| - Episode 1x01 “Pilot” Written by: Jonathan Nolan Directed by: David Semel
- Clarence: [pause for a few seconds] Me. [Chad turns TV on] Sumo: [runs to Jeff] Nooo!
- Unknown female voice: Walter? Walter, sweetie. Come to bed, it's after midnight. WALTER:Again. WALTER: Be right there. Voice:Honey. WALTER:Five more minutes. Voice:You need your sleep. You know how you get. Walter:Another five minutes. Voice:Well, I'll be asleep. And don't even think of trying anything when you get up here. That ship has sailed. WALTER: Alright. Bingo. Susan? Susan. I think it worked.
- [INT GRAND CENTRAL STATION, Serena walks in, a girl watches her and takes a photo with her cell phone] Gossip Girl (Voice Over) Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here... and I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources, Melanie91, sends us this: Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand: Serena van der Woodsen. Was it only a year ago our It-Girl mysteriously disappeared for quote 'boarding school'? And just as suddenly she's back. Don't believe me? See for yourselves: Lucky for us, Melanie91 sent proof. Thanks for the photo, Mel! Rufus Dan, Jenny! Over here! Jenny Hey, dad! Dan She's fine.
- | This page contains spoilers. Continue on at your own risk. |} EMILY THORNE: This is not a story about forgiveness.. ASHLEY DAVENPORT: Emily. I've been looking for you. Where's Daniel? EMILY: (wipes away sand from hand) Uh, he's walking the beach. We're having a thing. Ashley: Same thing or different thing? Emily: Same thing. But don't worry, he's right behind me. Ashley: It's my job to worry. Your job is to enjoy yourself. It's your engagement party. Can someone get me a 20 on Daniel Grayson? (walks away) RANDOM MAN: Hey, congrats, Emily. Emily: Thank you. (approaches Nolan) END OF FLASHBACK
- Catherine: Wow. Dollar Lemon Drops, and all of Westchester shows up. Lila: Yeah, never underestimate the power of cheap booze. And a hot, new, Ivy-educated bartender. Catherine: You want me to close for you. Lila: No! Catherine: Yes! Lila: Okay, maybe a little bit. Catherine: Go. All I have waiting for me are LSAT practice tests. Lila: You're the best! Catherine: (hands her money) Your fortune, darling. Lila: Thank you. Now, I am totally gonna hire you if I ever get arrested. Or divorced. Catherine: Mm. Lila: Bye. Vanessa: (on phone) Hello. Catherine: Hi, Mom. Vanessa: Enough to cover tuition?
- [In the gym] Dan: Nathan. Remember, 20 shots -- no less. Nathan: Got it, dad. Whitey: Quit yakking and warm up. [At the game. Cheers and applause.] Announcer: Basket by Nathan Scott! He really looks sharp out there tonight. And now a steal by the ravens. They'll go on the offensive. Coach Whitey Durham urges them on. Tim Smith -- he's got Scott! And he hammers it home! He's already got 14 of the Ravens' 17 points tonight. Turn around jumper ... Nathan Scott! We haven't seen talent like this since his father, Dan, played for whitey. Here's Scott again -- another one! It's all Nathan Scott! [Laughs.]
- (Glatterflug Airlines Flight 627 is enroute from Hamburg, Germany to Boston, Massachusetts) ANNOUNCEMENT: ... ist eingeschaltet. Befestigen sie bitte ihre Sicherheitsgürtel. ANNOUNCEMENT: The Captain has turned on the fasten seat-belts sign. Please make sure your seatbelts are securely fastened. GERMAN WOMAN: Ich möchte sehen wie der Film weitergeht. (I would like to see the film continue) MAN FROM DENVER: I don't speak German. I'm from Denver. GERMAN WOMAN: Dies ist mein erster Flug. (this is my first flight) MAN FROM DENVER: I'm from Denver. INDIAN MAN: Hey, friend. It's just an electrical storm.
- LISBON and JANE approach a cop outside of a mansion. LISBON: Captain. CAPTAIN: Agent Lisbon. Don't think we'll be needing you guys. We like the neighborhood kid who found the body. LISBON: Did he confess? CAPTAIN: Eh, he's a real squirrel. I'd say... VOICE: Mercy's father would like to give a brief statement. JANE: Hello, Mrs. Tolliver. JUNIPER: Who are you? JANE: My name's Patrick Jane. I'm here to help you. Would you like a cup of tea? JUNIPER: Yes, I would. Thank you. JANE: You must be tired. Why don't you sit down? JANE and JUNIPER sit at the table and drink tea. JUNIPER: Yes, but... JUNIPER: Yes.
