| - BOARDは、仮面ライダーシリーズに登場する組織。
- The board is a melee weapon in Fallout 4.
- From: [[]] The Fruits of the Zee festival only occurs in the false-summer. They say you haven't lived until you've tried Rubbery Lumps where they were invented. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
- At level 4 if you have the Woodshop mill, this recipe will unlock.
- Short for the "Board of Archaeological Research Department" (人類基盤史研究所 Jinrui Kiban-shi Kenkyūjo), BOARD (ボード Bōdo), the organization higher-ups's motive was to unleash the sealed Undead Cards.
- Short for the "Board Of Archaeological Research Department", BOARD uncovered the sealed Undead Cards & developed the first two Rider Systems.
- Constructions requiring boards:
* Cellars
* Floors
* Doors
* Tables
* Benchs
* Shutters
* Sleeping Bunks
* Fox Traps
* Shortbows
* Paddles
* Skis
- The Board is the 6x6 grid, seen during stages, in which most of the gameplay happens. The Support Pokémon, Non-Supports, and Disruptions all show up here for interaction by the player. An example of a board is shown below, along with labels for the axes using letters and numbers. A specific tile would be referred to as the combination of the two labels, for example the Bulbasaur at C3.
- Each board map contains characters that can be found in other Mario games and events. The characters on the board maps can either help or harm the player. The events create strategies on the boards that can affect the character's coin amount, position, items, or even the number of stars they achieved. In the later Mario Party installments, new items like capsules and orbs can be thrown on spaces on the map to create traps. The board maps also feature conjunctions where the characters have choices on what route to take,
- Boards sind Fluggeräte. Es gibt 2 verschiedene Arten, ein Board zu aktivieren: 1.
* Man doppelklickt das Board im Inventar 2.
* Man legt sich das Board auf einen Slot unten oder auf einer der F-Tasten Steuerung: Doppelter Rechtsklick Steuerung des Boards an die Bildschirmansicht koppeln (das board kann dann mit der Maus gesteuert werden) Außerdem gibt es die Möglichkeit, einen anderen Spieler oder ein Monster anzuvisieren und mittels Tastendruck auf Z diesem mit dem Board zu folgen. Es gibt folgende Npc-Boards: Hoverboard,AeroBoard,WildLuckBoard,Igniceboard
- A board is the result of processing a log by use of a Set of Woodworking Tools and the Woodcrafting skill. Boards can then be crafted into several other items like Arrows and Wooden Shields. Because of the easy access of lumberjacking, boards are not in very high demand, but are relatively easy to craft from easy to access logs.
- Board → Portuguese. A mancala board is used for playing mancala games. The oldest board was excavated in Abu Sha'ar, a late Roman legionary fortress on the Red Sea coast, Egypt, which is from the 4th century AD. A fragment of a pottery board in Aksumite Ethiopia in Matara (now in Eritrea) is dated by archaeologists as of between the 6th and 7th century AD. Often these artifacts are all what remains of a game after its rules have been forgotten, which is true not only for the early Ethiopian boards, but also for gameboards found in Andalusia and Germany (Castle Weikersheim).
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:OrdinaryLog.gif Using an Axe, a Lumberjack can chop Logs, which in turn can be used to produce wooden Boards. Beginning Lumberjacks will only be able to harvest plain wood, but with practice, they can extract types that come with special properties. Elves enjoy a racial bonus for finding such logs. These colored logs are used by carpenters and fletchers for a variety of crafting purposes.