| - As per the Animation Age Ghetto, most people seem to think that all anime is for kids. Guess what - it's not. A great deal of it is intended for mature audiences; it might be because of the occasional swear or gratuitous blood, but quite a few people think it's because of any of these soul-destroyingly terrifying scenes. Plus, even anime that is meant for kids can be intentionally freaky in its own right.
* Alien Nine
* Anatolia Story
* Another
* Barefoot Gen
* Berserk
* Bibliotheca Mystica De Dantalian
* Bleach
* Blood-C
* Bokurano
* Code Geass
* Claymore
* D Gray Man
* Deadman Wonderland
* Death Note
* Detective Conan
* Devilman
* Digimon Tamers
* Digimon X Evolution
* Dragon Ball
* Dragon Ball Abridged
* Dragon Pink
* Elfen Lied
* Eureka Seven
* Fate Zero
* Fractale
* Fullmetal Alchemist
* Gantz
* Gundam
* Gunslinger Girl
* Hayao Miyazaki
* Hellsing
* High School DXD
* High School of the Dead
* Higanbana no Saku Yoru Ni
* Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
* Jack and The Witch
* Jo Jos Bizarre Adventure
* Junji Ito
* Kaiji
* Karakuridouji Ultimo
* Karano Kyoukai
* Katekyo Hitman Reborn
* Kinnikuman
* Mahou Sensei Negima
* Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
* Mawaru Penguindrum
* Mazinger Z
* Great Mazinger
* UFO Robo Grendizer
* Mirai Nikki
* Monster
* Nausicaa of the Valley of The Wind
* Naruto
* Neon Genesis Evangelion
* Rebuild of Evangelion
* No 6
* One Piece
* Oniisama E
* Paranoia Agent
* Perfect Blue
* Puella Magi Madoka Magica
* Puella Magi Kazumi Magica
* Princess Tutu
* Revolutionary Girl Utena
* Rose of Versailles
* Rumbling Hearts
* Rurouni Kenshin
* Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas
* Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
* Serial Experiments Lain
* Sonic X
* Soul Eater
* Trigun
* To Aru Majutsu no Index
* Umineko no Naku Koro Ni
* Wolf Guy Wolfen Crest
* Yu-Gi-Oh
* The manga of Spice and Wolf includes a scene (imagined by Lawrence) of what would become of them if Holo's true nature was betrayed to the Church. She and two others (presumably Lawrence and the man he is presently working with) are depicted burning at the stake, clearly alive by the agonized scream Holo is making.
* Shakugan no Shana has a chilling part of the nature of their world. If your power of existence is devoured by a Tomogara and you get turned into a "torch" by a Flame Haze, you become just a shell a.k.a. an Unperson and will eventually disappear, with no one remembering you existed. Fate Worse Than Death anyone? Even worse, is that this may have already happened, several times in fact to people they knew.
* Slayers:
* More prominent in the Light Novel continuity than in the anime...read the first book, then compare it to the anime. There is one scene where Lina and Gourry fight trolls. Swept away by magic in the anime. The novel goes into extreme detail about their bloody reminants, painted all over the inn's walls.
* Copy Rezo in the novels...he gains some extra mouths on his body to multiply the number of spells he can use at once. Anime? They're on his hands. Novels? They're his eyes. Physically. That's why they're closed.
* Shabranigdo being reborn in the first book...Rezo's flesh melts away, and Shabranigdo himself looks creepy as hell.
* Ragnut Rushavna. A spell that turns the victim into a giant hunk of fleshy meat that gets eaten over and over again by snakes. It won't stop until the one who cast the spell is detained, quinessentially making the victim immortal. Never appeared outside the novels for a reason... It's used on a bumbling sorcerer in one of the novels, while the fellow sorcerer who's rivaling him is beheaded. In the anime, they're merely turned to stone.
* The novel The Silver Beast follows the story of a cult worshiping Shabranigdo, and most of its members are rather gruesome-looking chimeras. One of them is a skinny beast-like creature with a brain on its back, and both are their own person. A far cry from Zelgadiss...
* Spirited Away had the one scene with No-Face running around eating everyone it could see. Also, when her parents turn into pigs.
* Laputa: Castle in the Sky had Laputa literally falling to pieces in the sky, with Muska being crushed and blinded. Don't forget the storm scenes, either, particularly when Pazu hallucinates his dead father's ship. There's also the scene where Muska gathers the General and other soldiers in the glass dome under the floating island and then drops the floor out from under them, they fall to their implied deaths
* This short film about the Hiroshima bombing, it's obviously quite graphic (and certainly a Tear Jerker), but the lack of dialogue, music and animation style really vamp up the creepy factor.
* While the original Battle Royale novel was filled with this, the manga's even worse. Let's put it this way: If Kazuo Kiriyama is on panel, let's hope you weren't planning on sleeping anytime soon.
* Not just Kiriyama. Look at any picture of one of the kids when they snap. Jesus Christ almighty. Examples include Kaori Minami's 'pizza face' breakdown.
* Blood Plus. Let's see, there's the creepy children who mutate into fetus like werevampires, Saya's freakout in Vietnam, Riku getting RAPED by Diva, then killed by her, and the fact that the Mook monsters are actually people who have undergone a Painful Transformation and may still have some of their conscious remaining inside their newly twisted forms, it is no wonder that it is the Image Picture.
* Left Hand of God, Right Hand of the Devil, by Kazuo Umezu. In one particularly gruesome story, a mentally unstable father kills people as inspiration for his macabre picture books, which he reads to his young, naive bed-ridden daughter who cannot walk. For one of those picture books, he lures 3 hikers into a lone cabin in the middle of the woods. Inside is a table full of cakes and pastries. He beheads one of the hikers with an axe, splattering the hikers blood all over the cakes. He then locks the other two hikers in the cabin and forces them to eat the cakes, no matter how full they get. One of the hikers falls over and passes out, vomiting, unable to eat anymore. The other hiker vomits, but doesn't pass out, and the father forces her to eat what she just vomited. The father then splits open their bellies, spraying blood and undigested cake everywhere. In the finale of the picture book, he draws a cake, topped with the heads of the two hikers, writing that "The girls who loved cakes become a cake themselves, and they lived very happily." Happily ever after, indeed...
* Bio Meat:
* The series is a survival horror, so of course there's plenty of Nightmare Fuel. The B-M themselves are bad enough, until you realize that their teeth (which are all molars) don't rip off chunks of flesh from their victims, like say, a piranha. They have no way of taking off a piece of their prey before chewing it at all, unlike many carnivorous predators would. No, instead, whenever they attack a victim, they can only latch on, and chew them to death, meaning that you feel every single second of them eating you, up until they swallow whatever piece of you they succeed in chewing off. Worse, they eat every part of you, including your bones. This all means that if you're attacked by a huge swarm, you'll be consumed in in a very brief time. However, when you're only attacked by a small handful, your death will be an agonizingly slow one, as they eat every single part of you. Worse, either due to shock, or some manner of numbing effect from their bites, most victims don't initially seem to feel pain from the first few bites, so many victims only seem to realize something is wrong until they look down and see a B-M, happily chewing away on their sweet, sweet flesh.
* And then we have America's version, which can infiltrate just about any space, including you, and pull a Chest Burster once you cave into your need for water. Oh, and it's a tentacle monster.
* Furthermore, Shingo, when he feels like it. Holding a gun to his face? Fine. He'll give you a perfectly calm death smile, and terrify you into surrender.
* Really, the name Bio-Meat should tell you all need to know about what kind of manga this is..
* There's a good amount of nightmare fuel actually, and notable in that, for the most part, it manages to creep the Dickens out of you without resorting to anything graphic. The ending to the episode Contract, for example, ranks as one of the most horrific moments in the show.
* Pumpkin Scissors, where at one point the man with the flamethrower was part of a crew who were told that they had protective fluid in their suits, to keep them from getting fried by their weapons. THEY DIDN'T. He goes on to be trapped inside the suit, unable to leave without dying, and apparently is cold, except when BURNING PEOPLE. And then there's the scene where it actually shows those soldiers getting out of their suits, ONLY TO HAVE THEIR SKIN BURN AND PEEL OFF in large quantities, all the while they scream in pain.
* Rozen Maiden has a scene when a half-completed (sentient) doll burns away in flames.
* Akira:
* The end. First, after his first escape from the lab and his rescue from the Clowns by Kaneda and crew, he gets assaulted by horrific flashes of the future, including a nightmarish hallucination where he falls and hits the ground and spills his guts onto the ground and tries to scoop them back up.
