Matthew Applewhite was the son of Betty Applewhite. As he is the true killer of Melanie Foster which makes him responsible for Season 2's main storyline, he takes the role of main antagonist for Season 2.
Matthew Applewhite was the son of Betty Applewhite. As he is the true killer of Melanie Foster which makes him responsible for Season 2's main storyline, he takes the role of main antagonist for Season 2.
Matthew Applewhite - syn Betty, brat Caleba. Wraz z rodziną przyjechał do Fairview, by uciec od przeszłości.
Matthew Applewhite was the son of Betty Applewhite. As he is the true killer of Melanie Foster which makes him responsible for Season 2's main storyline, he takes the role of main antagonist for Season 2.
Matthew Applewhite - syn Betty, brat Caleba. Wraz z rodziną przyjechał do Fairview, by uciec od przeszłości.