around Havok, lining up for another shot, his eyes gleaming viciously The Avatar's eyes go wide as Galvatron shifts into his cannon mode, he takes a step back. Throwing up his arms, "No... never! You cannot defeat me! You shall not escape the damnation that you have rought upon yourself for crimes long past! ARGH!!!!!!!!!" The sounds of the Avatar's scream can be heard echoing through the crumbling base as the blast from the Galvcannon impacts the Avatar, sending him hurtling into the wall. He slides off of it, landing in a heap... unmoving... seemingly lifeless... his mission... failed.... Or is it... A low, gargling noise can be heard, a noise that begins to raise in volume... the sound... of the Avatar cackling. He slowly stands up, gazing hard through his shattered optics, his faceplate damaged so that it causes him to wince, while he struggles to smile. "Fate... knows no defeat..." he utters, as he now transforms, "Straxus... is avenged..."
* KRAKA-FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!* Ancient Cybertronian APC stops and transforms once more. The Armoured Carrier collapses in upon itself, and emerges a mere seconds later as the Battalion Leader, Monolith! Compile looks as he hits "Yes, I hit him. WEll, with everyhitng, except the kitchn snk that is." and he rushs Havok, and jumps intot he air, flying towards him. He looks and aims hisleft arm at the Behemoth. Raising his left arm Galvatron Style for the third time, he takes aim, and fires... He Shoots.....Does he score? and h looks "WHOA......" an dhe sakes his head "NOW THAT is a cannon." You strike Havok with Plasma-Disruptorthrower. Monolith takes to the air, uttering a single word, "Avatar..." Monolith looks to the others, "Status!" Prominence tilts his head slightly as he hears the cry screaming from the bowels of Darkmount. His optics narrow slightly, fists clenching, "The Avatar..." He shakes his head, "Fine and dandy, Monolith.." Havok turns towards Darkmount, then towards Monolith. He grunts as Compile's plasma attack connects, he retaliates with a vicious kick to the head, "Eh.. I'll be better once these here smeglings are delt with!" he spits energon onto the charred landscape. Monolith emits, "Prominence, help Avatar deal with these pests...NOW!" Laserbeak swoops back around and continues firing at Havok, still aiming for his head and shoulders. He completes the pass and swoops back around. Laserbeak strikes Havok with Eye Lasers. Havok strikes you with Spin Kick for 12 points of damage. You are now at 30 endurance and 0 injury level. You are very conscious that your life is in serious danger in this battle. Prominence fodls his arms and transforms... Prominence leaps into the air and expands, transforming into a sleek space fighter. Carrion flies beside Laserbeak, he nods to the other bird to fire in sync with his own lasers. The condor shrieks, bolts of red laser shooting out of his optics. Monolith turns and takes off towards the wreckage-be-Darkmount... Havok bellows upwards, "Prominence! Get her haughty aft over here! I grow tired of this smeg.." This is something that Galvatron has only felt twice before in his existance. It's something practically alien to him, something that just DOESN'T surface. But right now, it's clear and in his optics, face falling slack. It's fear. A haunting, chilling realization that he can do nothing to stop this. The thunderclap that follows kills almost everything inside of Galvatron. His will, his spirit... ALMOST. The dust settles, the smoke clears, and the rubble continues to fall. But, miracuously, Galvatron still has a little life left in his body yet. Carrion strikes Havok with Optic Blast. The Gumby Troops were smart enough to heed Soundwave's orders. They all flee for their lives as Darkmount crumbles. MSE hauled itself out too..wisely, they steer well clear of the battle field though, being cowards and weaklings for the most part. Unlike aerospace. It should be noted that both cannon blasts have taken the roof off of the joint, revealing the scene between Avatar and Galvatron. Space Fighter jets forward once in pyramidal fighter mode. He emits a soft cackle as two ports on his underside open up, "Coming, coming, Havok. Hold onto your cannon... and duck