| - "Oh, and you won't believe this. You won't believe what I went through. Zakura...he, he had perculiar 'tastes'. I mean, he was a bit of a sexual deviant; 'a bit' being an understatement. His favourite food is curry. So once, he made me remove my entire upper body clothing, and he poured scalding hot curry all over my chest, which he ate without a care in the world. I mean, who...who would do that? Who in their right mind would do such a thing? He must be crazy or something. ...Of course, I don't mind; I'll do anything you say as long as you stay with me." Yuuki reached over, grasping Kyogi's hand tightly. "...Anything." Kyogi inched back, somewhat...no, really creeped out by such words. "...Uhm, have you seen a therapist recently? It'd do you the world of good." Yuuki's wide-eyed gaze and small gaping smile never faded, though her eyes seemed to glow demoniacally as she ignored this advice and leant in closer; such a sight made Kyogi think to himself, "...I need to send her to Bedlam House." Kachihi Amagase, Fumiko Orikasa, Rika Ichigawa, Kasumi Kaburagi, as well as the twins burst in. Without giving Kyogi the benefit of the doubt, Kachihi leapt upon the table, gripping the collar of Kyogi's jacket. "Damn bastard...! Don't screw with mum like that-" Kyogi silently brushed Kachihi away, remarking "She's the one scaring me!" "I heard you mention a shrink, Kyogi." Fumiko said, frowning. "Barking up the wrong tree you are." "I don't think we really walked in on anything wrong, Kachihi." Rika said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You're still just fired up.." "Damn right I'm fired up! I wouldn't trust this bastard as far as I could throw 'im." Kachihi snapped back. Kasumi remarked, "...If you're wondering, if I remember correctly, Yuuki has killed all her previous shrinks." Kyogi froze up. "...Why the hell am I still here...!?" But then he remembered; she was really sweet, deep down despite everything...he just didn't want his eye to be added to her collection. "You love her..." Aoi murmured her psychic answer. "I would hope you do." Fumiko replied, walking over to Kyogi and flicking his nose. "A bit of advice. Never so much as look at anyone else like you want to have sex with them, never threaten to leave her, never cheat on her, so help you, don't lie to her..." Fumiko kept going on and on for a good half hour, listing everything Kyogi had to do to avoid his eye being added to the collection. Kyogi inched back slightly, absolutely, no positively terrified of the woman (?) who he was involved with. Speaking with Yuuki felt as if he was at a keyboard. Most of the keys on said keyboard were buttons which ticked her off if pushed, and the only way to not irk her significantly was to leave it be. "...I've, I've got it." Seemed as if the only way to stay on her good side was to agree with everything she said. There had to be some way to protect her from all that wished to harm her. "...Tch! I still don't trust the bastard. ...But very well; we'll leave 'em be." Kachihi growled. "But I'm warning ye; don't try anything stupid, you'll regret it." With that, Kachihi Amagase began to walk upstairs. "As you are, you're fine..." Aoi said quietly before following her father. Fumiko chuckled and placed an arm around Kyogi's shoulders, before sinking his fangs deep into his neck, drinking deeply of his blood, but not so much that the man would die. "Consider that your welcome~♥" He said, licking his fangs before exiting the room as well. Rika was silent as he followed, sort of shocked actually. Kachihi folded his arms, retorting, "...Wait, what? The hell was that for?" Truth be told, he was as shocked at Fumiko's action as much as Gai was shocked to see Yuuki's more...psychotic side. "Don't you have too many powers already? Don't pull a Junijimaru Hinakaijou on us; that damn jerk with powers upon powers upon powers upon powers upon powers...And once he claimed to be the son of Kazuma. Luckily we threw him in an asylum." Kasumi remarked, "...He won't trouble this world anymore." Fumiko chuckled and kissed Kachihi lovingly, wrapping his arms around him. "Kachihi-kun, think of it this way. Would you rather I subject you to helping me train? Do you remember the last time we tried training? I love you to death, but I don't wanna go through that again." "I'll second that..." Rika said, bending down to fix the decorations on his daughter's shoes. Momoiro sighed, "...I miss when Zakura used to make wierd assumptions about the shoe decorations. 'Their true purposes are sinister'." Either he was right or he was smoking crack; it was always unclear. Kachihi scratched his head. "...You're right. Luckily, I believe a random powerup will emerge for me soon." "Anyway, it's getting late." Rika kept a minor hold on her daughter's. "I'm putting the twins to sleep now, whether they mind or not." Kachihi slowly opened his eyes to the thunderous sound of a *CRASH!* which reverberated from downstairs. Without hesitation, he rushed downstairs, witnessing a horrible sight. Crashing in the direction of the cupboard, Yuuki winced as Kyogi reared his fist back, knocking her back. Blood trailed down her cheek as she inched back in fright. Unable to contain himself, Kachihi ran forward, drawing his blade, swinging it down at Kyogi's head; who countered with ease. "...Hm? You wanted something, boy? Stay out of this." Kachihi snapped in absolute fury, "B-Bastard...! Damn bastard, I knew it! I knew I was right about you! Get the hell out before I destroy you!" Upstairs, the twins were sleeping in their pajamas, which, strangely, were light red for Momoiro, and light green for Aoi, and seemed to be mushroom themed. Their hands were entwined and they were sleeping peacefully, though the noise traveled up to them and caused their eyes to flutter as they began to awaken. Momoiro yawned, "Gwaaaaah...Is it just me, or did we oversleep?" She glanced around, before gently wresting herself free from Aoi's embrace, beginning to walk downstairs. Kachihi's scelera turned a pitch black as his irises became a blazing crimson with golden. A black aura trailed up his arms and legs. "I won't forgive you for this!" Without any remorse, Kyogi dodged to the side, before drawing his blade; an ordinary katana. "...What is it with you!? All I was doing was hammering in the fact that she is a vulgar failure, a masochist for love. Go ahead and try me. You can't kill me." "Then let me give it a try you insufferable prick." Fumiko's voice sounded as he fell from the ceiling where he was for some reason attached, his claws glowing and extending. As he neared Kyogi, he slashed down. Aoi began to trudge after her sister, pulling on her sleeve. "Bad....leaving me...." Kachihi slashed down with his blade, slicing straight through Kyogi's chest from shoulder to hip. Swirling around, he prepared to kick him away, only for Kyogi to anticipate such a blow and throw him upwards at Fumiko; the two colliding violently. Crashing to the floor, Kachihi clutched his head before leaping to his feet. His right arm transformed into a pitch-black demonic claw as he thrust forward; though halting his offensive was Kyogi gripping Yuuki by the arm, holding her in front of him as to use her as a human shield. "Hold it. Don't try anything funny, or she gets it." Yuuki's eyes were revealing an emotion of fright and pain; such a sight caused Kachihi to cease his attack for the briefest of moments. Unleashing a mighty roar, Kachihi released a burst of spiritual energy, before transforming completely. Kachihi's entire body turned a horrific pitch-black, with crimson markings around his chest, arms, as well as under and above his eyes. His hair spiked on end and grew out as twin chains manifested upon his arms. "...What the hell is that!?" Kyogi stuttered. "..Is...is that Kachihi's Envoy form?" Yuuki weakly coughed as the sheer force of the burst of spiritual energy knocked her out of Kyogi's hands. Aoi tugged on Momoiro's pajama sleeve, pulling her back. "Don't go...bad things ahead..." Fumiko coughed and spluttered as he took in the sight of Kachihi in his demonic state. "W-what the hell is that?"