| - Willow absorbs all the magic at the Magic Box and saves Buffy. She then goes after Warren.
* An Axe to Grind / In the Back: Warren on Willow. It doesn't stop her.
* Also a Call Back. Tara saved Willow's life by axing a demon in the back early in the season.
* And I Must Scream: Willow magically sews Warren's mouth shut as she tortures him.
* Badass Decay: The demon re Spike.
* Bad Boss: Warren leaves Andrew and Jonathan to take the fall for him.
* Beware the Nice Ones: This was building up all season; and possibly since the beginning of the series.
* Big Blackout: Willow entering the operating room. Even before she absorbs all that Dark Magick, she fuses out the lights in the Magic Box just by walking inside.
* Big No / Rage Against the Heavens: Willow banishing Osiris.
* Black Eyes of Evil: Willow after she absorbs all the magicks. Becomes Eyes of Gold whenever she's using her powers.
* Black Magic
* Blood Magic / White Shirt of Death: Willow uses her blood-splattered shirt to create a map of where Warren is hiding.
* Buffy-Speak: Willow is going all wrathy.
* Call Back & Pre-Mortem One-Liner: "Bored Now."
* Especially chilling in that Willow had never heard her Evil Twin say it.
* Carpet of Virility: Warren, when Willow pulls open his shirt to torture him. Ironic given his characterisation.
* Darkest Africa: Spike goes to Africa to undergo the Demon Trials.
* Death Is Cheap: Averted; Willow can't resurrect Tara because her death was by 'natural' means and by human hands.
* Description Cut: Jonathan sarcastically saying that Warren will be busting in to save them any moment, to Warren strutting into the Bad Guy Bar to buy everyone a drink. Oh, and the Trio? "I cut them loose."
* Don't Sneak Up On Me Like That: Clem jumps off Spike's sofa in a fright, spilling his popcorn, when the Slayer turns up without knocking as usual.
* Due to the Dead: Dawn waits by Tara's body until Buffy returns home.
* Easily Forgiven: Xander can't understand why Buffy goes to Spike for help re protecting Dawn.
* Evil Laugh: Unfortunately the demons in the Bad Guy Bar are laughing at Warren, not with him.
* Evil Makeover / Paint It Black / Power Dyes Your Hair
* Fade to White: Dawn finding Tara's body.
* Failed Attempt At Drama: Warren's attempt at a Badass Boast is stymied by the fact that no-one in the demon world has heard of the Trio.
* Failed a Spot Check: Willow's blood-splattered shirt fails to register with Xander as Buffy is being loaded into the ambulance.
* The Fettered
* Foreshadowing: Spike examines several cave paintings, including a man with his mouth sewed shut, and a dark figure pointing at another man who appears to have been flayed.
* For "Two To Go" -- after Willow kills Warren she says, "One down..." then teleports out of there. Roll credits.
* Flaying Alive: One of the most glorious examples.
* Get Out! / Compelling Voice: "Leave. Now."
* Healing Hands: Willow removes the bullet from Buffy (and presumably repairs her internal injuries).
* Human Notepad: Willow absorbs several Tome of Eldritch Lore -- the text is seen flowing across her skin until its reaches her face and gives her Black Eyes of Evil and an Expository Hairstyle Change.
* Humans Are Bastards
* Hypocrite: Buffy displays signs of this in regards to how wrong she thinks killing Warren is; after everything he had done, and her desire to kill Faith for her actions regardless of how it tore Buffy and Angel apart.
* Buffy wanted Faith to go to jail. The desire to kill is something else.
* Incredibly Lame Pun: Willow yanks Warren's axe out of her back and says, "Axe -- not going to cut it."
* Jumping Off the Slippery Slope
* Kick the Son of a Bitch: Let's see, Warren allowed a Sex Bot to go crazy with no regard for the destruction it cause or for the robot, wants to be evil, he's made numerous attempts on Buffy's life, mind raped & nearly physically raped his girlfriend, killed her, finds that he enjoys killing women, shoots Buffy, kills Tara. Buffy's the only one trying to preach Thou Shalt Not Kill.
* Killed Mid-Sentence (only she's Not Quite Dead)
* Love Makes You Evil
* Moral Dissonance: For almost a decade Buffy fans have been asking, what did Willow do that was so wrong?
* Mr. Exposition: Osiris (or his messenger) rocks up to tell the audience why Willow can't just bring Tara Back From the Dead like she did Buffy.
* Nothing Personal: Warren tries this. Willow's not impressed.
* Obligatory Joke
* Offscreen Teleportation: Warren is fleeing Willow behind him when he bumps into Willow standing in front of him.
* Oh Crap: Warren finding out the Slayer is still alive -- and it's a virtual Humiliation Conga of Oh Crap moments from then on.
* Pay Evil Unto Evil
* Pet the Dog: Dark Willow makes sure Buffy is going to be alright first, before using her near death as part motivation to hunt down Warren.
* Plot Time: It would have taken Spike weeks, maybe months to get to Africa (unless he got someone to teleport him). Presumably the Demon Trials took place over the summer, but for practical reasons are shown concurrently with what happened immediately after he left.
* Powers as Programs
* Prison Rape: Jonathan gives Butt Monkey a whole new definition.
* Roaring Rampage of Revenge
* Rule of Symbolism: The film Meet John Doe is playing in Spike's crypt.
* Run for the Border: Warren tries to flee to Mexico. It's Actually a Doombot.
* She's Back: The Return of Leader!Buffy.
* Shock and Awe: Willow putting the whammy on her friends and later Warren.
* Some Kind of Force Field: Willow creates one against a flying bomb sent by Warren.
* Straw Misogynist: Warren
* Suspiciously Apropos Music: "Die Die My Darling" by the Misfits is playing as Warren enters the Bad Guy Bar.
* Tempting Fate
* To the Pain: Willow describes in detail the damage the bullet will do as it works its way through Warren's body.
* Twisted Echo Cut: Warren saying to Willow, "Are you done yet? Or can we talk some more about our feelings?" to Buffy asking Anya "What's happening? What do you feel?"
* Unflinching Faith in the Brakes: Willow stopping the bus.
* Vigilante Execution