and cover!" His cackle grows to annoying proportions as he unloads a flurry of spheres down toward Havok and his attackers. Compile is hit in th head, and falls to the ground........he stands and wabbles "Whhhhooooaaaaaaa!!!!" he says as he shakes his head "That hurt!" he says a she looks and sees 4 Havoks. "Hey, stand still will ya." he bgans to punch the air. "I know one of ya is the sucker.....I float like a Butterfly, Sting like a Bee." (OOC: Go ahead) and he throws a puch at the 4 Havoks. Havok evades your Knuckle Sandwich attack. Dredclaw flies out of a crumbling spire of Darkmount, optics wide at the utter carnage below him, "What the shmeg?" Prominence unleashes his Carpet Bombing attack on Havok, Laserbeak, Compile and Carrion, striking Havok, Laserbeak and Carrion. A bomb hits Laserbeak square on the back. He wobbles in midair momentarily before continuing his assault on Havok Compile looks up, and jumps nder one of the 4 havoks. He covers his hea dand looks "Whoa, thanks for th esave dude." and he jumps up, and begans to kick Havok. As the Battalion strains against the might of the Decepticons outside, Darkmount crumbles as the unholy struggle between evil and evil rages inside it's depths. Who will emerge victorious? With it's roof torn off and crumbling, you can make out the two combatants inside Darkmount, and your attention is inexplicably drawn towards them. OOC: Stop fighting and watch Galv & Avatar, as it's the whole reason we're all here tonight. :) You strike Havok with Shin Kick. Monolith hovers near the base looking for signs of Avatar. Some MSE fool gets to Airlift, drags him off to a side, and reactivates him..the optics come on and he has no choice but to watch. The Sweepcraft transforms, the armored hull of the craft splitting in two to form metallic wings, which fold back and reveal Scourge, the Tracker. Carrion squawks as the bombs impact on his structure. "Wretched infidels!" He watches the ship fly off but it's too late for Prominence, Carrion targets him with his chainguns. The barrels turn rapidly as plasma flies out, the barrage of projectiles shrieking as they make their way to his foe, but did they hit? Carrion will never know, his attention is suddenly focused on the battling titans. Carrion strikes Space Fighter with Optic Blast. Scourge shudders slightly, crawling across the rubble as he watches Darkmount get trashed. Compile looks around as Darkmount falls to the ground...And the Walls come falling down "Now that my friends, is a fight." THIS IS IMPORTANT The Avatar transforms and roars, "You still function?!" he storms forward and slams his hand onto Galvatron's neck and holds him up, applying pressure, as fury courses through his body. He takes a few steps forward, approaching the doorway to the observation deck that resides outside of Darkmount's walls, an overhanging balcony of sorts. He stands there, at the edge, looking down at the remains of battle below. What's left of his optics flare with rage, as he bellows at the top of his theoretical lungs, "Let this battle cease!" He holds aloft the limp form of Galvatron in his hand, now face forward, so that all my see. He holds him there for but a few moments, before tossing him off unceremoniously to the ground, as he throws his head back and cackles louder than he's ever cackled before. He sobers up within a few moments, then looks back down at the crowd below, as he utters three simple words, three words that echo through the area, words, that none would expect to hear on this day... "Galvatron... is terminated." Space Fighter completes his bombing run and transforms once more, gaining altitude slightly to look into one of the holes in Darkmount's structure. He all but ignores the blast against him. The sleek space fighter begins to break apart, emerging a mere moments later as the hovering Cybertronian Prominence. Airlift manages.. "nooo.." and then his lasercore goes into lock and his system shut down.. Laserbeak is swooping back for his attack run and sees the Avatar's statement. He stops ducking and weaving and hovers in midair, in shock. Monolith gives the most ancient form of the Decepticon Salute. Crossing his arm across his chest and bowing his head in mid air before his master. "ALL