"Bear Rap" is a rap song sung by Cecil, Percival, and Edgar Bear in the Muppet Sing-Along video, Billy Bunny's Animal Songs. The song explains the three bears' personalities and why they roar. Edgar, the "Earl of Eating" says he loves eating and roars once he's finished his meal. Cecil, the "Wizard of Winks", tells that he loves napping and roars when someone wakes him early. Percival, the "Prince of Playing", shows that he loves to play and roars just for fun. File:Billy Bunny's Animal Songs "Roar" Singalong
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| - "Bear Rap" is a rap song sung by Cecil, Percival, and Edgar Bear in the Muppet Sing-Along video, Billy Bunny's Animal Songs. The song explains the three bears' personalities and why they roar. Edgar, the "Earl of Eating" says he loves eating and roars once he's finished his meal. Cecil, the "Wizard of Winks", tells that he loves napping and roars when someone wakes him early. Percival, the "Prince of Playing", shows that he loves to play and roars just for fun. File:Billy Bunny's Animal Songs "Roar" Singalong
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| - "Bear Rap" is a rap song sung by Cecil, Percival, and Edgar Bear in the Muppet Sing-Along video, Billy Bunny's Animal Songs. The song explains the three bears' personalities and why they roar. Edgar, the "Earl of Eating" says he loves eating and roars once he's finished his meal. Cecil, the "Wizard of Winks", tells that he loves napping and roars when someone wakes him early. Percival, the "Prince of Playing", shows that he loves to play and roars just for fun. File:Billy Bunny's Animal Songs "Roar" Singalong