| - most of the Agents serve as contacts in the Machinist faction.
- C'est le modèle d'armure par défaut que porte le coéquipier Turien (Garrus) lorsqu'on le rencontre
- An Agent is a person who works for a government agency. There are several such agencies known, but the civilian agency NID is the one most encountered by the main Stargate Command teams. A related rank of Special Agent is used by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- Art by Artur Sadlos
* Alignment Any
* Hit Die d8
* Starting Wealth 240 gp, plus an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
- The Agent class in Valhalla denotes a type of unit represented by members who act for, or in the place of, several organizations, and under their authority. Two agencies of Earth have been contracted in Valhalla, and one agency from Marr. A third agency has been referenced, but have not been summoned to field any units of the agent class, as they are only represented by the ninja class, and it is presumed all of them operate under that class instead of agent.
- Agent is a Famous S-Class Hero who also known as the Greatest Detective in the world. He was one of the first S Class Heros who disspeared as his spot was replaced by Tank-top Master. Upon his Return he was invited back to be an S-Class Hero.
- An Agent is one of the three main classes of Shapers. The Agent can be played in Geneforge 1, 2, 3, and 5. In Geneforge 4, the Infiltrator class is the equivalent of the Agent. This class of shapers excel in a magic skills, are average in physical combat, but do not specialize well in the shaping arts. Of the three classes, Agents are awarded the most Spell Energy.
- An agent is an operative of an organisation such as the CIA or FBI. Such persons are usually armed and have the power to arrest and conduct investigations into the violation of federal laws.
- Chercher "agent" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Bodyguard Saseba agent First appearance Chapter 81 Chapter 107 No information No information No information No information No information The Agent was an unnamed operative, bodyguard, and assassin seemingly in the employment of Chief Kakuzawa and was introduced just before the assault on Maple House. Though her initial appearance has Kakuzawa referring to her as male, the Agent was female, and there are clues as to her true gender peppered throughout the chapters in which she appears.
- An agent can be one of 5 disease-causing material.
- An agent is
- The Agent is a character from Disney's 2008 animated feature film Bolt.
- A person who is very prepared for any circumstance within the gay community.
- Agent is a Long Island Melodic Hardcore band who played their first show in April 2006. The five-piece released a 2-song demo shortly after, followed up with the official 4-song demo shortly after that. In November 2006, they released their debut album "I Wouldn't Trade That for Anything" in November on local indie label Iron Pier. People immediately drew comparisons to Lifetime, Saves the Day, and Braid. In 2009, they released the Awake in Their World seven inch through Run for Cover Records.
- Agents are combatants that make up the 1337 crew, a group within the A.A.H.W. The agents' attire is based off that of the Smith agents' from the movie The Matrix, including suits, ties, and distinctive sunglasses. First appearing in Madness Apotheosis, they are higher ranking soldiers trained to stop Hank. However, they are often killed as easily as grunts. __TOC__
- Agent is an enemy from Sinjid Shadow of the Warrior that appears during the Human Gateway.
- Agents are programs whose primary function is to eliminate anyone or anything that could potentially reveal the truth of the Matrix to its inhabitants or cause harm to its system.
- Agents are low-leveled members of Team Rocket, which don't get paid much. Cassidy and Butch want to become bosses of the whole gang, but that won't happen.
- thumb|Skid's AgentEin Agent war jemand, welcher im Auftrag einer anderen Person handelte. Bekannte Agenten waren Agent Zero, Skid's Agent und Agent Bizarro.
- [[Fichier:Kallus BSI.png|thumb|right|250px|L'Agent Kallus du Bureau de Sécurité Impériale]]Agent était un titre donné aux hommes du Bureau de Sécurité Impériale dont le rôle était d'assurer la sécurité du territoire impérial ainsi que de la loyauté des citoyens. Kallus possédait ce titre d'agent.
- For a list of the agents, see . An agent is a type of operative.
- An Agent was the title of a person who worked for a specific agency, or organization. Agents were almost comparable to 'officer`s' (i.e. Starfleet officers).
- The Agents are genetically modified human beings, created by the Agency, using the disgraced work of Dr. Balthazar Czernenko. In Crackdown, there are eight playable agents characters in total (12 if you have downloaded the Four-Play pack DLC) however the exact number of Agency Agents in service is presumed to be much higher. In Crackdown 2, there are only four Agents to choose from, but a variety of suit colors to select (16 in single-player with all DLC, 20 in multiplayer with all DLC).
- The Agent is the secondary antagonist of Bolt alongside Calico and the Director. He is Penny's former agent who works under the Director. He is voiced by Greg Germann and is inspired from Richard Windmark.
- En Agent är en person som arbetar för en statlig myndighet. Det finns flera sådana kända byråer, men det civila myndigheters NID är den mest sett. En besläktad rang Specialagent används av Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms och Federal Bureau of Investigation. Kategori: Titlar
- The Agent is a pre-made class with the following stats:
- An Agent is an individual who acts on behalf of another. The term is most commonly applied to law enforcement or intelligence officers involved in security, investigation, or espionage. The Agents seen in Megami Ibunroku Persona are likely employees of SEBEC, as they only appear in the company's headquarters, cannot use magic, and will not negotiate with the party. As they are hostile to the party, it is likely that their purpose is to protect Takahisa Kandori, the president of their branch and the mastermind of the DEVA System.
- Un agent est un objet dans Creatures 3 et dans les autres jeux basés sur son moteur, tel que Docking Station, Creatures Adventures ou Creatures Playground. Ils sont comparables aux COBs de Creatures et Creatures 2. Ils consistent en un ensemble de scripts CAOS et de leurs dépendances (comme les sprites ou les fichiers sons). C3 et les autres jeux mentionnés sont entièrement constitués d'agents, y compris l'interface et les Créatures elles-même.
