| - Working at S.T.A.R. Labs in Metropolis, Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi) deals with her mundane life after losing her powers. Returning to her apartment one evening, she finds an unfamiliar group of costumed individuals waiting for, who explain that they need "a moment of [her] time".
In St. Roch, while in bed with Red Arrow, Hawkgirl has a sex dream involving Hawkman. Hearing her talk in her sleep, Arrow is angry enough to leave.
At the Hall of Justice, Vixen and Animal Man train together. Black Canary clears Vixen for active duty again now that her powers are back in control, and also offers regular membership to Animal Man, but he declines.
Immediately taking priority action against the intruders in her home, Kimiyo rushes to find her kids, briefly reactivating her powers. Although she is moving at light speed, Hardware tricks her into running through a cloud of ultracooled atoms, completely halting her. Although the group is initially relieved, Donner notices that there appears to be a Justice League communicator in her hand.
Conducting one of their clandestine triumvirate meetings in their secret hyper-space conference room, , Batman and Wonder Woman are interrupted by Black Canary. Canary expresses annoyance that despite being current elected League Chairwoman, the Trinity are undermining her, and continuing to attempt to run things in secret. Their conversation is interrupted by Kimiyo's distress call, and a minor task force including Batman, [[W:C:DC:Jefferson Pierce