The method of tumor excision in the Trauma Center series is called the "Powell Procedure." It must be carried out as follows:
* Find the tumor using the Ultrasound (note: leaving a tumor unattended after disclosing it will cause it to fade from view)
* Incise the middle of the tumor vertically with the scalpel
* Drain the cytoplasm (note: leaving too long a gap between draining and excising allows more cytoplasm to ooze out, breaking the chain and leaving you to repeat the drainage)
* Excise the tumor around the edges
* Place the tumor on the tray using the forceps
* Cover the wound with a synthetic membrane
* Apply antibiotic gel to the membrane to set it
* (Under the Knife only) massage the membrane with your hand
* Treat any polyps formed in the process
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| - The method of tumor excision in the Trauma Center series is called the "Powell Procedure." It must be carried out as follows:
* Find the tumor using the Ultrasound (note: leaving a tumor unattended after disclosing it will cause it to fade from view)
* Incise the middle of the tumor vertically with the scalpel
* Drain the cytoplasm (note: leaving too long a gap between draining and excising allows more cytoplasm to ooze out, breaking the chain and leaving you to repeat the drainage)
* Excise the tumor around the edges
* Place the tumor on the tray using the forceps
* Cover the wound with a synthetic membrane
* Apply antibiotic gel to the membrane to set it
* (Under the Knife only) massage the membrane with your hand
* Treat any polyps formed in the process
- Tumor bezeichnet ein krankhaftes Gewebewachstum. Tumore können auf Grund von psychosomatische Reaktion entstehen. (DS9: ) 2372 entdeckt der Doktor eine Geschwulst auf Kes' Rücken. Es stellt sich jedoch heraus, dass diese Bestandteil des Elogiums ist. (VOY: )
- Tumors were a type of unnatural growth often found on the brain of an individual. It was once discovered on the clone trooper CT-5385 "Tup", which was considered rare by the medical droid who discovered it, AZI-3.
- right Ein Tumor ist eine Kreatur, die sich gerne in Gehirne und andere Körperteile einschleicht. Der Tumor ernährt sich von seinem Wirt, auch als Mensch bekannt. Eine alte Legende besagt, dass ein Tumor eine göttliche Strafe ist. Das ist nicht korrekt. Viel mehr ist ein Tumor eine Belohnung, weil nicht jeder einen besitzt. Es gibt sogar Leute, die mit ihren Tumoren angeben. Fällt der Tumor dir zur Last, gehe baden im Morast®!
- In 2151, Doctor Phlox found interstitial tumors in Nadet's system. He recommended a series of cytolytic injections for her. (ENT: "Terra Nova") Under certain conditions, people were known to alter their blood pressure, lower their body temperature, and manifest tumors as a result of psychological stimuli. (DS9: "Things Past") Due to the tests and experiments by the Caretaker, Harry Kim and B'Elanna Torres suffered from tumorous growths on their body. (VOY: "Caretaker") The call sheets for the day of filming are listing "tumorous growths" in the makeup and hair section" for the actors.
- A tumor or, more formally, neoplasm, describes any discrete body of cells in or on a human body where cell growth is unregulated and the body grows without any regard for the body's other tissues. Tumors can either be malignant (cancerous) or benign . Benign tumors are usually not a threat to health, but can grow to appreciable size. Malignant tumors can metastasize - throw off cells which can form new tumors elsewhere in the body.