* There's the nightmare scene. After undergoing the experiment, Tetsuo is left to recuperate in what looks like a child's bedroom. He wakes up to see all the toys come together and form some kind of gigantic teddy bear with a monster-like right hand and a milk-spewing toy car that proceed to try to kill him.
* And then there's the mutation scene, where Tetsuo loses control of his powers and transforms into a giant human amoeba that consumes everything it touches, including Tetsuo's poor girlfriend Kaori. And the music does not help...
* Princess Mononoke has several truly disturbing things.
* Though the film is purposely keeps the amount of blood low and mostly avoids blood fountains, Ashitaka's curse becomes evident when his arrows rip off the heads or limbs of the soldiers he fights.
* The very first scene features Nago, a giant boar that is covered by crawling worms and destroying everything in his path. As he dies, we get a close up of his face, as his flesh is melting from his bones.
* And then there's Okkoto, who is about to suffer the very same fate.
* But the real Nightmare Fuel Truck arrives at the films showdown when Eboshi's gun makes the Forest Gods neck explode and the body turns into a massive writhing mass of black slime that goes on a rampage in search of its head. Which is kicking around in the metal box it has been put into.
* The warriors disguise themselves as boars to trick Okkoto. Something about their movement and lack of eyes. The image of them nuzzling up to Okkoto's side is absolutely horrifying.
* It's even worse: The disguise works because Okkoto is almost blind. They fool his sense of smell by wearing the skins of his slaugtered tribe.
* Thriller Restaurant is a Goosebumps-like anime, featuring horror stories about a group of kids who go through all kinds of situations. In one episode, Ako Oozora has a head-sized wart, with her own face, suddenly appear on her right shoulder. It freaks her out at first, though she learns to get used to it, and it even improves her life somewhat... until the next day, when she wakes up and finds she has switched bodies with the head. Ako is now the head on the shoulder of the body of her "evil twin", so to speak. Worse, she is unable to speak. She literally cannot produce a sound, as she begs people to realize that the girl with her body isn't really her. If that's not enough, the girl who Ako switched places with tries to kill Ako the "wart" by ramming her repeatedly into a tree to "pop" her to death. Talk about Body Horror And I Must Scream all at once.
* Episode 2 has a horrifying dessert story, where a girl transforms a cheating classmate into a flounder. As you might have guessed, she is rewarded for her pettiness by being turned into a flounder herself. That would normally be enough for most children's horror. Not in Thriller Restaurant. The very next second, her father, a sashimi chef, shows up ready to prepare dinner. After futilely trying to convince him that she's his daughter, she ultimately ends up being gutted and sliced into sashimi... by her own father. You better think twice before you order flounder at a sushi restaurant again.
* If the main course for Episode 14 was scary enough, well, that's nothing compared to it's dessert course. Replaying certain moments in life sounds cool. As the boy learned the hard way, though, replays lose their appeal when you get trapped in a situation where you're going to die. Just watch the video at 3:20 onwards.
* While One Piece is generally light-hearted, and the Nightmare Fuel mild at best, the sixth movie is famous/infamous for shifting to a darker tone and bringing in some pretty unnerving and scary imagery, such as a giant life-force draining plant, a cutesy flower avatar that morphs into a tumorous, rotting mass, a red moon, and of course the "human pincushion" scene, resulting in Luffy trudging like a zombie across a field of arrows, with dozens of them sticking out of his back.
* That tumorous, rotting mass is made up of Luffy's crew. The look of shock on Luffy's face doesn't even begin to describe how disturbing that image is.. Add in the whispering you can hear of said crew. It's damn creepy.
* If you thought Rika's experience was scary, in the Suzumiya Haruhi chapter, Endless Eight, the group is going Groundhog's Day on the last two weeks of summer vacation. Sound's familiar? Rika suffered through just over 100 years. Nagato says they've been through those same two weeks 15,498 times, which comes out to 594 years and a little over 5 months. And she remembered every second of it. Small wonder she looks bored.
* Asakura in the fourth episode alone is already scary. But, for the love of god, listen the way she says "You think it's a... joke? Huh. You don't wanna die? You don't want me to kill you?" Really, really creepy. And you just realize that behind that happy-go-lucky facade, there is nothing.
* In The Movie, just when Kyon is starting to realize that something is very off about the world, he happens to turn towards the door just as someone walks in. There before him stands Ryoko Asakura, back from hell with a casual smile on her face. Kyon has never been so abjectly terrified before.
* That's not even the worst part. Just as Kyon is about to shoot Yuki, Ryoko appears from behind, successfully backstabbing Kyon! And then she goes on about telling Yuki that she's there for her while touching her face in a...rather interesting way. And she was spinnin' around like a happy child with a bloody knife in hand. Yuki's expression pretty much explains all.
* Much of the events of Ayashi no Ceres... Some examples: Stiletto/dagger that can form from out of Tooya's inner wrist. Plus that monster underground (only included in the manga) that had resulted from an innocent girl mutating when she tried to put on the hagoromo and fused with it? NOT pretty. AT ALL.
* Hansel and Gretel from Black Lagoon, at their worst.
* "My mother has killed me... my father is eating me... my brothers and sisters, sit under the table, picking up my bones! They'll bury them, under the cold marble stones..."
* They are prepubescent Blood Knights. And - prepubescent remember, prepubescent - they don't just like violence, it turns them on. Just the close-up shot of the cute silver-haired boy sporting a Slasher Smile as blood streams past his face. And then there's the gleeful nonchalance as they revel in the blood...see, in an adult that's creepy but also Crazy Awesome. Little kids... And that's without the Harmful to Minors backstory...
* Eureka Seven:
* It had a disturbing scene at the end of episode 20 where Renton suddenly snaps HARD and stomps an LFO into a mechanical pulp (the fact that it's drawn out as long as it is just makes even more disturbing), only to pull the Nirvash's foot away and discover a bloody, severed arm stuck to the foot. Hideki Anno would be impressed... Made infinitely more disturbing because up until this point, Renton, and most members of the audience, have been totally unaware that enemy LFO units were piloted by humans. The entire time Renton's been fighting, he's been killing people. Renton is 14.
* Just when you think it can't get any worse, Renton lets out a blood-curdling scream when he hallucinates a blob carrying his face. That scream alone takes the episode's level of disturbing beyond your worst nightmares.
* Dominic's visit to the "Joy Division". The sick and twisted experiments on teenage girls are creepy by themselves, but they also tell you just why Anemone is as she is.
* The ninth Black Jack OVA in its entirety. Especially once you reach the halfway point, wherein you get to view the most horrific Fan Disservice you will ever see. And don't get us started on the blood-spewing tumor shaped like a mutated human face.
* This example from The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service needs some explanation: There's a type of snail parasite that takes up residence in the poor creature's eyestalks, enlarging them to thrice their natural size. It pulses and throbs in order to attract attention from birds,so that it may be eaten and continue its life cycle inside the bird. One story in volume 4 shows what happens when it crosses over into humans - Eye Scream, Body Horror and Squick in one well-drawn,nauseating two-page spread.
* Anything penned by Tsutomu Nihei qualifies and then some. The man's really really good at communicating Body Horror across a visual medium and he has tendency to waltz right through the Uncanny Valley.
* Speed Grapher has rather a lot of this thanks to the effects of the Euphoria virus. Those who are infected with this virus without dying are granted powers based around disturbing sexual fetishes, and the way several of them transform when they get particularly... 'excited' is bloody freaky to say the least.
* The entire premise of Bokurano. For entirely arbitrary reasons, a monster is making you and several others take turns to fight and destroy giant robots with your own giant robot. The giant robots act exactly like such devices would behave in real life, causing horrendous collateral damage, causing thousands to die for no reason each time a battle occurs. Once each fight is done, the pilot of the giant robot dies. No exceptions. So when your turn comes up, you will die. You can't just not fight, nor can you lose a battle, because your entire universe would be destroyed otherwise. Then it turns out that you're fighting other humans from parallel realities, who have been forced to do the same thing as you, so even if you win, their universe is completely annihilated. Remember: for no reason besides the giggles of the Eldritch Abomination. Oh, and your dashing heroes are between the ages of 8 and 14 and are all, more or less, terrified beyond belief. It Gets Worse. Mohiro Kitoh is such a kid-friendly mangaka, isn't it?
* Genocyber, just the whole damn thing. From children being disintegrated by gunfire in a ridiculously gory fashion, people being literally torn to shreds (organs and all), to giant worms erupting from people's bodies, this series is pretty damn screwed up. Special mention goes to the hospital scene in Episode 1. There is more gore in this 5 minute sequence than the whole of Elfen Lied.
* Tokyo Tribe 2.
