| - Each team is placed on their own island. The map is mostly water with some land, but most of the fighting is done on land. Detecting Transport Ships is key, as the player can stop enemy attacks before they penetrate deep into their territory. Resources are not much of a problem, but the islands lend themselves to building Wonders. Playing as the Huns can be a great help because their unique technology, Atheism, adds an extra 100 years for Wonders, giving more time to destroy enemy Wonders.
| - Each team is placed on their own island. The map is mostly water with some land, but most of the fighting is done on land. Detecting Transport Ships is key, as the player can stop enemy attacks before they penetrate deep into their territory. Resources are not much of a problem, but the islands lend themselves to building Wonders. Playing as the Huns can be a great help because their unique technology, Atheism, adds an extra 100 years for Wonders, giving more time to destroy enemy Wonders. Team Islands promotes teamwork, the better working and more compatible team typically triumphs over the other teams. Civilizations with bonuses for their naval units such as the Vikings, Persians, Koreans, Italians, and Saracens also have a large advantage on this map.