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- The Prophet, the Exarch of Time, is one of the Exarchs that do not supervise any specific Ministries. The Prophet maintains that history is shaped by the elect who drive the masses before them. The ideal Seer is a “Great Man” who drives history toward an inevitable triumph; Sleepers must follow in lockstep or be crushed beneath the tide. As the Prophet does not have any notably associated Ministries, sometimes certain Seer pylons claim they are favored by him.
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- A Prophet is a link to the future. A Prophet does not predict events; they draw knowledge from the future.
- Prophet is published by Image Comics. Current price per issue is $3.99.
- Prophet was a former technician operating within Vault 42's main reactor area before it's destruction in 2214, and after the incident, following what many consider a slide into insanity caused by the strain of the disaster and his subsequent Ghoulification, has become the leader of a small, quasi-religious sect of Ghouls trapped in the irradiated reactor and surrounding areas, continuously preaching against those who he once considered friends and colleagues.
- The Prophet is an advanced class in Heroes of Might and Magic IV, based on Life magic and Scouting. Prophets have the Spiritual Armor spell on at all times, which increases Ranged and Melee Defense by 25%.
- A Prophet is a member of the StargateWars community who has Ascended twice. A Prophet has a 10% bonus in income, defense, strike and covert. See also, List Of Prophets
- Prophet is a title that an individual elects himself. Harold Maybourne played a role as a prophet to save Arkhan's people from a great flood. (SG1: "It's Good to Be King")
- David "Prophet" Wilkes est un des Spécialistes présent dans le multijoueur de Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Il est le 3ème spécialiste déblocable.
- File:Prophetrp.gif Write the text of your article here!
- The Prophet of the Org'ull Confederation is a NPC featured in part of Minarchism & Kleptocracy. The prophet has only 2 health (20 approx), likely the players "1-hitting" this NPC upon attacking.
- The Prophet is the name that Masema has given himself. He preaches the coming of the Dragon Reborn, and has many followers.
- A Prophet is one who tells prophecies. Hector was an ancient prophet of the Crystal Mystics.
- Ein Prophet ist eine Person, die den Willen der Götter verkündet. Das setzt nicht zwingend ein Gespräch mit dem betreffenden Gott voraus.
- The Prophet is a fictional character in book 3, The Prophet of Yonwood. Her name is Althea tower.
- The Prophet is a support unit built at the temple. Prophets are available from the prehistoric age and are powerful defensive and attacking weapons due to their ability to cast calamities. To balance their relatively high power, they are slow moving and expensive, both in terms of resources and population space.
- The Prophet makes his allies strong and his enemies weak using the highest level of protection magic. With the blessing of the gods, he increases the maximum value of physical strength for another party through Bless the Body. The Prophet also increases his own MP through Bless the Soul, and if necessary can perform Return to go back to a village.
- The Prophet is the leader of the Karnids of Urakarn. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Prophet es el quinto soundtrack de Naruto Shippuden Original Soundtrack II, compuesto por Takanashi Yasuharu y producido por Masashi Kishimoto. Su duración es de 1:38 minutos, su nombre en español es "Profeta".Categoría:Banda sonoraCategoría:Soundtracks
- A prophet is one who speaks for God. The term usually refers to God's spokesmen in the Old Testament, beginning with Abraham, and ending with St. John the Forerunner.
- A prophet was a religious individual who claimed to see visions of the future and told adherents of the religion of his or her visions. When the Yuuzhan Vong Nom Anor was exiled from the intendant caste for propagating the Jeedai heresy, he became a prophet and took the name Yu'shaa.
- Prophets are magical beings gifted with the rare power of premonition. They are often seen warning others of what they have foreseen, though they are often ignored due to people seeing them as disturbed homeless people.
- Prophets are servants of the gods, and bringers of death. They can capture the souls of their victims, and bind them to serve their wills. No other information is available on this class yet.
- A mysterious masked figure and the supposed emissary of the Goddess, The Prophet is a highest-ranked person amongst the Azadi, regarded at least as equal to The Six. His true identity has been the subject of much speculation for years. During the events of Book Five: Redux it is revealed that behind the mask is Brian Westhouse, posessed by the Undreaming, and he's the one who orchestrated genocide of the magical races -- in order to reunite the Arcadia and Stark, and return home. <default>Prophet</default> Gender: Date of birth: Race: Locations: Other Names: Appearances: Voice: Voice (TLJ): Voice (DF): Voice (DFC):
- Prophets are said to be chosen by God or some other higher power, and they are believed to speak of future events as instructed from Heaven. Whether this is true or not is unknown, however prophets are rare and it is this rarity which makes them valuable.
- The Prophet is the voice of Allah. He was a bearded man. Ad Avis claims to be a follower of the Prophet and Allah, however this is unlikely as he was trying to unleash Iblis which was Allah's greatest nemesis.
- A Prophet was an individual, who was selected by God as a mediator to communicate directly with Him and relay His messages to certain peoples.The prophet's foremost duty was to share God's words to certain people, whom God designated a message for. A prophet would also voice concerns of the people to God. God communicated via Prophets, throughout both the timeframe of the Old Testament and the New Testament, because His pure presence cannot be beared. In particular, the nation of Israel received messages from God, through the method of prophets.