- {|class="topbox topbox-episode" |style="padding:3px"|File:Steven gallery.png |This is a transcribed copy of "". Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |} [Open Int. Steven's Room- Steven](Steven eating potato chips, staring at the Warp Pad for the Gems to return then, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl warp in) Steven: You’re back! Amethyst: Hey Steven, look at this! *pulls out a small Electric Skull which cackles* Pearl: Woah, what are you, crazy?! *knocks the Electric Skull out of Amethyst's hand and steps on it* All Gems: *clapping* Pearl: Why?
| - “No.”
- “What?”
- “Yeah.”
- [Door closes]
- [Door opens]
- [Sighs]
- “Aah!”
- “Yeah!”
- [Thunder]
- “Aah! Aah!”
- “Okay.”
- [Music playing]
- “The rules have changed. This gives you a chance to live. Your instincts will tell you to take care of everybody else first, just like your father. But be careful, I can’t lose you, too. I love you so much.”
- “Just hang on till the apogee, and you’ll be fine.”
- “Try telling that to the two guys who tried to follow you out of their seats.”
- “In that case, given your confession, in my role as Chancellor pro tempore, you leave me no choice but to find you guilty.”
- “Well, I don’t know. Do you want the people you love to think you’re dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won’t if they think we’re dying.”
- “No, not yet, but, I’m going back out if you want to come.”
- [Music playing] “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons
- “That’s the difference between us, Kane. I choose to make sure that we deserve to stay alive.”
- “Are they going to Earth? Has something changed?”
- “Spiking vital signs, two possibilities, one, injuries sustained during landing.”
- “I got to know what you two did to get busted.”
- “Two dead kids, dark tiles. Dr. Jackson, please share our theory with Councilor Kane.”
- “That’s the point, Chancellor. We can take care of ourselves, can’t we?”
- “The Ark is dying. At the current population level, there’s roughly three months left of life support, maybe four now that we’re gone.”
- “Stop. Dr. Griffin is pardoned. [to Kane] “I’ll deal with you later. Open the door. Open the door.”
- “Right, and if we do, I mean, what’s in it for us?”
- “We got problems. The communications system is dead. I went to the roof. A dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires.”
- "If you're gonna kill someone, it's probably best not to announce it."
- “Aye, aye, captain. See you on the other side.”
- “The flowers aren’t poisonous. They’re medicinal, calming, actually.”
- “I feel the sun on my face. I see trees all around me, the scent of wildflowers on a breeze. It’s so beautiful. In this moment, I’m not stranded in space. It’s been ninety-seven years since a nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on Earth, leaving the planet simmering in radiation. Fortunately, there were survivors. Twelve nations had operational space stations at the time of the bombs. There is now only the Ark, one station forged from the many. We’re told the Earth needs another hundred years to become survivable again. Four more space-locked generations, and man can go home, back to the ground. The ground, that’s the dream. This is reality.”
- “Are you out of your mind? You can’t just kill everyone who disagrees with you.”
- “What the hell is that? We have to help her. What are you gonna do?”
- “If there was enough of it, they would all be dead. Please let me be right.”
- “Come on, Clarke! You got this! Whoo! Apogee! We did it! Mount Weather! Whoo! Whoo!”
- “They’re gonna kill more people, aren’t they?”
- “Please, I can’t die knowing that you hate me.”
- “Of course. Granted, they’ve only been on the ground for seven minutes, but as of now, we believe the fatalities are due to the landing, not radiation levels.”
- “Pbbt! Ha! I’m sorry. It’s just, according to everything I’ve read, there were no bipedal animals anywhere near here, certainly not monkeys.”
- “Right. You read anything about glow-in-the-dark forests or man-eating snakes?”
- “I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep an eye on you. Ha ha!”
- “Hey, it’s okay to be afraid, Jasper. The trick is not fighting it.”
- “It looks like you’re trying to get us all killed. The communication system is dead. These wristbands are all we got. Take them off, and the Ark will think we’re dying, that it’s not safe for them to follow.”
- “Hey, hey, hey, hands off of him. He’s with us.”
- “No. He enforced them, but not anymore, not here. Here, there are no laws.”
- “They’re killing us all, aren’t they, reducing population to make more time for the rest of you?”
- [to Clarke] “Uh! So Mount Weather. When do we leave?”