- The talking tumor first appeared attached to an old supervillain, who rigged a jury trial against another supervillain in the hope that he (and the rest of a the jury) would be murdered and bother he and the tumor would find sweet release.[1] The tumor then attached itself to the penis of host #3, temporarily incapacitating the female superheroines.[2]
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| - Can attach itself to living beings, reshape itself to resemble new features , and project energy blasts
| - first host , Cindy , unnamed third host
| - In 2151, Doctor Phlox found interstitial tumors in Nadet's system. He recommended a series of cytolytic injections for her. (ENT: "Terra Nova") Under certain conditions, people were known to alter their blood pressure, lower their body temperature, and manifest tumors as a result of psychological stimuli. (DS9: "Things Past") Due to the tests and experiments by the Caretaker, Harry Kim and B'Elanna Torres suffered from tumorous growths on their body. (VOY: "Caretaker") The call sheets for the day of filming are listing "tumorous growths" in the makeup and hair section" for the actors. Cancer could be found in the form of a tumorous growth. Ptera, a Vhnori, had a cancerous tumor on her brain stem in 2371 until it was removed by The Doctor on the USS Voyager. (VOY: "Emanations") A female crewmember aboard the Voyager suffered from tumor growths as a result of the hidden Srivani experiments. (VOY: "Scientific Method")
- The method of tumor excision in the Trauma Center series is called the "Powell Procedure." It must be carried out as follows:
* Find the tumor using the Ultrasound (note: leaving a tumor unattended after disclosing it will cause it to fade from view)
* Incise the middle of the tumor vertically with the scalpel
* Drain the cytoplasm (note: leaving too long a gap between draining and excising allows more cytoplasm to ooze out, breaking the chain and leaving you to repeat the drainage)
* Excise the tumor around the edges
* Place the tumor on the tray using the forceps
* Cover the wound with a synthetic membrane
* Apply antibiotic gel to the membrane to set it
* (Under the Knife only) massage the membrane with your hand
* Treat any polyps formed in the process
- Tumor bezeichnet ein krankhaftes Gewebewachstum. Tumore können auf Grund von psychosomatische Reaktion entstehen. (DS9: ) 2372 entdeckt der Doktor eine Geschwulst auf Kes' Rücken. Es stellt sich jedoch heraus, dass diese Bestandteil des Elogiums ist. (VOY: )
- The talking tumor first appeared attached to an old supervillain, who rigged a jury trial against another supervillain in the hope that he (and the rest of a the jury) would be murdered and bother he and the tumor would find sweet release.[1] The tumor then attached itself to Cindy, a vapid employee that thought she was passed over for promotion because of her smaller breasts. Cindy tried to seduce her boss without realizing he was gay, and was fired for both that and being a bad employee. Tumor fired an energy blast that killed her boss, declared Cindy "Mam-Mor, She-Barbarian" and tried to blackmail the city. In the ensuing fight with Punchline, Boy-Toy, Arch-Angela and Rumble Bee, the tumor was zapped off Cindy's body, and Cindy vowed revenge on the heroes. The tumor then attached itself to the penis of host #3, temporarily incapacitating the female superheroines.[2]
- right Ein Tumor ist eine Kreatur, die sich gerne in Gehirne und andere Körperteile einschleicht. Der Tumor ernährt sich von seinem Wirt, auch als Mensch bekannt. Eine alte Legende besagt, dass ein Tumor eine göttliche Strafe ist. Das ist nicht korrekt. Viel mehr ist ein Tumor eine Belohnung, weil nicht jeder einen besitzt. Es gibt sogar Leute, die mit ihren Tumoren angeben. Wer den Tumor nicht zu schätzen weiß, sollte daran denken, dass er es übel nehmen könnte. Vielleicht frisst er sich dann noch weiter in den Wirt hinein! Darum sollte man immer den Grundsatz beachten: Tumor reimt sich auf Humor. Drum sehen Sie den Tumor mit Humor, oder unterziehen Sie sich einer Chemotherapie. Auch Magie soll gegen einen Tumor helfen. Fällt der Tumor dir zur Last, gehe baden im Morast®!
- A tumor or, more formally, neoplasm, describes any discrete body of cells in or on a human body where cell growth is unregulated and the body grows without any regard for the body's other tissues. Tumors can either be malignant (cancerous) or benign . Benign tumors are usually not a threat to health, but can grow to appreciable size. Malignant tumors can metastasize - throw off cells which can form new tumors elsewhere in the body. Wherever possible, tumors are removed surgically. However, this is not an option for tumors in certain parts of the body, particularly the brain. As such, once a biopsy has confirmed that a tumor is benign, such tumors are usually left alone. Malignant tumors that are inoperable have to be treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Tumors are usually attached to a discrete part of the body, rather than being found generally in muscle tissue. As such, where there are other signs of cancer, organs such as the brain, lungs, ovaries, testicles, bones, liver and kidney are searched for tumors, either with radiology or exploratory surgery. On occasion, tumors can duplicate the function of the organ they are attached to. For example, a pancreatic tumor can produce insulin, and a pituitary tumor can produce human growth hormone.
- Tumors were a type of unnatural growth often found on the brain of an individual. It was once discovered on the clone trooper CT-5385 "Tup", which was considered rare by the medical droid who discovered it, AZI-3.
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