| - Agh!
- Monster!
- Here!
- {Confident} Wrinkly Man sorry Monsters hurt family. He give Cito shiny thing. He say shiny thing help Cito stop Monsters.
- {Irritated} Cito no want family hurt. Cito go with new friend alone.
- {Confident} New friend make Monster stop. Cito promise shiny thing give new friend.
- {Confident} Cito have story. Story help stop Monsters.
- {Angry} Cito happy you kill Monster. Monster hurt Cito and Cito family.
- {Battle taunt of Gorilla noises, Variation 2} *Gorilla noises*
- {Thinking trailing off / Thinking} Sound like name of snake from old zoo.
- {Suspicious} Cito see you kill Monster. You friend?
- {Just learned the word operators} Cito like Oper-ate-ors. They have lots of shiny things.
- {Struggle with pronunciation a bit. Excited your info helped. } Doctor man have key! We open clo-ning fa-cil-ity.
- {Confident} Now Cito big and strong. Cito help family fight Monsters.
- {Confident} Cito not know what new friend want, but Cito know more about Wrinkly Man.
- {Beckoning your Gorilla family to not attack the player. / Confident} *Gorilla sounds*
- {Happy} Pictures in house with snakes look like big metal snake on hill. Cito smart!
- {proud / Impressed} Cito try learn words from zoo. Lots of words in zoo. Words and pictures.
- {Sad} Cito sorry Cito not talk good. Cito family not talk. Cito not talk to man or lady in long time.
- {Sad} Cito very small when first family die. First family look like Cito.
- {Friendly} Thank you, new friend. Cito always remember you.
- Big metal snake. You no can miss!
- Big triangle house near gate.
- {Leading into combat / Angry} No forgive. Cito kill!
- Cito can't wait to meet new friends!
- Cito crush you!
- Cito do good.
- Cito glad Cito get to stay home.
- Cito happy family safe now.
- Cito kill.
- Cito maybe know.
- Cito need help!
- Cito not know where to go. But Cito go.
- Cito not meet many people before. Cito get shy.
- Cito strong!
- Cito strong.
- Cito strong. Cito protect family.
- Cito will miss home.
- {Question} Monsters not stop. Help Cito stop Monsters?
- Dead man have important thing?
- {Angry} Cito not know. Cito confused why new friend hurt family!
- Follow Cito.
- I think new friend not teach Cito more things.
- {Sad} Cito angry new friend kill family. Cito sad new friend not friend anymore.
- Lady have scary friends.
- Leave Cito alone...
- Let's finish killing monsters!
- Man have scary friends.
- {Confident} Cito show you thing. Thing to help kill Monsters.
- {Happy} New family help Cito. Give Cito food, give water. Keep Cito safe.
- {Concerned} Here have no food. Here have no water. Cito go outside to help family. Monster try to kill Cito.
- That hurt!
- This door Cito not know how to open.
- You big help Cito. Cito thank you.
- You dead!
- You good fighter.
- You show Cito something?
- You stop machine? Now monsters die good!
- {Battle taunt of Gorilla noises, Variation 1} *Gorilla noises*
- {Leading into combat / Angry} Cito love family. New friend hurt Cito family, Cito hurt new friend!
- {Friendly} Here, new friend take. It better shiny thing Cito save. Cito want to give.
- {Friendly} No worry. They not hurt you. You friend Cito mean you friend family.
- {Friendly} Before go, here, new friend take. It better shiny thing Cito save. Cito want to give.
- {Struggle a bit with "cloning facility". These are words you just learned. / Concerned} Go to Big Triangle House. Find clo-ning fa-cil-ity. Stop Monsters.
- {Sad} Cito sad, but Cito understand. Home too dangerous now. Cito take family and go.
- {Irritated} Not REAL snake. New friend listen to Cito. Maybe learn something.
- {Chris is your biggest strongest gorilla friend. / Confident} Chris big and strong. Chris help new friend and Cito.
- {Sad} Cito try help more but Wrinkly Man die. Cito put Wrinkly Man in ground but keep shiny thing.
- {Confident} Cito not die, just walk and walk. Find zoo place. Find new family.
- {Amused} New friend funny. Shiny thing not bird.
- {Amused} You good guesser!
- {Angry} No. Many more Monster. No stop.
- {Angry} You betray Cito?! You enemy now!
- {Angry} You no friend! You bad man! Cito kill you!
- {Animal-like roar of pain} *roar*
- {Commanding} You tell friends not hurt family.
- {Confident} *gorilla sounds*
- {Confident} Cito help! Cito like help new friend.
- {Confident} Cito stay. Cito protect family.
- {Confident} Hope new friend find Doctor Man.
- {Confident} Listen to Cito.
- {Confident} New friend follow Cito.
- {Confident} New friend not worry. Cito know.
- {Confident} Now you help Cito.
- {Cry out in pain like a Gorilla} *Gorilla noises*
- {Friendly} Cito like new friend.
- {Friendly} Cito strong. Cito help new friend!
- {Happy} Cito glad new friend like family!
- {Happy} Cito happy you help!
- {Happy} Cito so happy.
- {Happy} You say nice thing. Cito like new friend.
- {Irritated} Cito not know.
- {Irritated} Not one Monster. Many Monsters.
- {Leading into combat / Angry} No. Cito kill you!