| - "Previously on the West Wing" spoken by Toby In the week before Bartlet's (Martin Sheen) second inauguration, an escalating genocide in a remote African country called Kuhndu prompts him to consider a new doctrine for the use of force. Not surprisingly, this idea doesn't meet with universal approval, even in the West Wing, but Bartlet decides to implement it anyway; a foreign policy based on humanitarian, rather than economic, ideals.
| - "Previously on the West Wing" spoken by Toby In the week before Bartlet's (Martin Sheen) second inauguration, an escalating genocide in a remote African country called Kuhndu prompts him to consider a new doctrine for the use of force. Not surprisingly, this idea doesn't meet with universal approval, even in the West Wing, but Bartlet decides to implement it anyway; a foreign policy based on humanitarian, rather than economic, ideals. Meanwhile, Danny's (Timothy Busfield) digging on the Sharif matter is getting on C.J.'s (Allison Janney) nerves, and getting closer to the truth. Charlie (Dule Hill) has great difficulty finding a Bible for Bartlet to use at the inauguration. Lt. Commander Jack Reese (Christian Slater), whom Donna (Janel Moloney) has been seeing, is asked to prepare a report for the President about Kuhndu outside of the chain of command. The Secretary of Defense, insulted that the president did not ask him to prepare the report, has Reese transferred to Italy.