* A particular scene from the first episode has an incredibly gruesome anal rape and death. This would not be so bad except for the astonishing amount of blood, the horrible, horrible imagery present, the fact that the guy raping the other is easily twice his height and 4 times his weight not to mention the sound.
* Some of the content in later episodes isn't much better. Two episodes after the event, said fat guy's BishonenCasanova son (who is much thinner than he is) splits a gangster's face open by slicing his face twice with a knife. Sure, they may have cut away before it got really gruesome, but still... It deserves to be up there
* Violence Jack:
* While a bit over the top, has some pretty damn gruesome imagery, along with some of the most truly despicable villains ever put into a 1980s anime.
* The manga is even worse. In the first chapter alone, you see tons of elementary-school-aged children die in brutal ways (they were all trying to escape their crumbling school during an earthquake) and people burned alive by an erupting Mount Fuji. Not to mention the fates of Miki Makimura and Ryo Asuka (aka Satan) from Devilman. Miki had been brought back to life and both characters are now limbless and forced to be the Slum King's sex slaves. And that's what Satan wanted.
* Another gem from the same artist would be Death Panda, in which the titular animal "goes through the world mauling, raping and killing whatever he can find."
* Franken Fran:
* The installment where a lovestruck student convinces Fran to revive the girl he's sweet on after she's pulped by a truck. The result of Fran's work: Her head is on an enormous caterpillar body. The guy helps her adjust to the new body, and when she later forms a chrysalis and emerges seemingly restored to normal, they decide to find a hotel room. The final scene shows her transformed to a hideous half-human/half-insect form and devouring his guts while he screams "IT HURTS! HURTS!!!" Let's not forget the fact that the couple apparently had sex right before this, as the girl is shown as having a baby in the chapter Egg Parturition, or chapter 29.
* An equally bad one is where she gives a nearly blind painter eyes that can see nearly every spectrum of light. He ends up also seeing everything that invisibly resides in them.
* To Aru Majutsu no Index:
* Don't piss off a Reality Warper or he'll suspend you in the air and instantly remove all of the skin from your body. Complete with three close-ups: an arm, the beating heart, and the staring "face". Much worse in the novels, where the character's innards in mentioned scene explode across the room after WITH BLOOD VESSELS AND ORGANS STILL INTACT AND CONNECTED WITH EACH OTHER. Despite this, the person happens to be still alive. And let's not get into any of the sequences that include the clone of said Reality Warper, (thankfully) edited out of the anime adaption.
* Accelerator. Pretty much anything he does while in violent mode, including brutally killing 10,000 teenage girls, chewing on at least one of those girls fingers, execucting a team sent after him in the most trumatising and Mind Rape -y ways possible. And then you factor in his Powers which make him more or less invincible. Unless you are stronger than a nuke or happen to have an ability that trumps his and he can't adapt to (so far, only Touma), he is essentially unkillable.
* Mahou Shoujo Ai/Sexy Magical Girl: At school, Tohru asks Akitoshi if he can take Akitoshi's "little sister" Yua out on a date. Akitoshi says it's fine with him, and Tohru runs off down the nearby stairs and as he enters the shadows lower in the stairwell whatthefuckwasthat his eyes glow, crossing Scary Shiny Glasses with Glowing Eyes of Doom. The effect lasts less than a second, leaving the viewer wondering "Did I just see that?"
* Speaking of hentai: Dragon Pink seems like a fun parody until episode 2, where a girl literally explodes after getting tentacle raped! And unfortunately this isn't the only hentai anime to do this...
* Gantz: Apart from facing "fairly normal" horrific monsters time to time, there is the Nura alien, Nightmare incarnate. Also, don't forget the upcoming apocalypse... in a week. The apocalypse does not disappoint in this department.
* The manga Parasyte, by Hitoshi Iwaaki. Parasitic, shapeshifting aliens come to Earth and take over human bodies, played for all the Body Horror it's worth.
* Mushishi
* Ever watch it? Remember the episode where the little girl's eyes were infected with Mushi? Remember when she finally opened her eyes and...
* Or what about the Mushi that made emotionless, fake children? Or perhaps the Mushi that re-animates corpses? Or the ones that infest your ears, make you deaf, and then kill you? Or the one that eats memories, leading to what is essentially Alzheimer's, and that is completely invisible so long as it is in shadow, so all it takes to get infected is to sit in the shade of the wrong tree?... Really, all of the mushi can be pretty horrific if you aren't careful with interacting with them.
* How about the Mushi that gave prophetic dreams/made them real? Sure it started out beneficial, but then it got to the point where the dreams started hapening in real life... including everyone except the dreamer being covered in green mold and crumbling away like dust.
* The concept of mushi in itself is rather disturbing - ethereal creatures which are neither animal, plant or human - and as such are so very like and unlike the world they influence in myriad ways and reasons, often simply by chance events or encounters.
* Final Fantasy the Spirits Within. The phantoms don't just touch you... they seize your immortal consciousness, pulling and tearing it - screaming - from your body to consume it.The fact the whole movie was CG and the monsters and victims essentially existed on the same level was far more horrifying than any CG monsters in a live-action movie.
* The final volume of Getter Robo Go, starting with the revelation that the Humongous Mecha Shin Getter Robo (or rather, its power source) is sentient. Particularly what happens to Gai. He's so frightened of the machine that his mind breaks and he becomes trapped in nightmarish hallucinations. When he tries to blow the machine up with a missile launcher, cables extend out the machine and eat him alive until his grinning face is literally fused into the side of the robot. That scene, and again where Shin Getter absorbs its pilots, the villains, the villains' fortress/mecha, and a good chunk of the North Pole before flying to Mars, imply that being absorbed brings enlightenment and takes people into some kind of heaven though.
* Devilman. Between the amount of Made of Plasticine and the extreme downer ending, it's already pretty dark. It enters new levels when Plucky Girl Miki is torn apart by an angry mob and in some adaptations, her head put on a pike. Her little brother too. The hero arrives far too late, Akira's ensuing Roaring Rampage of Revenge is off panel, but the ground is covered in blood. The last panels Miki appears in has Akira weeping, the last bit of his humanity dead, while CLUTCHING HER SEVERED HEAD. Then it gets worse.
* Grave of the Fireflies:
* Two plucky kids starve to death. Slowly.
* How about their mother after the air raid? Bandaged, all over her body, with blood all over. Not so bad at first, but then it cuts to her face. The eyes and mouth are just pools of blood, and the rest of the face is covered in bloody bandages. Look for a picture if you don't believe me. Then, when she dies, the flies and maggots somehow make the whole thing even worse.
* One episode of Hell Girl: The Two Prisoners involves a guy who dumped his pregnant girlfriend, who then decides to send him to Hell. His torture? Being slowly drowned in amniotic fluid while a giant fetus floats next to him. As if this isn't enough, while on the ferry to Hell his stomach is very swollen and something appears to burst out of him Alien style.
* Mostly anything involving the Peacemakers in Scrapped Princess. Particularly the giant black blobs they summon that eat people alive.
* Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex:
* The episode 'Jungle Cruise'. A killer who skins his victims alive and leaves them in great pain to die a while after it? Check. Showing the victims in all the gory detail? Check. Showing a video of the killer beginning to skin his victims alive, including a scream which consisted of pure blood-chilling agony? Check. This particular episode was gruesome enough to get a warning on Adult Swim. ADULT SWIM, people!
* There's also the time the Major fires an anti-tank gun into an armoured suit from point-blank while the guy inside is screaming in terror, though that's unintentionally creepy.
* In the first movie, a driver stops at certain terminals to do something for his girlfriend, to his partner's irritation. When Batou catches up to him, he points out that, just like the other victims, the driver doesn't remember his "girlfriend's" name, or even what she looks like. His brain's been hacked. Given that the Major herself regularly hacks Batou's brain to make him punch himself....
* The Grendizer manga. Probably not surprising since it has the same creator as Devilman, but it's supposed to be a robot manga for kids! Of particular note is when the villains kidnap all the children from Planet Freed, suspend them by ropes from their UFOs and then drop them from 3000 feet in the air. In graphic detail.
* The part in Oh Great!'s Majin Devil involving the giant spider monster that passed himself off as human. Results in a really horrible, Nightmare Fuel laden scene where a teenage girl gives birth to an overgrown spider creature in the school restroom, which then lunges at her squealing "Mama!"
* Twentieth Century Boys. Dear god, where do we even start?
* The lab incident. Fukubei in hanging from the ceiling with a rope around his neck, ecstatic beacuse he made the others witness a miracle... and then begins to choke. No wonder poor Donkey jumped out of the window.