HAIL AVATAR!" Compile looks as Galvy Falls "DECEPTICONS...ATTACK, IN THE NAME OF GALVATRON...........DECEPTICONS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!" he yells as he begans to slap Havok. Havok evades your Backhand attack. Prominence clenches his fist as the form becomes visible, thrusting it high into the air, "Long live Avatar!" In his own version of a twenty-one gun salute, he fires his cannon repeatedly into the air. It's too much for the overlord in his weakened condition to fight back. All he can do is look into the face of the Avatar for a final time, optics still burning brightly in defiant spirit. Then, he finds himself falling, limbs useless, no way for him to try and cushion the fall. Several hundred feet he plummets, before landing with a pronounced slam near the gathering, kicking up debris almost 50 feet into the air. Then, as everything begins to settle, Galvatron's optics dim... flicker... then shut down. Not a sign of life is left in his body, not even the whir of his laser core. Monolith says, "VICTORY! Straxus is Avenged!" Havok chuckles darkly, and turns his attention back towards Compile, "What are you.. a fool? Your leader is dead! Kneel now, and he may spare your wretched carcass." he raises his war hammer over his head menacingly. Monolith spins to face the minions of the betrayer, but hefore he speaks, he restrains himself and hovers next to his master, saying nothing, merely returning to his place. "Battalion, break and regroup." Dredclaw hovers, stunned...looking to Scourge for guidance, and back to Galvatron's shattered form in mute disbelief. Carrion is confused, his mind completely baffled. Sending a telepathic transmission to his father, the bird awaits Soundwave's commands on what to do. Rumble slowly squirms over to Galvatron and, half-conscious, picks up the cannon in his teeth and tries scooting away with it. Avatar leaps off of the balcony and lands with a loud thud next to Galvatron's fallen frame, he turns to Havok and barks, "Havok! Destroy what is left of the heathen's home. We shall begin a new chapter in this empire's history. And the glory of the Decepticon Empire shall once again be that as it was when the master reigned supreme!" Soundwave enters from the Ruins of Darkmount to the south. Soundwave enters, Decepticon Troops close behind. Compile looks up, and then looks at HAvok. HE then quickly puts on some glasses. "You's wound not hit a Tape with Glasses woud ya?" he asks Havok, as he locks his second blade in, and hopes it does not break either this time, as he takes a swing at the fulla. Havok evades your Power Blade Punch attack. Soundwave looks at the scene, (okay what's up) Earthscorch is lying face down, minus an arm and with a huge hole through him. Compile is face to face with Havok. :) Laserbeak hovers in midair, still in shock at Galvatron's fall and struggling with his desire to get the hell out of here Airlift is lying somewhere on the ground sorta near but not really by Galv..Airlift looks for all the world dead..in full lockup.. Scourge staggers to his feat, holding his right arm with his left, "No..." he seethes, staring at Galvatron's fallen form..."No...." he repeats, then starts to rush towards Galvatron with renewed strength in his legs. He stoops by Galvatron, snatches the cannon away from Rumble, and picks up Galvatron in both arms. As he stoops to pick up the fallen Decepticon Leader, he gives Avatar a breif, baleful glower, "You'll...get...your's..." he snarls with barely contained anger. Rockets engage in his boots, propelling the Sweep commander upwards, and spreading a huge cloud of dust and debrie to cover his escape with Galvatron. Carrion flies away from the beaten structure of Galvatron, he greets his true master with a squawk and perches on Soundwave's shoulder. Soundwave see's the carnage that has happened and mentally commands Compile, "Cease" He then looks up at Avatar and his lackey. He salutes him and resonates. "All HAil.... Avatar...." The troops on Soundwave's heels follow suit Earthscorch lies there subserviently. Compile loks to turn to his dad "WHAT!" an dhe looks and overs over to Dad "Huh?" an dhe looks "Oh. Hail Avatar." Airlift lies there rebelliously..wishing he