| - Adam Park is the Black Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. An armored warrior, The Black Ranger had the power of the Mastodon channeled through his Power Morpher and Power Coin. When the Command Center was destroyed, the Rangers were forced to teleport to Phaedos in order to retrieve the Great Power with the last remaining power of the Command Center, to the dying Zordon's protests. Once there, he and the other rangers meet Dulcea, who once learning of their mentor Zordon's plight, helps them tap into the power of the Ninjetti, where Adam learned that in him is an animal spirit waiting to be released - his being the Frog (to his dismay). As Ninjetti, he and the rangers travel to the Monolith in order to retrieve the Great Power. Though waylaid by the Gatekeepers, Adam and the others manage to access the Monolith, which also bore the Frog symbol among its many creature emblems. It's here where Adam gained the power of the Frog Ninjazord. The zords return the rangers' powers and Adam finds himself clad in his familiar ranger armor with the Frog's symbol emblazoned on his chest. He returned to Angel Grove with the other Rangers to battle Ivan Ooze and emerged victorious. With his Ninjetti power, he, along with the other rangers managed to revive the dying Zordon, reconstruct his plasma tube and return the Command Center to a fully-functioning state.