This piece of machinery, like much of Nod's lower-tier equipment, is a "dust off" from Great World War Il-era surplus. It had been phased out sometime after GWWII, and most of the vehicles were either scrapped, sold off to third-world armies, or relegated to storage in warehouses along with other older equipment. Nod acquired a large number of these vehicles and overhauled them to cope with modern battlefield conditions, including placing a bigger cannon with its own modern HE projectile. The result is a (still) slow moving vehicle, but armed with even more firepower than its predecessor. It shoots its HE projectile in an arc, surpassing walls and other obstacles to hit any targets cowering behind it. One large drawback of this type of cannon is less accuracy. The projectiles may deviate f
Attributes | Values |
| - Artillery (Tiberian Dawn)
| - This piece of machinery, like much of Nod's lower-tier equipment, is a "dust off" from Great World War Il-era surplus. It had been phased out sometime after GWWII, and most of the vehicles were either scrapped, sold off to third-world armies, or relegated to storage in warehouses along with other older equipment. Nod acquired a large number of these vehicles and overhauled them to cope with modern battlefield conditions, including placing a bigger cannon with its own modern HE projectile. The result is a (still) slow moving vehicle, but armed with even more firepower than its predecessor. It shoots its HE projectile in an arc, surpassing walls and other obstacles to hit any targets cowering behind it. One large drawback of this type of cannon is less accuracy. The projectiles may deviate f
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| - 4(xsd:integer)
- 5(xsd:integer)
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| - This piece of machinery, like much of Nod's lower-tier equipment, is a "dust off" from Great World War Il-era surplus. It had been phased out sometime after GWWII, and most of the vehicles were either scrapped, sold off to third-world armies, or relegated to storage in warehouses along with other older equipment. Nod acquired a large number of these vehicles and overhauled them to cope with modern battlefield conditions, including placing a bigger cannon with its own modern HE projectile. The result is a (still) slow moving vehicle, but armed with even more firepower than its predecessor. It shoots its HE projectile in an arc, surpassing walls and other obstacles to hit any targets cowering behind it. One large drawback of this type of cannon is less accuracy. The projectiles may deviate from target by random chance. It is also still thinly armoured. It was replaced by the next generation of artillery.
is wikipage disambiguates
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