wasn't busy being dead..then he'd get up and show yous guys what a real con is made of. Monolith merely stands next to Avatar, awaiting orders from his lord, and awaiting the Battalion to follow his. Prominence smiles faintly as he spots the group of Decepticons paying their honors to their new lord, "Thus begins a most glorious chapter in the history of the Empire.." And not ust because Prominence is there to grace you all with his presence. Carrion bobs his head up and down like his biological counterpart. The bird pounces off his father and glides over to Avatar, there he encircles around the new leader before landing infront of him. The bird gets down and lowers his body, an avian form of bowing. Galvatron's limp form is scooped into Scourge's arms and taken to the air, dead stare still gazing out at those left behind. His right hand is still clenched into a tight fist, shouting out defiance even from beyond the grave. Rumble smolders heroically. Laserbeak squawks loudly at Soundwave's command, he sails back over to Soundwave and hovers by him. "Hail Avatar, Decepticon Commander Supreme, I function for you and you alone..." he squawks loudly, his eyes flashing brightly as he recites the ancient oath. Dredclaw swoops down below Scourge and summoning his pulse rifle from subspace, lays down a barrage of fire. Not really directed at anyone..it is merely coverfire for his Leige's escape. Avatar looks over at Soundwave and smiles, "It seems there is one, who still remembers how to properly conduct themselves as a proper Decepticon." he smiles, "Next cycle, we shall begin the rebuilding of this Empire. For now, you shall all be granted time to be repaired and recuperate." he snarls and thrusts his arm into the air, "GLORY TO THE EMPIRE!" Carrion emits his audio-piercing hawk shriek as the new commanders fists raises high into the air. Rumble wishes he was still operative, so he could kick some ass! But he's not. So he just lies there and smokes like Denis Leary. THIS IS ALSO IMPORTANT As the Avatar drops Galvatron's lifeless frame onto the charred cybertron landscape, Havok's optics burn with an unholy flame. His cracked armor bleeds energon, but he is grimly determined. He reaches into an inner storage compartment, and brings out a medium-sized metal cannister. With not even so much as an 'as you command, Avatar' the war machine hefts the barrel and chucks it two-handed towards Darkmount. It crashes uncerimoniously through an already weakened wall, and for a few silent moments.. nothing happens. Havok allows a sneer to spread across his battered face, and then..
* KRAAAAAAAAAA-THOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!! *** The bomb explodes violently, burning the very shadows of the combatants into the ravaged landscape. As the blinding flash disappates, your optics return to normal. What is left of the smoldering fortress is slowly sinking into the malfuncioning smelting pits deep in it's sub-levels. Darkmount is no more. Monolith releases his salute and looks to those present. (whoever's active) "Gather wounded... proceed to Nightsiege..." He then catches himself and looks up to Avatar, making sure he didn't just screw the perverbial pooch as he's only just been rebuilt from Flatline's last series of "tests" on him. Scourge soars upward to the Sky above Darkmount. Dredclaw looks as no one makes move to follow....he stops waisting ammo, and drops down to the ground below...snatching up the remains of another Unicronian... Airlift. Compile he looks at SOundwave "What he say his name was again?" Scourge soars down into view from the skies above. Soundwave says, "AVATAR...." Rumble rises from the grave and kicks Compile in the ass! "Dat's my line, sucka." Havok chuckles darkly, and cast a glance towards the near-by Compile, "AVATAR!" he raises his gun-arm and fires wildy into the air. resonates coldly from his vocalizer Dredclaw leaps into the air...following his commander and Leige, Scourge. Rumble falls over again. *bonk* Earthscorch lies there in support of the new leader. Rumble lies there in defiance of the new leader! Compile raises his hand "HAIL AVATAR!" Earthscorch . o O (Hail, Avatar! Ooh, a nebula...) Avatar turns to regard Soundwave, "What?" he replies