* The end of the virtual reality game, when Friend takes of his mask and you see old Sadakiyo's head attached to a kid's body. And just everything about Tomodachi Land, really.
* Fukubei looks in the mirror. HE HAS NO FACE.
* That freaking tower with the eye symbol. There's something utterly disturbing about that.
* Aishite Yamanai Shoujo:
* Would you believe that hentai can fall under this without resorting to brutal rape or guro? This doujin by Kirintei is about a girl who is madly lusting after her cousin, then proceeds to coerce him into doing it with her. But the incest and her Yandere-ness are nothing compared to the ending: said girl takes her cousin into her room to finish things up...then superglues the door shut...then turns the lights on as she breaks into an Evil Laugh (revealing embarassing pictures of said cousin at the same time) and threatens to keep him locked in with her forever. This may not sound bad for some, except for one thing: no food, and no contact with the outside world!
* Not that Kirintei is above resorting to rape. Just look at the earlier works Tsukasa Blog and the even more unnerving Valentine's Day sequel to it. These two doujin are about a Yandere (Kirintei seems to be fond of this trope) school girl who has an absolutely insane crush on her teacher who may or may not be her brother. Her expressions throughout the doujin are seriously creepy. The Valentine's Day sequel starts out surprisingly tame and sweet. Then you get to the last page...
* Welcome to The NHK ends what's a pretty silly two-episode plot on MMORPG addiction by dramatizing the main character at 50 years old, still mooching off his parents and addicted to the same MMO. Still having done nothing with his life, his elderly parents write his life off completely before the story fast forwards, they die, and he's done for. Though this is supposedly played for laughs, it's a real Adult Fear a lot of people, who would find the Family-Unfriendly Aesop to be disturbing.
* Fuan no Tane (Seeds of Anxiety or Unease):
* This is approximately 85% this trope, executed very subtly. The other 15% are apparently pointless or goofy stories that don't seem to fit with the rest, but for some reason only make it creepier. From the one about the cloth-sack headed thing that waits outside the school, to the one about what the nurses have to do when in the corridor of the hospital after a baby's been born... Needless to say, not one to read in the dark at 3am.
* Fuan no Tane is a textbook way to induce fear in those who have Ommatophiobia (phobia of eyes [especially unnatural eyes]) and Social Anxiety Disorder (one symptom of SAD is the fear of being watched), as it is taken Up to Eleven and then some.
* Heroic Age:
* Cerbius, the Silver Tribe's Nodos, which looks like a combination of a skeletal human and a giant insect. A little disturbing on its own, but when it goes into Berserk Mode, it turns into a horrible, shrieking thing combining insect, demon and the monster from Alien. Cerbius's screams will haunt your nightmares... they don't sound like anything an Earthly creature would ever produce.
* Frenzied Nodos in general are this trope: frenzied Bellcross is perhaps worst, considering he's The Hero. Up to that point, Bellcross had been an unstoppable force of good. Then he takes too much damage, Turns Red, and enters Berserk Mode. Suddenly, his power is amplified to hundreds of times his usual and he becomes an even more unstoppable force of pure rage. He begins destroying everything: hostile fleets, friendly fleets, Deimos, even himself, as his body rips itself apart under the strain of its own power... what's truly frightening about it is that there is nothing anyone can do to stop him: a Nodos is already practically invincible, a frenzied Nodos is even moreso. And the Frenzied state is contagious... any Nodos that attempt to restrain a frenzied one are likely to suffer it themselves.
* Canaan has... basically everything Liang-Qi does after Alphard abandons her, and at least a bit of what she does before that. Never before has a Psycho Lesbian taken the very concept of a Freak-Out so far magnificently culiminating in her death by Ua Virus, accidentally self inflicted. This shot in particular. (If you can't make it out through all the blood, she's smiling!).
* The manga Ikigami (lit. "Death Papers") is both this and Paranoia Fuel. In order to help the civilian population learn the value of life, and thus become productive, valuable members of society, children are inoculated with a special vaccine. This vaccine protects them from every disease known to Man, true, but one vaccine in thousands contains a special device that will cause a heart attack between the victimcitizen's 18th and 24th years. It doesn't matter how you've lived your life up to that point --if you've wasted it, if you're happy and successful, if you're a horrible criminal or a saint loved by all. You will die. There is nothing you can do to prevent it, no one to plead to, no one to save you. Your fate was sealed when you were a child, and the only mercy you get is a 24-hour notice immediately preceding the activation of the device (and heaven help you if you're not home to receive it.) Maybe you'll receive your ikigami in the morning as you go to school. Maybe it will be in the middle of the night after a hard day at work. Or maybe during your wedding?
* Baccano:
* Rail Tracer, an Urban Legend about a train-hunting monster brought to terrifying life by the conductor-cum-assassin Claire Stanfield, who uses the persona to sneak around on the train inflicting a painful and bloody demise upon anyone who dares harm its passengers.
* Immortals have the ability to kill another immortal by "eating" them, presumably so called because the eater absorbs the victim's memories in the process-and the terminology is the least disturbing thing about it. Imagine that someone, probably someone you knew considering how the immortals got their start, approaches you and places their right hand on top of your head. By the time you realize what's happening, all of your bodily fluids and tissues are ripping themselves from underneath your skin and pulling from out of your skull. Your muscles dry out and tear while your bones weaken and crumble quickly after. Against your will, your body pulls itself apart until you are nothing but a distended mass of flesh and sinew to be absorbed into your attacker's hand. While this is happening, you feel all of it, including the pain of your mind being stripped away until it's nothing but a mass of fear and confusion. Only when every memory, thought, and sensation decays one-by-one does it finally end, and you wink out of existence. And to do this to you, all they have to do is touch their hand to your head and will it, after which you are powerless to stop it all. Sweet dreams, everyone!
* At one point The Rail Tracer threatens Czeslaw Mayer with torture involving "stripping away each individual arm muscle and doing intricate carvings on the exposed bone."
* When you think about it, the idea of being in Firo's or Czes's position, that of having eaten a psychopathic immortal and being stuck with their memories for all eternity, is a pretty grisly thought.
* Every time Fermet is mentioned by Czes is this. The fact that Fermet practically oozes with pederast vibes makes it worse.
* Even though he kinda deserved it, it's still disturbing when Claire tortures Czes after he finds out Czes wants to kill every one in the train. What makes it worse is, due to him being immortal, Czes looks like a little kid.
* When Mary is hiding in the closet, she accidentally knocks over a broom, letting one of Ladd's goon know where she is. We see Mary in the closet, listening as he gets closer and closer. He opens the door and...
* The Inuyasha manga had a lot of horrifying moments. For example, the entire Noh Mask arc had some serious Body Horror going on. The scene later in the manga in which two children clutch their parents' severed heads is pretty bad, too.
* Vampire Princess Miyu. Loads of Body Horror, Transformation Trauma, mind games, Miyu's creepy giggling from the OAV, etc.
* MPD Psycho: There is at least one instance per chapter (there are 14 volumes (9 in english), but it drops off for psychological trauma in later chapters), but one of the stand-out moments of horror for the series was when the protagonists investigate a case where a serial killer was using the brains of his victims like grotesque flower pots. Made even better by the fact that up until he buried them, the victims were still alive while the flowers were growing.
* How about the First Chapter, where the main characters girlfriend is mailed to him in a styrofoam box missing all her arms and legs. Oh, and she's still alive.
* The Trigun manga has quite a bit, (especially when it jumped to a seinen magazine):
* From Knives' "rebirth" scene to the atrocities performed on Tesla to quite a few of the Gung-Ho-Guns. The scene where Legato forced some thugs to march into a metal storage container. A large number of thugs. Far, far more than than the storage container could hold. Legato casually commented that the human body was in reality quite compact if it were just forced into the right shape. And he kept marching them into that container until blood leaked out the bottom.
* This is Legato's theme from the anime. This is also the sort of music they play when you're falling into Hell.
* Legato, in general. From the aforementioned storage container scene, to giving a kid a hot dog that's probably made of human flesh before trying to kill him, to making a man pull his own heart out. All culminating in forcing Vash to kill him in order to save his friends, breaking Vash's no kill philosophy.
* Black Butler has a couple.
* In the manga when Ciel and Sebastian are at Baron Kelvin's mansion and are having dinner. The "circus" show he has a few children put on isn't all that scary... Until we see a little girl on the tightrope fall and we're treated to a panel of her leg and a nice SPLAT complete with blood squirts. Then we see two other children drag off her headless corpse, leaving a lovely, bloody trail behind. Or how about the child who was a lion tamer that's eaten right on stage? The fact that Baron Kelvin is laughing and applauding makes it all the more frightening. Then he acts surprised that Ciel doesn't like the "show" he had the untrained children put on special for him. It was a pretty disturbing chapter, but the ones following it had their fair share of horror--Ciel's flashbacks? A crazed cult leader stabbing a child in front of you? Horrific. How about a doctor who uses children's bones in his prosthetics stabbing a child in front of you the same way the cult leader did? Really horrific. Ciel got physically sick when he saw the doctor do this.
* Drossel Keinz living dolls are literal Nightmare Fuel for people with Dollphobia. But also the fact that he himself is a doll is quite the Fuel itself. But the worst thing for Dollphobic is the puppet of Drossels "Master", which basically caused at least 15 SLEEPLESS NIGHTS for at least every watcher.
* Black Butler II also has its fair share of horror, but the one scene that tops everything occurs in episode 10. It begins with Hannah talking to Ciel and saying that she has something to show him. Perfectly pleasant, right? Then her mouth opens unnaturally wide to reveal this black abyss where the inside of a human mouth would be. The eye she stole from Alois Trancy is rooted in the back of her throat, and since Ciel's soul has been partially fused with Alois's at this point, he's basically staring at himself from inside her. Hannah watches calmly while Ciel suffers a severe nervous breakdown. Also counts as Paranoia Fuel, since up to this point the episode made you believe that they were really going to hit it off as master and servant.
* Dear God, Black Butler II. How about that bit where Claude is brainwashing Ciel into thinking he's Alois. Rewriting his past.
* Episode 1 where Alois stabs out Hannah's eye with his fingers.
* Boogiepop Phantom certainly has some moments like this:
* Such as in the fifth episode, centered around a theoretically normal chat between two cops... that gets less and less normal and more and more disturbing as the episode goes on.
* Two episodes previous. A girl claims to have found some sort of zen acceptance of all life's horrors and beauties, having adopted this philosophy from a friend who died a couple years ago. Then the friend appears--her face half-covered in blood, her eyes unfocused--and she shakily raises her hand to point at this girl and shouts "LIAR!" The end of the episode has the same girl stumbling down an alleyway, her entire world falling apart around her. And then she finds a policeman, running towards him...only for the policeman to turn out to be the Manticore and eat her alive (and you're treated to a lovely 1st person camera shot from the girl's perspective as this happens.)
* Ghost Hunt-
* The first episode of the 7th file. A bloody bathtub and then "I don't want to die".
* Hell, the...thing (it can't even be classified as human anymore) rising out of the bathtub to grin at Mai and Masako in the dark of a room that looks like a morgue and an operating room.
* If we look into it a bit more, the character was probably based on a mix of Elizabeth Bathory and the Buddhist concept of "hungry ghosts". To stay..alive (or whatever it is), they have to feed on corpses. Constantly. Without being sated. The Other Wiki can tell you something about them.
* Mai's vision of being taken by the spirits, and awakes before her throat is slit to drain her blood for the aforementioned monster. Most of her visions are insubstantial in some way, and she knows they're not real. Not this one. She even tells the others how she felt the knife against her neck.
* In Divergence Eve, there are many moments like this as the series progresses however, the most gruesome moment happens towards the end of the series, when Luxandra can't get her Rampant Armor to move, and then resulting in Luxandra getting eaten alive by a Ghoul, kicking, screaming for her life.
* Hunter X Hunter
* Alluka. "Onii-chan, Die For Me!" Let alone how she can warp reality to either give you exactly what you want...or how she can do the same thing to gruesomely kill you.
* Volume 2, Episode 4 of Presents, "Whatever Your Heart Desires." A girl ends up getting whatever present she wants, and due to her greed, selfishness, and paranoia, it ends up killing a boy who loves her. Where this goes above and beyond is that we never find out how or why this is happening. Kurumi doesn't appear once in this story, and beyond using presents, it doesn't seem at all like her usual tactics.
* While most things depicting the nuclear bombings or Hiroshima and Nagasaki close up would qualify fot this, one particular example is Barefoot Gen - especially the initial shot of a little girl essentially melting. Their eyes melt out of their faces. The very next scene, horrifically burned bomb victims stumble down the street moaning, with giant hunks of flesh hanging loose, some of them with their intestines dragging along the ground. And then the radiation sickness starts setting in… Did I mention this was written based on the author’s personal experience?
* In Black Lagoon, the whole arc involving the Creepy Twins. Not to mention some of the things that Balalaika is capable of...
* Most (if not all) of Mononoke, what with the room of dead babies and the shamisen playing fish-person who makes you live out your worst nightmare.
* Sailor Moon does not disappoint in this regard, especially in the S and Stars seasons, what with, among other things, Kaolinite's Daimons, who activate with the intended victim touching a harmless object with the egg hidden inside it, the Mass Sacrifice at Mugen Gakuen, and the wiping off of 99,9% of the World Population Galaxia does before the Final Battle. And that's just the anime...
* Usagi hallucinating Mamoru's rotting skeleton in the manga.
* In the Super S arc in the manga, the main villain Queen Nehelenia forces everyone to have nightmares. Sailor Venus dreams that she finds Sailor Moon's skeleton with decomposing skin still clinging on.
* In the second arc, Koan from the Black Moon Clan sets a little girl on fire for NO REASON.
* Saint Seiya.
* Ikki actually tops himself in one memorable fight against a Capella, Silver Saint who threatened Seiya and Saori. Capella's Weapon of Choice is a part of shields attatched to his armor, which can be also thrown as projectiles - so far so good, huh? Well, Ikki uses his powers to trick the guy into cutting off his own hands with said disks/shields (and on screen, no Gory Discretion Shot here), and goes further when the guy ends up Hoist by His Own Petard by having said shields fatally injure him in the chest and stomach before he falls off the cliff they're fighting in.
* Anything that Cancer Deathmask ever does. Specially the little matter of these "masks" in the Cancer Temple. And how he can summon a really scary Uncanny Valley as a fighting field.
* In the Hades Saga, Sphinx Pharaoh is a Specter from Egypt. He can perfom the infamous Test of Osiris to see if you're a pure-hearted person... by literally putting your heart in a scale. While you're still alive.
* Actually, with all the High-Pressure Blood and the Cruel and Unusual Deaths, Saint Seiya is chock full of this. Kurumada and Co. cane come up with such things...
* The end of the first episode of Le Chevalier d'Eon. The plot of the series is about to pick up as Lia posesses D'Eon for the first time. Cut to the Queen in her chambers talking to a little girl who has a high pitched voice. Okay, nothing out of the ordinary here. Turn to face the mirror... HOLY CRAP!!! She's got a skull for a face! Dear Jesus...and of course, after this, we get a close up as she says "Won't this be fun Marie?" It becomes less creepy later, but it just comes Out of nowhere.
* Cowboy Bebop episode Pierrot le Fou. Basically, a balloon-esque, practically invincible manchild with a permanent Slasher Smile spends the entire episode floating around, laughing, trying to kill the protagonist. His defeat is even better. He gets trampled to death by a parade of creepy, animatronic amusement park mascots the size of small buildings, all while screaming like a child in the grips of a nightmare from which there is no escaping.
* Kemonozume by Masaaki Yuasa loves this trope. From the Gorn and the horroristic opening of episode 6 (involving cannibalism) to pretty much anything that has to do with Ooba Kyuutarou, sometimes it's one huge nightmare fuel.
* Yami no Matsuei:
* Hisoka tied with razor-sharp wire to an upright bed, while being forced to remember the night Muraki raped him.
* Sangatanus feeling-up "Hijiri" ( actually Hisoka in disguise), then brutally murdering him. ( because it was Hisoka, a Shinigami, he got better.) That entire plotline was massive Paranoia Fuel. Getting an organ transplant? Not usually A Fate Worse Than Death. Having said organ come from someone who made a Deal with the Devil, and now said devil has declared you fair game? Not good at all.
* The St. Michael's School arc, which was so horribly full of HONF and squick that the author made the next arch as AN APOLOGY.
* The reason Muraki obsessively stalks Tsuzuki? He wants to put his brother's head on Tsuzuki's body, bring Saki to life, and kill him.
* In the Kamakura arch, the evil kami/demon Yatonogami raping Hisoka's father. His wife has been pregnant for two years with God Knows What abomination.
* Hell, Muraki in general. Murderer, rapist, driving everyone around him insane, manipulative, Magnificent Bastard, a doctor (which, yes, should terrify you) and many who see him (he dresses in white, is pale, has pale eyes and hair) think of him as an angel.
* Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann:
* What the Anti-Spiral did to Nia, He pretty much mind raped her with a big old The Reason You Suck speech, and then started to kill her by extending a long, white arm and disintegrating her while she screamed in agony. And in The Movie, he actually MOUNTED HER WITH THAT CREEPY SMILE AS SHE SCREAMED OUT SIMON'S NAME. Guh. (NSFW)
* The scene where we see the AS ships with faces all over them, and said faces suddenly open their mouths and eyes real wide and start firing missiles out of the former.
* The Anti-Spirals are full of this trope. A Hive Mind with god-like powers that has committed the near-omnicide of Spirals, their rap sheet includes: ripping off Majora's moon trick; having digital drones that can Zerg Rush you: inserting Messengers within every Spiral Race that don't even know of their true nature until the time is right and could be ANYONE, even one of your loved ones; being able to trap their enemies in alternate realities that can be their greatest dream or (presumable, even though it never happened in the series) their worst nightmare; and they have an avatar who looks like Slendy that has naughty tentacles and isn't afraid to use them. Oh, and the scariest thing about them? They think they're doing the right thing, even as they cross the Moral Event Horizon over and over and over again. The only thing that prevents them from being one of the most depraved Complete Monsters in all of fiction is that they are truly convinced that they're the good guys; even then, that may not be enough to redeem them. Why? Because instead of just taking the easy way out and using their god tier powers to Kill'Em All in one blow, they prefer to defeat their enemies by sending them over the Despair Event Horizon - and they enjoy it.
* Shiki had a quite a bit of this from the very beginning, but ch. 18 took it to new heights when Ozaki dissected his fully conscious wife to test the limits of vampire regeneration.
* La Blue Girl.
* The tentacles (and the monster-misogynist Horny Devils they were attached to) were creepy enough, but then there was a girl from a rival ninja clan who was a) in love with her hermaphrodite brother, and b) using the blade of a sword as a phallic substitute (and not just visually!)
* Oh, and then there was a shape-shifting rogue ninja who had a chip on his shoulder because his girlfriend had been raped with a spiked dildo by her own ninja clan after she was defeated by him. So what does he do? He dons disguises and rapes several girls. Additionally, he takes a spiked dildo and goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against his girlfriend's ninja clan by raping all of them with it until not only are they too injured for sex, but until they bleed to death!
* Fubuki's Shikima form, complete with Vagina Dentata. And Yaku, who turns into a scary-looking, raging werewolf when the moon is full unless she reaches orgasm by midnight.
* Defiled Virgin, an H-doujin about a cleanliness-obsessed girl who runs into a pack of bums and gets gangbanged by them, all while said bums lovingly emphasize how filthy they are. Then they use her as a urinal and promptly ditch her afterwards, and the manga ends with the girl trying to wash out all the filth brought about by the bums, with people watching her in shock, but "it won't come off".
* Episode 121 of Konjiki no Gash Bell. Tia (or Tio) gets pissed off at a mamodo named Momon, who is known to be a pervert because of the use of his evasion-themed powers. As she gets angrier from his taunts, her powers grow and her face becomes monsterous. Soon, she gains a new spell called Chajiru Saifodon, an attack in which the power of the spell depends on her anger. At first, the spell will take an appearance of a sword with goddess-like figure on top and a mirror in the middle that displays negative experiences she dealt with at the time. As said experiences are displayed, the goddess' face will grow more distorted over the course, eventually showing demonic traits and starts screeching. It probably didn't help that her close friends were afraid. The spell has to be seen to be believed. Her pupil-less Slasher Smile she made when Momon slowed her down deserves more points of scary.
* Normally The Legend of Koizumi isn't scary, but when Josef Mengele appeared he was made of this with a side serving of Squick.
* Ergo Proxy always was a little on the creepy side, but the episode Ophelia topped all of the other episodes.
* Noir: The interrogation scene in episode 8 is very disturbing, mostly just because it just implies instead of showing. That and the screams are some of the most realistic sounding screams in anime.
* My Lovely Ghost Kana:
* When Broken Bird Utako is introduced she is first heard as quiet sobbing coming from the apartment showers. After a frightening (for her) first meeting with Daikichi and Kana, they find she had been living on the streets before moving into the apartments and she becomes their new friend. Then Daikichi gives us this little expository gem, "Apparently while looking for work, she was led to an office and made to sign some contract written in some foreign language she had never seen before. And she hated it because she feared the big men and the cold showers and the dark little room..." Thank you for that gut-punch, Tanaka-san. (Fortunately it is never expanded upon because we really do not. want. to. know. and her life turns around for the better.)
* Kana's description of her "life" after her suicide, sinking into the walls and thinking and wondering. And thinking. And thinking, until she lost all sense of who she was and where she was. Then at last she pulled herself together, left the walls, and wandered all around her deserted, rotting apartment, looking to see if anyone had come, until she gave up and went into the wall again. She spent years like that, all alone, trying not to go mad.
* The Running Man segment from Neo Tokyo is pretty unsettling in its own right. The slowly accelerating heartbeat you hear in the background at the beginning, the dark character designs and the idea of telekinesis to kill off other racers don't help either. Top it all off with the ghosts of previous racers he murdered haunting him and Zack Hugh undergoing a Superpower Meltdown and the picture is gruesomely perfect.
* There was a hentai called Pervert Bored that involved a delinquent who was looking for someone to feed his sexual appetite. First he met a girl in his class who appears frail and did her. Next, he met a blue-haired girl who had a patch over her eye. As they walked over to a room in a building, the delinquent saw in a reflection a figure with a very hideous mask raping the frail girl he just met. The delinquent and the blue-haired girl have started having sex and as it goes on, the girl starts to say things that border on Yandere and sadomachochism. The delinquent was freaked out by it and soon the girl injected him with a drug-induced needle (or dart) so he can stay with her. Soon, the delinquent had a vision and learned too late that he was the hideous figure who raped the frail girl and was doomed to remember it and stay with the yandare girl against his will.
* Blue Gender. Let's see
* If the Blue kill a human, but aren't hungry, they store the body in a cocoon...after compacting it to be as small as possible, complete with loud sounds of bones breaking and joints being dislocated.
* The slaughter of the refugees in episode 6. Instead of going with a Battle Discretion Shot, you get to see Choppers crushing civilians underfoot or slicing their limbs away, as well as the Maneater slashing at a mother and her child, or crushing a man in its jaws.
* The Clincher: the power-sucking Blue from episode 11, specifically what it does to the Axe Crazy soldier who decides to attack it. The thing knocks him to the ground, leaps on top of him, and its tentacles coil around his head. You can hear him scream, but you have no idea what it's doing to him. Later, it reappears, and the tentacles have grown into the soldier's head.
* The latter part of Texhnolyze gets pretty disturbing. The show's second major villain is insane with borderline- Psychopathic Manchild tendencies; and he first convinces the citizens of Lux to discard their biological bodies to become cyborgs, arming them with Death Rays which kill anyone unfortunate enough to get hit by them, and then later he kills Ran, the series' resident Mysterious Waif, and puts her head on one of his statues. As if that isn't enough, he also reveals that the reason for his insanity was because his family was selectively inbred. Oh, and the cyborgs? The source of power for Texhnolyze is ultimately shut down, so they end up frozen in place, unable to move at all. And at least a few of them are still conscious at the time.
* Shaman King: The anime has a couple of sources. The worst two come in the form of Faust VII's introductory episode, and the end of Yoh and Hao's first clash at the Great Spirits. The former has Faust phase his hands through Manta's body and reach at various internal organs, and all because Manta had said that he didn't think it possible to bring back the dead. The latter shows Hao doing worse to Yoh: He pulls Yoh's soul out and eats it. Instances were played, in full, in the English dub, despite 4Kids dislikes violent/creepy sequences. Just to note...as horrific as the anime version of Faust and Manta is, the manga is even worse. There, Faust vivisects Manta alive. To full view of the reader. Just because he was curious how someone as small as Manta looked inside.
* Several scenes at the beginning of Iczer-One, but particularly the one where Nagisa Kano's schoolgirl friends suddenly have strange mechanical faces with an eyeball in the middle. *shudder*
* Gargoyle from Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water... Oh god, I could go on about how terrifying he is. First off, he wears a creepy, expressionless mask all the time. But that's not where he really gets scary, no. He kills people and CHILDREN for no reason whatsoever. He even kills people's pets, these pets can't hurt him or tell people what he's doing, but he kills them anyway just to make the people suffer. He's so ruthless and disturbing, I even put him as number one on my list of scariest animated characters. Now, there's a particular scene that's REALLY bad. When Gargoyle attacks the Nautilus, Captain Nemo has to seal up an area of the submarine to keep gas from getting all around the ship and killing everyone. Some men, including Jean's new friend Mr. Fait, are sealed up in the room and will die, but can't be let out because the gas would escape and then everyone on the sub would be killed. All the characters are outside of the door and Jean is very upset and Mr. Fait is comforting him, saying he's accepting his death. Then, quickly after, he's screaming, shouting that he's too young to die, and there's so much he wants to do, all while the rest of the crew, including Jean, can hear him. I was so depressed after that...
