After a long time has passed Darth Grievous found his chrysalis which now holds his spirit. He freed Almec by making him reborn as the first Human/kaleesh hybrid in history. Almec grew kaleesh clawed hands and kaleesh clawed legs and also wore a big cloak. Almec had been experimenting on making more half human and half kaleesh hybrids and Sith/human hybrids ever since he was reborn. He was killed by Drift who stabbed his heart more than 88 times to ensure hes dead.
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| - After a long time has passed Darth Grievous found his chrysalis which now holds his spirit. He freed Almec by making him reborn as the first Human/kaleesh hybrid in history. Almec grew kaleesh clawed hands and kaleesh clawed legs and also wore a big cloak. Almec had been experimenting on making more half human and half kaleesh hybrids and Sith/human hybrids ever since he was reborn. He was killed by Drift who stabbed his heart more than 88 times to ensure hes dead.
- [Source] Almec est un humain de Mandalore. Durant la Guerre des Clones, il était le Premier Ministre de Mandalore dirigée par la Duchesse Satine Kryze avant d'être démasqué et jugé pour avoir établit un marché noir sur Mandalore. Il fut finalement libéré par Dark Maul lorsqu'il prit le contrôle de Mandalore, en effet ce dernier avait besoin de quelqu'un pour dirigée la planète. Par la suite, Almec organisa la libération de Maul de la Flèche de Spire sur Stygeon Prime.
- Almec is a character that appears in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He was a male Human Mandalorian from the planet Mandalore, and a member of the peaceful New Mandalorian faction. During the Clone Wars, Almec served in the New Mandalorian government as Prime Minister, taking up residence in the New Mandalorians' domed capital city of Sundari. A supporter of New Mandalorian ruler, Duchess Satine Kryze, Almec was a firm believer in the New Mandalorians' peaceful ways and did as he thought best to watch over and represent the interests of Mandalore. His dedication to his people became his undoing, however, as when Mandalore was cut off from Republic aid, Almec took it upon himself to establish a black market trade network of illicit smugglers to bring much needed goods to the New Mandalorian peo
- Almec was a male human from the planet Mandalore, and a one-time believer in the pacifist ways of Duchess Satine Kryze. During the Clone Wars, Almec served as the Prime Minister of Mandalore and did as he thought best to watch over and represent the interests of Mandalore. His dedication became his undoing, however; when Mandalore declared neutrality in the Clone Wars and became cut off from Galactic Republic aid, Almec established a black market trade network to bring much-needed goods to the Mandalorian people. These smugglers poisoned the people of Sundari with toxic tea, putting numerous children in hospital. Almec was exposed as the leader of the black market network and summarily imprisoned for his crimes.
- Almec fue un humano del planeta Mandalore, y un creyente de los ideales pacifistas de la duquesa Satine Kryze. Durante las Guerras Clon, Almec sirvió como el primer ministro de Mandalore e hizo lo que creía mejor para defender los intereses de Mandalore. Su dedicación se convirtió en su perdición; cuando Mandalore declaró su neutralidad en las Guerras Clon y se separó de la República Galáctica, Almec estableció una red comercial basada en el mercado negro para conseguir bienes para el pueblo mandaloriano. Los contrabandistas con los que trataba envenenaron al pueblo de Sundari con té tóxicos, ocasionando que numerosos niños tuvieran que acudir al hospital. Almec fue expuesto como el líder de la red de mercado negro y fue encarcelado por sus crímenes.
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| - 6(xsd:integer)
- 22(xsd:integer)
| - *Nuevos Mandalorianos
*Sombra Colectiva
| - 20(xsd:integer)
- 42(xsd:integer)
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| - *Novos Mandalorianos
*Sombra Coletiva
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| - 20(xsd:integer)
- –42 ABY
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