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| - The Serrakin are a reptile like humanoid race native to the Milky Way Galaxy. They have advanced technology and helped free groups of Humans from the Goa'uld. They have sublight engines, energy weapons, shields, cryo-pods, movements sensors, stargate technology and advanced holographic technology.
- Una pacifica razza di alieni che, anni addietro, si è integrata con un gruppo di umani dopo averli liberati dai Goa'uld.I Serrakin son alieni apparentemente tranquilli con la pelle di colore marrone scuro, teste nerborute e occhi rosso sangue.I Serrakin sono intelligenti e perspicaci ed hanno contribuito a rendere Hebridan una società prosperosa e tecnologicamente avanzata.
- Serrakin appear to be a reptilian species, humanoid in shape but having scaled skin and reptile-like eyes. They are capable of speaking English and interbreeding with humans. Half-Serrakins possess the distinctive bone structure of regular Serrakin, but have lighter skin which does not appear to be scaled. (SG1: "Forsaken")
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| - The Serrakin are a reptile like humanoid race native to the Milky Way Galaxy. They have advanced technology and helped free groups of Humans from the Goa'uld. They have sublight engines, energy weapons, shields, cryo-pods, movements sensors, stargate technology and advanced holographic technology.
- Una pacifica razza di alieni che, anni addietro, si è integrata con un gruppo di umani dopo averli liberati dai Goa'uld.I Serrakin son alieni apparentemente tranquilli con la pelle di colore marrone scuro, teste nerborute e occhi rosso sangue.I Serrakin sono intelligenti e perspicaci ed hanno contribuito a rendere Hebridan una società prosperosa e tecnologicamente avanzata.
- Serrakin appear to be a reptilian species, humanoid in shape but having scaled skin and reptile-like eyes. They are capable of speaking English and interbreeding with humans. Half-Serrakins possess the distinctive bone structure of regular Serrakin, but have lighter skin which does not appear to be scaled. (SG1: "Forsaken") The Serrakin live in peace with Hebridians, who they freed from the Goa'uld thousands of years ago. Interspecies marriages are fairly common. There were some who believe that the Serrakin are oppressing the human population subtly and trying to control them, though what merit, if any, these claims have is not shown. The entire economy largely seems to depend on the Tech Con Group, a conglomerate which produces nearly every product imaginable. Not all Serrakin appear to remain on their home planet, as some Serrakin are shown to be bounty hunters. (SG1: "Space Race", "Bounty")
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