* Gankutsuou is normally not a horror anime, but there's a few moments that stick out.
* End of episode 15, the Count sends Albert back to Earth and then he cries, knowing what he had done to Albert. But when they show close-ups of his face, only half of it is sad, the other half is the evil Gankutsuou smile. Now that by itself is creepy, but when the Gankutsuou side takes over, the cries immediately transform into the freakiest evil laugh I have ever heard. Joji Nakata provides a knock-out performance and the animation supports the moment brilliantly. Definitely one of my personal top moments in Gankutsuou.
* Andrea Cavalcanti at first seems like an effortlessly charming Bishonen but is eventually revealed to be outright deranged to the point of seducing his mother and almost raping (or does he really?) his half sister and stabbing his father. And let's not forget Danglar's Death by Materialism, preceded by a good amount of madness...oh, and Fernand Mondego, who snaps to the point of shooting his wife and son. Or Héloise de Villefort and her masturbation scene and the whole thing with her poison ring...
* Everything that involves Gankutsuou. Albert's nightmares about the Count (especially after he kills Franz). The execution scene (especially in the manga... ohmygod). Edmond's imprisonment. Haydee's whole past. Your mentor and substitute father stalking you and trying to kill you. Your dad turning out to be a parvenu and an opportunistic betrayer and murderer, then trying to kill you along with your mom, then trying to kill a young girl whose father he already murdered. Your future husband trying to rape you and turning out to be both a criminal and your half-brother. Phew, Someone's having a bad day.
* Andrea at one point attacks Haydee with a crazy look on his face and looked like he was gonna try to rape her but the Count shows up and he stops.
* Kannazuki no Miko has a very famous scene that can be taken as nightmare fuel. While most of the show really comprises of Moe Schoolgirl Lesbians and mechas, there's one scene in Episode 8 that either horrifies viewers or turns them on. It's the scene where Chikane actually rapes Himeko, making her look like a Complete Monster. Of course, as the series went on, you found out her reasoning, but still.
* Another work from Satoshi Kon that will probably have its own page soon: Paprika. People start going insane as their minds are hauled into a freakish dream parade full of THE creepiest dolls you will ever see. To make it worse, the dream parade ends up in real-world Tokyo, and a Godzilla-sized doll goes after the main characters with a glass-shattering Evil Laugh.
* The works of Guro-artist Jun Hayami. The majority of his stories deal with rape, torture, extreme forms of SM, scatology, dismemberment, necrophilia... basically everything you don't want to imagine. Most disturbing however are the stories about an especially wretched and twisted youth heavily into SM, rape and self-mutilation named... Jun Hayami. And finally there's this afterword in one of his books where he included a bloody-looking print of what he claims is his actual penis.
* Macross Frontier:
* The Viktor Vajra drone. 30 meters high, capaple of vapourising entire cruisers, with huge claws and jaws... and no brain to speak of.
* In just the first episode, Alto's partner is seized by a Vajra mecha and reduced to chunky salsa in its bare hands. We don't see the body (but of course, sometimes that's even worse]], but we do see a lot of blood coming through its fingers.
* Legend of the Overfiend, though some of it becomes Nightmare Retardant due to the soundtrack and dubbing. Still, the view of an entire body stuffed into a microwave isn't a view you're likely to forget.
* Deadman Wonderland. The entire show is based off the manipulation of your own BLOOD as a weapon, for starters. And then, we have Shiro, THE FRIGGIN' WRETCHED EGG who maniacally goes about slaughtering people: their remains take the form of decapitated bodies, mutilated half forms, with blood everywhere, and random body parts, vividly drawn with accurate detail. Let us also recall Toto, who mimics others' Branch of Sin by eating/sewing on body parts to take on their blood! Or how about when Toto took someone's head, and then proceeded to jam his arm up it, and MAKE IT A PUPPET.
* Not to mention that the Mother Goose system, which exists to keep Shiro from being the Wretched Egg all the time, is largely made up of CUBES FULL OF HER BODY, the collection of which is largely to blame for her insanity.
* For a series that started off as lighthearted as Rosario to Vampire, you wouldn't expect it to get all that scary.
* Then Kahlua was introduced. She presents herself as a nice person... which makes what she does and how she does it all the more terrifying. The best way to describe her would be as a severe Deconstruction of a Punch Clock Villain. It's perfectly possible to pity her even as she's cutting open the entire main cast with her disfigured right arm. Yeah, creepy. And to make things worse, she was like that even eight years ago, when she was barely more than a kid.
* Alucard is your typical grotesque Eldritch Abomination... who used to just be an ordinary vampire. Vampires may be powerful monsters, but for the most part they're still quite civil and at worst look and act like very battle-loving humans. Imagine one of them turning into this.
* Ruby's master Yukata was pretty damn creepy too, both before and after fusing with a dire-sized Man-Eating Plant.
* Ikeda seems to really enjoy writing Body Horror, considering how Hokuto turns into this.
* Then there's Kamiya Kanade, who claims that killing humans is just something he does to pass the time and clear his head, and envisions himself atop a mountain of corpses he personally killed.
* Akuha cutting Moka's mother in half as well as her secret Yandere side for Moka.
* Axis Powers Hetalia:
* Belarus scratching at Russia's door and tearing out the doorknob when trying to "become one" with him. Not to mention the close up on her insane facial expression or her repeating "let's get married". Russia, who's pretty insane himself, even cries Tears of Fear.
* Anytime Russia goes into Yandere mode. And there's the "Bloody Sunday" strip, in which he finally snaps and starts GUNNING DOWN his own people as they're rioting in the streets ("If they hate me, they're not Russian.") before turning to Lithuania and stating "We don't want children who can't play nice, do we?".
* Russia thinks nothing of his heart dropping onto the table in the middle of an Allied Powers meeting. According to him, it just "falls out occasionally".
* Paint it, White! gives us a few good ones. For starters, there's the opening scene, with a woman running from a group of Pictonians chasing her. She thinks she escaped and found a police officer...only to find out that he was just turned into a Pictonian himself. She just stands there, terrified, while she herself is converted. Then there's the final fight, where everyone but Italy is converted. It happens slowly, so we get to hear everyone screaming as it happens. And unlike the other people converted, the nations just freeze afterwards, while the aliens walk around them.
* In Mawaru Penguindrum, Keiju Tabuki is normally a Cloudcuckoolander Megane, but he becomes this in episode 11. It's bad enough when Ringo's Love Potion actually works on him and he acts all seductive and Not Himself, but then he starts acting like a frog (creepy "ribbit" noises included, courtesy of Akira Ishida) and making really horrible Nightmare Faces... as well as when he also punches through a door to try and get Ringo back inside, presumably to rape her after she decides to not have sex with him.. Be Careful What You Wish For, Ringo...?
* There is a manga out there called Fetus Collection. It's Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Google at your own peril.
* Life can be quite unsettling. It features graphic depictions of someone cutting themselves, but that's just the beginning. This scene of a sliced wrist is just Nausea Fuel but the warped "demonic" look of Manami some times.. It's really creepy at times.
* For a series that started off with some comparisons to The Incredibles, Tiger and Bunny ended up with several examples of this once it turns out how far the quirky, funny Corporate Superheroism...isn't so funny.
* The major one is the revelation that Maverick is the one who killed Barnaby's parents, and that he has memory-altering powers which he used repeatedly on Barnaby over the years to ensure that the boy never discovered the truth, among other things. The implications of that are just terrifying, because every 'flashback' of Barnaby's is now called into question, which naturally has him doubting his own sanity. A particularly horrific/tear-jerking scene has Barnaby recalling the moment he walked in on his parents' murder scene, only to see the killer's face (which he never could recall properly) change from one person to the other including his affectionate old housekeeper, his trusted partner...and himself.
* There's Lunatic, the creepy pyrokinetic who despises the Hero TV idea of 'justice' and so kills those criminals he thinks are deserving (and for the most part, they are). While he claims to avoid killing innocents, his hijacking of the police raid showed a total disregard for the amount of damage caused, simply to make a point to his 'fellow heroes'.
