| - The 18th Air Support Operations Group (18 ASOG) is a combat support group of the United States Air Force. It is located at Pope Field, North Carolina. It draws its history from a World War II air communications squadron. The 18 ASOG provides tactical command and control of air power assets for U.S. Army XVIII Airborne Corps. In this role its subordinate squadrons provide tactical combat command-and-control to the Joint Forces Air Component Commander and Joint Forces Land Component Commander. The organization was originally constituted as the 18 Air Support Communication Squadron on 24 March 1943. Activated on 1 April 1943. Redesignated 18 Tactical Air Communications Squadron on 1 Apr 1944. Disbanded on 10 Jun 1944. Reconstituted on 19 March 1945. Activated on 15 Apr 1945. Inactivated on 12 Aug 1946. Disbanded on 8 Oct 1948. Reconstituted, redesignated 18 Air Support Group, and activated, on 15 June 1992. It was redesignated 18 Air Support Operations Group on 1 July 1994. It includes a number of air support operations squadrons: 14th Air Support Operations Squadron:(Pope Field, North Carolina; supports 82d Airborne Division) 15th Air Support Operations Squadron:(Fort Stewart, Georgia; supports 1st, 2nd & 4th BCTs, 3rd Infantry Division) (Fort Benning, Georgia; supports 3rd BCT, 3rd Infantry Division) 17th Air Support Operations Squadron:(Fort Benning, Georgia; supports USASOC) (Transitioned from Air Combat Command to Air Force Special Operations Command effective 1 October 2008) 18th Weather Squadron:(Simmons Army Airfield, Fort Bragg, North Carolina)
* Detachment 1, Fort Drum, New York
* Detachment 3, Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia
* Detachment 4, Fort Campbell, Kentucky
* OL-B, Fort Belvoir, Virginia
* OL-C, Fort Rucker, Alabama
* OL-D, Fort Polk, Louisiana
* OL-Q, Fort Knox, Kentucky 19th Air Support Operations Squadron:(Fort Campbell, Kentucky; supports 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)) 20th Air Support Operations Squadron:(Fort Drum, New York; supports 1st, 2nd & 3rd BCTs, 10th Mountain Division) (Fort Polk, Louisiana; supports 4th BCT, 10th Mountain Division) 682d Air Support Operations Squadron:(Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina)