| - In School. Four friends, Tyler, Hayley, Charlie and Christine were looking at the clock.
* Mrs Cross: Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one. Marcus Aurelius.
* Charlie: Tyler, we did it bud! School's out for summer and this means hanging out!
* Tyler: I know, this is flippin' awesome!
* Hayley: Come on! Mom and Dad maybe overprotective! We had no friends since we were kids!
* Christine: We're your friends since me and Charlie moved in next door. Just look at him! He's a Rebellion!
* Charlie: Oi!
* Christine: And look at your brother! He's kinda... uh...
* Tyler: Fabulous?
* Mike: Hey dudes, I've heard there's no school!
* Gary: Well no school we're doing a new idea!
* Jane: Move! Move! MOVE!!
* Jeannie: Jane!
* Tyler: What's with her?
* Jeannie: Her bladder. Remember?
* Tyler, Hayley, Charlie, Christine, Mike and Gary: Oh!
* Jeannie: I'll go help her!
* Mike: Let's go
* Gary: Wait up.
* Hayley: What are you doing in here, little guy?
* Tyler: If he's here, that means that cat's in the middle of the city! I'll put him in the jacket and we'll find the cat!
* Hayley: Good idea!
* Tyler: Hey dude, come here.
* Hayley: Wow, a cat! Now, we'll have twice the pets!
* Tom Cat: You bet.
* Jerry Mouse: Yeah
* Tyler and Hayley: Holy crap, they talk!
* Hayley: But...How?!
* Jerry Mouse: Well, our friends can to.
* Tyler: Who are your friends' names?
* Jerry Mouse: Spike, Nibbles, Quacker, Muscles Mouse, Topo, Tiny Bulldog, Puggsy, Frankie DaFlea, Droopy, Drippy, Dripple, Peep, Barney Bear, Benny Burro, Joe Bear, Screwy Squirrel, Napoleon, George and Junior.
* Tyler: Alright, I get the point.
* Hayley: Don't tell me that you heard about Jane's bathroom business, right?
* Tom Cat: Yeah. So, how did you know?
* Tyler: Lucky guess.
* Hayley: Come on Tyler, let's take these guys home.
* Tyler: Good idea.
* Hayley: There you go, you two. I'm Hayley and by the way, that boy you followed is my older twin brother, Tyler.
* Tom Cat: Yes.
* Jerry Mouse: I thought Tyler is her boyfriend
* Tyler: What? No! we're twins! so are Charlie and Christine.
* Jerry Mouse: Oh!, I thought they are boyfriend and girlfriend too
* Tom Cat: They are not, Jerry.
* Christine: Hey guys, sorry I... oh my gosh! look at you cute things I ever saw!
* Tom Cat: Hey! Let me go!
* Charlie: Hey Tyler! You, Me, Mike and Gary with a Whole afternoon watching the Yu-Gi-Oh!: Team-X! Epliouge!
* Tyler: I've been dying to see it for the entire month!
* Charlie: Me Too!
* Christine: Hey, look, a cute mouse.
* Jerry Mouse: I thought Hayley and Tyler are girlfriend and boyfriend.
* Jerry Mouse: And I thought you are Charlie's girlfriend
* Tom Cat: Oh, brother.
* Tom Cat: I think Jerry did not know Hayley and Tyler and Charlie and Christina are twins.
* Hayley: Her name is Christine not Christina.
* Jerry Mouse: Or Christina Aguilera.
* Tom Cat: Thanks, meatball.
* Charlie: Meatball?
* Tom Cat: Sometime, I call him Meatball because he is a brown mouse
* Jerry Mouse: Oh, brother
* Charlie: Anyway... Tyler, are you exciting to see Cillian Darcy in Action in Yu-Gi-Oh!: Team-X?
* Tyler: Yeah! Oh man! Friendship is Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh! series crossovered in Live Action and Animated Series!
* Tom Cat: What's Yu-Gi-Oh! Team X?
* Christine: It's a best yu gi oh live action series! Our favorite character is Twilight Sparkle!
* Jerry Mouse: I beg you pardon, Twilight Sparkle comes from Friendship is Magic, not Yu-Gi-Oh
* Hayley: It's a flippin' crossover series!
* Jerry Mouse: So, what's your point on that show? It's boring!
* Jerry Mouse: Hey.
* Tyler: You are boring!
* Jerry Mouse: Hey! [Tyler throws Jerry Mouse to the bin and close the bin] [Tyler puts the box on top of the bin]
* Tyler: What about the bin, is the bin, boring?
* Jerry Mouse: Come on! Let me out. This smell funny
* Charlie: What about learn your lesson, never say Yu-Gi-Oh!: Team-X is boring, Just say Yu-Gi-Oh!: Team X is Awesome!
* Jerry Mouse: Ohhhh!!! I hate the bin
* Tyler: Yu-Gi-Oh!: Team-X is the best series in the world!
* Charlie: Yeah!
* Tom Cat: Man, how many story arcs?
* Tyler: 9! the Nineth is the epliouge. Man! it's going to be awesome! The 3- Parter Finale! Cillian Darcy Versus Twilight Sparkle!
* Hayley: Hey!, You!, the blonde guy
* Alan: Me?
* Hayley: Yes, you
* Tom Cat: Who is he?
* Tyler: No idea
* Jerry Mouse: Can I get out of the bin? Hello?
* Alan: Is your parents here, right now?
* Phil: Laura, listen, Hayley and Tyler is at home with me and Charlie and Christine with them.