* Episode 16 has Lunatic's backstory as Yuri Petrov, who grows up to be a judge in Stern Bild. His father was an ex-hero who became an abusive alcoholic after losing his powers. One day, when he sees his father beating his mother, Yuri snaps and activates his Next power, setting his father's hand alight. Even worse, rather than screaming in pain his father laughs and puts his hand on Yuri's head, giving him the palm-shaped burn mark which is the same pattern used on his mask as 'Lunatic'. And then we get a little scene in the present day where we find that Yuri's elderly mother believes her husband is still alive, will somehow get better, and that her son is a demon
* If the front page cover of the manga Hideout of some corpse-like figure ripping through the fourth wall to get you doesn't frighten you, then I guarantee this closer pick of the same Nightmare Face peeking out of the darkness will
* Hell Teacher Nube usually mixes horror and Japanese folklore with lots of comedy, but several episodes are more disturbing than funny, especially for a Shonen manga aimed at teens and pre-teens, where (save for the teachers) all the protagonists are in fifth grade.
* One chapter has a little ghost girl who serially kidnapped several students as punishment for treating her favorite book badly...
* A ghost girl who stole (ripped off) the legs of other children because she lost her own when she was torn in half by a train. She pulls herself with her arms, trailing guts and blood.
* A girl who lost her best friend, so she took her remains and made a mud golem out of them. The entire school is inundated with mud that cries out in pain, ending up dissolving at the pool.
* A procession of ghostly monks and nuns, cursed to wander forever, that appear out of torii gates (or drawings of such.) A couple of nasty, nasty schemers (a guy and his girlfriend) are tricked into stepping into their path and dragged along for all eternity.
* A dog with a man's head, who grows attached to Kyoko. In the end, it pushes her out of the way of a falling pane of glass and is decapitated.
* A very detailed, "visible human" doll, whose left half exposes all its internal organs, comes to life and believes itself to be a real boy, and forcefully pushes itself into anyone it could think of as a "friend." It escapes the planned exorcism and moves elsewhere, with the implication that the weird kid in the baseball cap sitting next to you might be keeping a gruesome secret...
* A human serial killer targeting children that used the legend of 'Aka Manto' (Red Mantle) to systematically and sadistically kill children as a grudge against the kids who nearly burnt him to death in his barbershop in a prank gone wrong. Terrifying in how close he gets to killing several of Nube's students, and doubly so when he's supposed to be human (though the ending suggests that his supposed death perhaps didn't take...) .
* Toriko, a cooking/fighting manga manages to come here during the Ice Hell/Century Soup arcs. Why? Bogey Woods and Tommyrot. Bogie Woods has 4,000 bones and 4,600 joints, capable of twisting and contorting himself in inhuman ways. But one of his most common techniques is 'lodging', where he enters a human and uses it as a 'shell', controlling it as a puppet from the inside. And he has nothing on Tommyrot, who can rapidly grow and launch a variety of deadly bugs out of his mouth, a mouth that is filled with razor-sharp teeth.
* Koharu from Koharu no Hibi. Behind that sweet cute exterior she's really a total Yandere for Akira. And boy is it creepy.
* Legend of the Blue Wolves:
* Captain Continental for one. Also, his rape of Jonathan, all those grunting noises and the screaming...
* The ending where Leonard turns into a monster and Jonathan has to kill him.
* Although he completely deserved it there's also Captain Continental's Groin Attack at the hands of Leonard which also possibly ends up killing him.
* Sakura Gari :
* Terashima's death was very, very ugly.
* Masataka's torture and rape at the hands of Katsuragi, and let's not go into Souma's childhood.
* Katsuragi himself. Not only is he a disgusting pedophile and rapist he also beats his wife up habitually and is a terrifying Yandere for Souma. And then there's the part where Masataka throws a boiling pot of liquid into his face badly scarring his face and his eyes and Souma humiliates him and leaves him and his abused wife sets him on fire. Even if he deserved it, yikes.
* The numerous times Masataka and Souma attempt suicide and how Sakurako successfully manages to commit suicide in chapter 9, slitting her wrists open (apparently with the family's katana) and then drowning herself in a nearby pond.
* That scene where Souma, after a heartbreaking fight with Masataka, had just tried to commit suicide and is kneeling in front of Masataka, showing him his slashed wrists. Doubles as a Tear Jerker.
* Fruits Basket:
* What Akito did to Hana. Akito in general has the tendency to be a good source of this.
* Kyo's true form and how it smells like rotting meat.
* Redda of Mon Colle Knights wears a creepy red death mask that covers his sexy Bishonen face and loves spending his time driving people to suicide and especially subjecting things to transformations in disturbing, gruesome, and splooshy ways. Not to mention, one part of his Xanatos Gambit has him trapping Rockna within the neck of Dread Dragon, and suffice it to say, thanks to him, she was ACTUALLY THIS CLOSE to getting slaughtered in a horribly disgusting way. And that's not all, the way he creates the Doomsday Dragon in order to resurrect Oroboros by reviving Dread Dragon and having Oroboros give it a Chest Burster itself is truly enough to freak the audience out. Nevertheless, of course, the Gag Dub toned him down and edited some scenes.
* Kare Kano.
* Arima's dark side. Any time that he comes onto the screen, you just know Arima is seconds away from shattering. This is made worse because to the outside world, he appears to be a put together, genius with his only match being Yukino, his girlfriend. It's scary to slowly see his thoughts morph from wanting to be with Yukino, to wanting to isolate her from everyone and keep her just for himself. His fighting with these thoughts proves that Arima is a good guy, but him imagining tying Yukino in chains does not bode well for their relationship. This is a rare case of Stalker with a Crush in which not only is the stalker in a committed relationship with his crush, but he is also portrayed as so sympathetic that you just want to save him from himself.
* The worst has to be the end of Chapter 42 right after Yukino decides that she wants her world to be bigger than just her and Arima. The realization that he cannot bind her to him makes the dark side that Arima was always trying to hide come out. And it is frightening.
* He also STABS HIMSELF IN THE FREAKING HAND after he accidentally rapes her, in order to atone for his mistake. Scary indeed.
* Apocalypse Zero. The entire thing. But most noteworthy is the big (and I mean BIG) lady in episode one, that kidnaps a young couple, devours the girlfriend alive, rips the guys face off when kissing him and later on throws up the decayed body of the girl... who isn't even dead yet!
* Space Runaway Ideon has plenty to offer in this department. Unsurprisingly, considering it's pretty much legendary for it's Kill'Em All ending. And all the characters die terrible, violent deaths.
* Kaze to Ki no Uta
* The series has many of them, since it involves explicit rape as this, but the one scene that stands out from the rest is when Bonnard kidnaps and rapes an underage Gilbert. The scene is very squicky considering that Gilbert was about nine years old.
* Everything Auguste does is this in spades, especially when he rapes a young Gilbert. The worst part about it? Auguste is his father who was posing as his uncle.
* Narutaru:
* The most infamous examples would almost certainly be Hiroko being raped with a test tube by sadistic bullies and the leader of said bullies getting a deadly taste of her own medicine from Hiroko's shadow dragon. Oh, and if you think the anime's bad enough, the manga it's based on gives it a run for its money. Poor Norio...
* The manga's Downer Ending. Shiina is so broken over all the recent events that she causes The End of the World as We Know It in a way very reminiscent of End of Evangelion. And just before that, in the very same chapter: the goddamn face Hoshimaru makes in his last moments.
* Fist of the North Star has Jagi. Just look at his unmasked face and you'll see.
* Pandora Hearts has enough disturbing moments like this that it should be a section on here. Eyescream.The fact that Break's eye was ripped out by the Intention of The Abyss simply because SHE WANTED IT, the fact that if a contractor's clock goes around once, you can get dropped into a nightmarish dimension and get eaten alive by Chains.
* Even more disturbing is Oz Vessalius how much he is shown to have suffered that he holds it in, but the crowning moment of is when Alice gets kidnapped by the Cheshire Cat, who drags the characters into LOVELY reminiscences of their past, that try to kill you. If you don't die of that, he will hunt you down and kill you. Oz happens to find Alice, and then she is killed. He then goes Ax Crazy and tries to destroy the entire dimension, all the while screaming about how much he will kill EVERYTHING And EVERYONE WHO MAKES ALICE SAD! Then, he hears Alice say that she's scared of herself, and then decides: I'LL JUST ERASE ALICE!
* Hirono's face as she drowns in the manga adaptation of Battle Royale. She was strangled half to death and then pushed down a well, and as she dies she experiences a hallucination where she's saved. As it ends, the next page fills with her swollen face, bug-eyes bloodshot, and an utterly ghastly Joker-grin. None of the excessive gore in that manga equaled the horror of that one shot.