- Throughout history, the term Prophet has been used to describe a number of religious figures who have acted as intermediaries for the divine. Often, it refers to individuals who promote change in a society, and those serving as spokesmen of God. Within the Brotherhood of Nod, the Prophet referred directly to Kane. The title is appropriate, considering Nod's pseudo-religious ideology, and its naming conventions. Kane has built up this image, with a number of myths built around him.
- A Prophet is a man who has a special relationship with a divine being. A woman with a similar relationship is called a prophetess. A prophet/prophetess speaks for the divinity who inspires him/her, prophets usually predict the future and often perform miracles in the opinion of believers. What a prophet/prophetess predicts is a prophecy.
- Prophet is one of the class options for the archetype Healer. It was introduced in The Trollfens expansion. The Prophet class has several skills that interact with the insight token. This token does not have an inherent function, and is used specifically with the Prophet class. When a player chooses the Prophet class during Hero Setup, they place the insight token in their play area. There is only one insight token. During a game, it is either in the Prophet player’s play area or on a player’s Hero sheet. Each time a player is instructed to gain the insight token, they takes the insight token from its current location and places it on their Hero sheet. Only one player can have the insight token on his Hero sheet at a time. Each time the insight token is discarded (normally to trigger an ef
- Prophet is the true being who created the Dragon Balls before the mainstream Dragon Ball universe began Prophet was whole and was an immortal and virtually omnipotent containing all the cosmic and mystical energies of the twelve universes as well as all possible alternate versions of those universes and still had enough energy to make the dragon balls. Not knowing what would be the best use of his power, he decided he would be most helpful to the lower life forms by turning himself into two mystical artifacts he separated his conscious from his body. His body became the magical sphere of disorganized mystical energy and matter known as the "Original Dragon Ball" told about in "The Legend of Dragon Balls." The other representing the Prophet's mind became a slightly smaller but still large a
- The Prophet is the annexed counterpart of the Protoss Oracle. As one of the most advanced ships recently created by the Dark Templar, the Vaul prioritized aquiring information on it to increase their own arsenal. Through multiple simulations, it was found that the vessel had rudimentary time and space manipulation capabilities compared to the Creators. Even with more refined technologies, extensive overhauls in the design were needed to make the ship battle ready. Once completed, the Prophet was finally deemed adequate for aerospace support roles and raiding missions. Special abilities:
- Shaak Ti: "Why is he called Prophet?" Silas Ordo: "Because he has a gift for guessing, at least thats what the boys say in his team." - Shaak Ti and Prophet's trainer Silas discussing his name. RC-2025 was Clone Commando Captain who was nicknamed "Prophet" because of his "gift" to make guesses about an upcoming mission and for his guess to come true. During the Clone Wars he served as squad commander of Zillo Squad and had volunteered to test out experimental prosthetic replacement's on his Arm's, Leg's, Eye's and partially his Torso making him stronger, faster and more efficient in battle.
- The Prophet was a term used by the Tleilaxu to describe the one, or man, who came to the universe to show the pathway to God. The Tleilaxu also believed that the Prophet's home was Rakis, and that he belonged and flourished there. Waff fulfilled his promise to the Guild, and produced Seaworms, which produced a super-potent version of spice, called Ultraspice. The second set of worms, Waff intended to return to the sands of Dune; after he enhanced their armor-piercing ability through genetic engineering, which he did.
- The people supplied a Prophetess to Shomat in an attempt to give him proper religious instruction in the way of Yahvo, thus beginning the tradition of the King choosing a prophet or prophetess for guidance.
- In common English, the term prophet is often used to mean a fortune teller. But in Judaism, a prophet is someone who relays the word or directions of G-d. That may include fortelling the future. Many of the books of the Tanakh are named for the prophets whose stories or prophecies they tell. The second section of Tanakh focuses on the prophets or Nevi'im (in Hebrew: נְבִיאִים). The books in the Nevi'im section and the prophets are not an exact match. The prophets of Israel include The Gemara in Megilla says that there were seven women prophets. They were as the following.
- A prophet is a human messenger of God. The prophets of the Bible received divine revelation directly from God, and often shared this message with the people or the rulers of the day (and tended to be unpopular with them). The messages of prophets are commonly referred to as prophecy, and are mentioned by numerous people throughout the Bible.
- Die Kodexseiten sprachen von einem Propheten, der die Gruft öffnen könne. Der Spanier dachte, dass er der Prophet sei, und dass er dadurch die Gruft öffnen und die Macht darin rauben könne. Als der Spanier und Ezio in Venedig aufeinandertreffen und um den Apfel kämpfen, kommen erste Zweifel, ob der Spanier tatsächlich der Prophet ist. Die Assassinen bezweiflen, dass Borgia tatsächlich der Gesuchte ist, sondern hoffen, dass es Ezio ist.
- Castiel claimed that Leah is not a prophet because he has every prophet's name seared into his brain, and it is later shown that this is inherent in all angels when Crowley tortured Samandriel in order to gain information concerning the names of the current prophets. According to Castiel, only one prophet may be active at a time. When the active prophet dies, another one is awakened and replaces the previous prophet. The entire line of succession of prophets up to the future is known to all angels, with their names have been written by Metatron; however, they do not know the names of prophets that have yet to be born.