* Phil: And a wired blonde guy outside.... [Phil saw Alan outside and drops the phone]
* Laura (voice): Hello? Hello? Phil? Where are you?
* Laura (voice): Hello?
* Alan: Hello, can you let me in? I wanted to see your house.
* Laura (voice): Phil, are you OK? Phil? Let me talk to Hayley
* Laura (voice): Hayley, Sweetie, don't let him in the house. He's dangerous for you kids.
* Alan: Hello! I am Alan Taylor the future number one millionaire in the world and im here to make an offer.
* Tyler: Hey, Dad. Who is this?
* Alan: It's Alan Taylor the future number one millionaire in the world. I'm offering you a thousand grand to sell this house.
* Hayley: What?!
* Phil: Look Mr. Taylor, i know you're making good offers but the answer is No.
* Alan: I understand. sorry about ruining your privacy.
* Phil: It's okay Laura, He's gone.
* Laura (voice): Oh thank you. Are the Kids okay?
* Phil: they're safe.
* Laura (voice): We need to throw a party for Tyler and Hayley for their birthday.
* Phil: Let's throw them a sweet 16 party. we need to keep it a secret.
* Laura (voice) Good idea.
* Phil: Kids, i'm going to meet up with your mom!
* Tyler and Hayley: Okay Dad!
* Tom Cat: Okay Who're Mike, Gary, Jeannie and Jane?
* Tyler: Well Gary is a epic dude who done scams! He's our best pal!
* Charlie: So's Mike, he done good things for me and Tyler.
* Hayley: Jeannie is a good friend of mine and Christine. She's a three years older than us. She told us that she has a fallout with her older sister.
* Christine: and Finally Jane is our good best friend but... she has a fear of animals.
* Tom Cat: Why What Happened?
* Christine: If She touch the animals, she actually go to the toilet for poopy. Ew. She has Using-Toilets-in-School Problems
* Tyler: I know. But us along with Mike and Gary, we pull a laxative prank on Jane and made her running to the girls toilet.
* Hayley: It was Awesome run.
* Charlie: Tyler! Team-X Series Finale Arc is starting!
* Tyler: Alright!
* Alan: The kids are alright but the father of Hayley Dalton and Tyler Dalton are the worst man person, I ever meet.
* Tin: Yes. He is, Alan.
* Pan: We will have our revenge.
* Alley: What are you going to do about?
* Alan: Phil Dalton don't wanted my money, I forced him to get my money to himself.
* Tyler, Charlie and Tom Cat: 3...2...1!
* Tyler: hey! you want to watch, Tom?
* Tom Cat: Yes, please.
* Charlie: Then welcome aboard!
* Hayley: What about Jerry? He is still in the bin.
* Jerry Mouse: I am been in the bin for hours. Hello? HELLO?
* Mike: is the Final Duel starting?
* Charlie: Almost!
* Gary: But the Duel's isnt on yet doof head. Who's the Cat?
* Tyler: This is Tom. Tom this is Mike and Gary.
* Tom Cat: Hi
* Hayley: Hey Christine, wanna stayed over tonight? we'll do makeover.
* Christine Sure. We can watch T.V. in the basement because those four bozos are watching Team X series finale part 1!
* Tyler, Charlie, Tom Cat, Mike and Gary: Quiet!
* Tin: Really, that is your plan, Mr. Taylor
* Butch Dog: What? What's wrong?
* Alan: Phil Dalton going to sue me of stalking his family when he going to found out.
* Pan: Sort out, sir. He and Laura Dalton will kill you.
* Alley: So, sir, what you put at them.
* Alan: With that.
* Alan: This is my Eyeplugs. We can use it to charge up our destructinator for world domination.
* Hayley: TYLER!!!!
* Tyler: What?! What is it?
* Hayley: Look at this garbage!
* Tyler: Man, things gone weird today.
* Charlie: Even the Streets!
* Mike: How did this happened?
* Jeannie: Hey Guys
* Jane: Hi Hi Guys... AHHHH! ANIMALS!!
* Tom Cat: Who? Us?
* Jerry Mouse: We are the animals here.
* Christine: Jane, come on you need to stop using your house toilet and in september, you really have to start using public bathrooms.
* Jane: I can't, Dad forbid me to use them until tomorrow.
* Hayley: Dont worry, I can able to teach you how to use them after my.. wait a minute.. OMG
* Tyler: Alright! it's our birthday month! only 28 days to go!
* Tom Cat: you two were born on the 29th of july?
* Tyler: Yeah. I'm older well like 19 seconds. Right?
* Hayley: Yeah.
* Charlie: Last year at school, We accidentaly done a laxative prank on Hayley instead of jane.
* Hayley: Me?! oh yeah, i remember. But i forgave you two for done that.
* Jerry Mouse: How did you that?
* Hayley: They infused laxative in my soda.
* Jane: Whoo. Sorry for using your restroom
* Tyler: I dont think i can use it anymore.
* Hayley: That's it, Jane, let's go. and guys, clean up this mess.
* Jane: wait where are we going?
* Hayley: The Girls Toilets at the Mall which you're going to use it with me.
* Mike: Tyler, Jeannie let's get cleanning. Gary, Christine you too need to go to the store to get some food. We're cooking breakfast.
* Christine: Good Idea.
* Phil: Ah! My Head. I'm tired of all the hard work
* Laura: (Yawns) I know, let's get rest for now.
* Phil: Alright.