| - One of the main reasons we know that Allah is a false god is because of the attributes given to him by his followers. For instance, it is said that this Allah fellow is "omnipotent", "omniscient", and "omnipresent", whatever that means. Only heartless heathens would use such blasphemeous terms. We know that the one true God is none of these things; according to the Holy Bible, God is actually "all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present". Forget all those sinful, untruthful "omni" words - this is the only real truth about God! ---BE ADVISED: THE WORDS "OMNIPOTENT", "OMNISCIENT", AND "OMNIPRESENT" ARE SYNONYMS OF THE WORDS "ALL-POWERFUL", "ALL-KNOWING", AND "EVER-PRESENT". THE CHRISTIAN NARRATOR ACCEPTS THE LATTER SET OF WORDS BECAUSE THEY ARE IN FAMILIAR BIBLICAL LANGUAGE. HE REJECTS THE "
| - One of the main reasons we know that Allah is a false god is because of the attributes given to him by his followers. For instance, it is said that this Allah fellow is "omnipotent", "omniscient", and "omnipresent", whatever that means. Only heartless heathens would use such blasphemeous terms. We know that the one true God is none of these things; according to the Holy Bible, God is actually "all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present". Forget all those sinful, untruthful "omni" words - this is the only real truth about God! ---BE ADVISED: THE WORDS "OMNIPOTENT", "OMNISCIENT", AND "OMNIPRESENT" ARE SYNONYMS OF THE WORDS "ALL-POWERFUL", "ALL-KNOWING", AND "EVER-PRESENT". THE CHRISTIAN NARRATOR ACCEPTS THE LATTER SET OF WORDS BECAUSE THEY ARE IN FAMILIAR BIBLICAL LANGUAGE. HE REJECTS THE "OMNI" TERMS BECAUSE HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THEM, AND THEREFORE FEARS THEM, EVEN WHEN THEY MEAN THE SAME THING. THIS SATIRIZES RELIGIOUS XENOPHOBICS. THAT IS ALL--- Another thing that these devious ---MORE BIASED LANGUAGE - THIS IS FUNNY--- Muslimites say is that Allah lives in a realm called "Jannah". Only a corrupted fornicator ---NOTICE THE REPETITION OF STEREOTYPICAL FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIAN INSULTS--- would fall for such evil lies. It is obvious that the real God lives in Heaven,---JANNAH IS THE ARABIC WORD FOR PARADISE, AS WELL AS 'ALLAH' BEING THE ARABIC WORD FOR GOD AND THE NARRATOR IS IGNORANT OF THIS FACT--- a.k.a. paradise, because that is what the Bible says ---THIS IS NOT NECESSARILY SAYING THAT EVERYTHING IN THE BIBLE IS TRUE, BUT RATHER SATIRIZING THE FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANS' BLIND ACCEPTANCE THAT THE BIBLE IS THE LITERAL WORD OF GOD, EVEN WHEN TRANSLATED FROM ITS ORIGINAL HEBREW AND GREEK, WHICH COULD CHANGE MEANINGS IN MANY WAYS. PLUS, THE BIBLE WAS WRITTEN ---. Why would God live in some weird place called "Jannah"? ---MORE FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN - LAUGH NOW--- How could a place like that be heavenly, or paradisical? It is easy to see that these lies about Allah are just that: lies ---WE AT UNCYCLOPEDIA DO NOT NECESSARILY BELIEVE THAT THE QUR'AN IS LIES, THIS IS A SATIRE OF THE XENOPHOBIA PRESENT IN TODAY'S CULTURE. Islamism supplements its Allah-worship with a cult of personality based on the character of Mohammed---THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT MOHAMED WAS NOT A REAL PERSON, BUT STILL MAKING FUN OF XENOPHOBIA. Mohammed is supposedly the founder of the Islamistic religion. He was the first leader of the Islamite church and did the most to spread the lies of Islamism around the world. Because of this, Islamists elevate Mohammed to a godlike status that is completely unwarranted even by their own religious writings. All Islamistical leaders strive to act like Mohammed, he is prayed to and idolized, and some even swear to seeing his image in bowls of soup or in the clouds. Such childishly silly acts only throw the infantile nature of Islamistism into sharp relief. How could any self-respecting monotheist claim to see their god in a burnt tortilla? Certainly not a Christian, that's for sure. ---NOTE: THE PRECEDING SECTION IS A DIRECT PARODY OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH. CATHOLICS HAVE A TENDENCY TO PUT THE VIRGIN MARY ON A LEVEL WITH JESUS HIMSELF, EVEN THOUGH THIS IS NOT CALLED FOR IN THE BIBLE. THE FACT THAT THE NARRATOR MAKES THESE SAME ACCUSATIONS AGAINST MUSLIMS - AND THEN ASSUMES THAT CHRISTIANS DO NOT DO THIS - IS HIGHLY IRONIC---