| - The Joker breaks out of Arkham Asylum again and shrinks and kills his psychiatrist, or "shrink", with a strange liquid. Robin, who has heard of the Joker's escape, convenes with Batman and Commissioner Gordon beside the doll-sized corpse of Dr. Tugwell, who has written "RIP" in the sand beside him. Batman guesses the letters stand for Revelry In the Park, a costume charity carnival held in Paradise Playground, an amusement park, which he believes will be the site of the Joker's next crime. Batman chases a "Joker" into the Tunnel of Love at the park, but it proves to be the Joker's lawyer, Harrison Steakbury, in disguise. Steakbury confesses he fears the Joker will kill him for losing at his trial. Since Gordon has told Batman that Pierre Frage, an international fence, is also reputed to be at the park, Batman and Robin soon discover Frage and his gang trying to make off with some of the loot from the Joker's last robbery. Steakbury had stolen the loot himself from the Joker, and exchanged it for gems from Frage. Batman is sure that the Joker will seek revenge on Steakbury, and sends Robin to protect the lawyer. Robin finds Steakbury in time to save him from drowning in a Joker deathtrap. Batman tracks down the real Joker, disguised as one of the park attendants, and nabs him in the House of Mirrors.