sharply, not really in the mood for chit chat right now. Monolith merely smirks, his missing optic sparking a bit as he does, causing the smile to fade. Prominence sorts through his priorities quickly.. First order of business is to get some decent armor polish and return his form to pristine condition. Laserbeak's eyes gleam brightly as he hovers nearby, his engines firing in fits and starts due to the damage done by Prominence's bombs Soundwave has the gumby troops gather up the wounded and once again salutes Avatar, then he has them transported to Nightsiege's office building. Laserbeak picks up Rumble in his claws and sails off to Nightseige, squawking loudly From Laserbeak, Rumble struts in, ready to clock anyone who disses Soundwave. Laserbeak takes Rumble. Carrion trots over to Havok and looks up to him, "We may be allies, but I..." He looks back to compile and Laserbeak. "-WE- will not forget what you have done." The condor then hops over to check on Compile's condition. Laserbeak flies erraticly, dealing with the additional weight of Rumble as well as his damaged engines... Laserbeak soars upward to the Sky above Darkmount. Compile works his hea d"I got a head ache...." an dhe looks at Carrion "Hey dad, when did we get 3 more that look ike Carrion?" Soundwave ignores COmpile's question and continues south to Nightsiege. Carrion blinks and only knows of two other bird tapes. Darkmount crumbles and explodes some more. The fortress' death is not a quick one. Nor is it painless for the troops still trapped inside. As the space bridge reaches critical temperatures, random electrical surges and energy backwash causes the bridge to explode in a blinding flash of white light. A massive EMP-shockwave follows suit, sending a painful energy spike in all near by cybertronians. Knightmare enters from the Security Checkpoint to the north. Galvatron's left hand is frozen in a one-finger salute to the 'New Order'. Okay, not REALLY. Darkmount climbs into the helicopter. Earthscorch is lying face down with a large hole through him. Compile goes and grabs Es,a nd begans to drag him (literally) back to Nightsiege "Damn Es, you's need to lose a few pounds." Soundwave has all of the wounded grouped up and being hauled out by the Gumby Troops Earthscorch is completely out of it, showing no signs of animation. Galvatron is not actually here, haven had his dead body taken by Scourge, Cyc and the Sweeps. The jet black robot of Knightmare seems to melt like an ice statue on a hot stove. There is almost no sound, and in a second, the transformation turns into a jet black hover Mustang. From Dredclaw, Airlift's body was taken with Galv's.. Electric Field climbs into the helicopter. Decepticon Automated Base Defenses #575 climbs into the helicopter. Missile Launchers climbs into the helicopter. Dredclaw soars upward to the Sky above Darkmount. Havok drops Charred Ruins. Earthscorch oozes on Compile. As the last of the flames roars to their final cry, a different type of scream can be heard from inside Darkmount-a mechanical one. The scream wails like a cat, and then a sleek hoversport craft burst from the flames. Though smoking, it looks relativly intact, the flames dancing over the still shiny black surface. Havok stomps over the blackened and charred remains of Darkmount, "Well.. Avatar." he spits more energon, "What now?" Havok (repose, damnit) stomps over the blackened and charred remains of Darkmount, "Well.. Avatar." he spits more energon, "What now?" Galvatron vanishes out of reality. Scourge soars upward to the Sky above Darkmount. Avatar grunts, "Have Flatline jury rig that guardian we destroyed earlier and have him set down at the gates of the city. I wish not to have any interference from others while we rebuild the Empire." Havok bellows towards the various troops and Deceptigumbies milling about outside Darkmount's smoldering remains, "Well?! What are ya all waiting for? Go and.. do... " he pauses, "Whatever it is that you normally do!" he smirks, and adds, "Only MEANER! The Avatar's in charge now! Move!" Mustang_hoversport hisses to a steaming halt, engine growling with power. A familiar, and rather annoying stuffy voice emits from inside. "What ~that~ was interesting," 'Nightmare' grumbles.