Talking to Jacques after completing this quest will net you a Empath of Fey medal. Returning the fairies gives a few rewards as well; the first gets you Dreamstone #7, the second gets you Sheet Music II, Vigirous March, third gets you the Astral Harp, fourth gets you a Scarab of Health, and the fifth and final one gets you Dreamstone #11.
This quest is given to you by the Fairy Leader in the Lifewood when you talk to it. It will ask you to bring back five of its kind. All of the fairies are stashed in one place, namely in a shop in Aeropolis. This shop is in the eastern part of the city, and cannot be entered unless you have acquired a key which can be dropped by a Bandit wandering about in and around the Earth Temple. After obtaining the key, you can buy them for 40000 Gold each and either utilise them or bring them back to the Fairy Leader.