- Alex Pollard is an agent for some of the top players in The League. He caught a break when he was signed by Tito Maas, who then fired him when his career took off. After being ditched by Maas, Pollard still had other players to turn to. He went to Julius Willams and got him one hell of a deal (6 years for 18.7 million dollars). When Williams fired him as well, Pollard got stuck in a rut. Living off the 3 million dollars Williams' contract had earned him, he found a hardheaded kid known as "Franchise" who was willing to do anything to be the best. After his client won the League Championship, players lined up for miles to hire Alex Pollard. Eventually, he became the richest agent in The League.
- 180px|right Agent ist eine Spezialisierungsklasse für Techniker und Infiltratoren in Mass Effect. Agenten sind Meister darin, ihre Umgebung zu ihrem maximalen Vorteil zu manipulieren.
- The agents (aka King's agents) are the Agents of the King of Daventry.
- Agent is a very large family of programs, most of which download and install adware or malware to the victim's machine. Agent variants may also change the configuration settings for Windows Explorer and/or for the Windows interface.
- Similar to Ezel Berbier's case as a Hermetic in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Al-Cid cannot change into other jobs, so he is restricted to Reconnaissance and Items. He has no access to reaction or passive abilities.
- An agent is the informational representation of a resident. Agent information is used by simulators, scripts, and objects to track where an agent is, what it is doing, and what items it owns (among other things). An agent is not an avatar.
- AGENTS are mysterious entities who appear whenever an annomaly in reality is detected.
- Agents are typically educated at least as far as the college undergraduate level. Such persons are usually armed and have the power to arrest and conduct investigations into the violation of federal laws. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have several Special Agents working for them.
- An agent is an object in Creatures 3 and other games based on its engine, such as Docking Station, Creatures Adventures and Creatures Playground. They are comparable to COBs from Creatures and Creatures 2. They consist of a set of CAOS scripts and their dependencies (such as sprites and sound files). C3 and the other games mentioned consist almost entirely of agents, including the interface and the Creatures themselves.
- v. Project-Agents Alt. Namen: Couch-Incubator Die Aufgabe des Agents ist es neue Investment-Opportunities ausfindig zu machen und die Project Owner oder personen ausserhalb der Couch von der Sinnhaftigkeit einer Platzierung zu überzeugen Oder Unternehmer ausfindig zumachen und mit einem Project zu verlinken. Er fungiert als Bindeglied zwischen dem Unternehmer und einem Emissionshaus oder einem Unternehmer und einem Projekt. Oft übernimmt er auch die Erstellung des CouchPlans und bereitet den Unternehmer auf die Platzierung seines Vorhabens/Unternehmens vor. Zur Abgeltung seiner Leistungen erhält der Agent einen share am platzierten Volumen der zwischen 3 und 20% liegt (je nach cash-Volumen; Notwendigkeit einer Regulierung? Erfolgsbasierende Vergütung am anfang, dibelius fix 3%)
- The Agent is a fictional class for Stick Ranger. It uses certain "espionage" weapons to hit enemies. Since it can use both ranged and melee attack, it is an hybrid class.
- In Global Agenda, a Agent usually refers to a player's in-game character, which they guide and advance through the game. Your agent can earn Achievements and increase their Combat Rating through various types of gameplay Each Game account has the ability to create a Agents of any Class throught the Character Creation option.
- AGENT is a player/monster that is continually recreated due to the AGENT Virus. It is the fastest moving monster known in Testimonial Midgard and has incredibly high attack power. It will normally cause havoc when it appears near players. It can now be found within the AGENT Firewall.
- Odcinek 43 - Agent - czterdziesty trzeci odcinek serialu Ranczo, został wyemitowany po raz pierwszy 22.03.2009 w TVP1
- An agent or operative was a trusted person employed by a public or commercial entity to perform specific tasks on its behalf. The term was often used to denote a person so engaged in intelligence or security operations.
- An agent is a person who is entrusted to act for, or in place of, another person or organization. In government and law enforcement contexts, an agent or special agent is a criminal or other investigator operating under the aegis of a particular organization. For instance, in the United States, those who work at CTU, the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, and the Secret Service are generally called agents. At CTU, there are two types of agents, field agents and intelligence agents.
- The "Agent" is the optional player co-op partner of Ada Wong in Resident Evil 6, who was released in a free update for the game on December 17, 2012. Nothing is known about Agent as a character due to him being only in the game for cooperative purposes.
- Agent is a term that can be applied to almost any non-Flower member of the PPC. It is not, however, universally used. The janitors and cafeteria staff are very rarely referred to as agents, despite technically, as members of the Department of Operations, being exactly that. However, the word is not just applied to members of the Action Departments—Agent Imbolc Telyan was in the Department of Finance, while Agent Quen works in the Department of Personnel. Occasionally, particularly during the era Jay and Acacia were partnered, the title "constable" was given to agents in the DMS.
- Ein Agent ist eine Person, die Quellen unschädlich macht und auf diese Weise gegen Geister vorgeht. Dabei kann ein Agent sowohl fest bei einer Agentur angestellt sein, als auch freiberuflich arbeiten. Auch in letzterem Fall wird der jeweilige Agent allerdings von Agenturen zur Verstärkung eines bereits bestehenden Teams angeordnet; es ist bisher kein Agent bekannt, der ganz alleine Fälle bearbeitet.
- Agent is a title often given to officials working within an agency. Many agencies within the United States federal government use this title, including the FBI (TXF: "Pilot", et al.), the US Customs agency (TXF: "Badlaa"), the ATF (TXF: "The Field Where I Died"), and the CIA (TXF: "Colony"). Agencies within the private sector also use this title, such as Chase Real Estate in Worcester, Massachusetts. (TXF: "Surekill")