| - Kingship (Kinglander: Uiiaak) is the largest city of the Kinglander colony of Henkenne. It is currently besieged by Henkennesian forces. Kingship is the 3rd most-populous, and 3rd most-important city belonging to the Kinglanders. However, the city is indefensible, surrounded on almost all sides by enemies. Kingtonne itself is practically besieged by the Blood Children, making the defense of Kingship a low priority on King Oiaak Ohk's list. Kingship was once named Henian, literally "friendship" in the Henkenner Tongue, but then the Sefenlanders came. And soon after, so did the Delkishmen, once they had beat the Sefenlands into the ground. Garlenn, and the Kinglands followed suit. Soon, the Henkenners were forced off of their isle, and to a smaller, less wealthy isle. Now, with both the Delk
| - Kingship (Kinglander: Uiiaak) is the largest city of the Kinglander colony of Henkenne. It is currently besieged by Henkennesian forces. Kingship is the 3rd most-populous, and 3rd most-important city belonging to the Kinglanders. However, the city is indefensible, surrounded on almost all sides by enemies. Kingtonne itself is practically besieged by the Blood Children, making the defense of Kingship a low priority on King Oiaak Ohk's list. Kingship was once named Henian, literally "friendship" in the Henkenner Tongue, but then the Sefenlanders came. And soon after, so did the Delkishmen, once they had beat the Sefenlands into the ground. Garlenn, and the Kinglands followed suit. Soon, the Henkenners were forced off of their isle, and to a smaller, less wealthy isle. Now, with both the Delklands and Sefenlands far away, and the Ayelands dead, only Kingtonne can defend itself, and even then that looks unlikely. The Kinglanders named Kingship Uiiaak, meaning "Kingliness." The Delkishmen combined the names Kingliness and Friendship into Kingship.