| - While this is a Star Trek product officially licensed by Paramount Pictures, it is granted only a partial license, and as such cannot mention specifics of canon Trek in the games, save for basic information. This game does not use the name Star Trek in its title, but incorporates the design of the Constitution-class heavy cruiser and the uniforms, weapons, aliens, and some of the terminology of The Original Series era. Part of this license allows the game to depict information from the Star Fleet Technical Manual by Franz Joseph (such as the Federation dreadnought and Ptolemy tug) and also information from Star Trek: The Animated Series (including the Klingon projected stasis field and Larry Niven's rarely-seen Kzinti. It should be noted that the SFU Kzinti are very distinct from those of
- Star Fleet Battles is a tabletop tactical Starship combat game set roughly in the original series Star Trek Universe. The game allows players to take command of one of several Star Trek fleets (such as Federation, Klingon, or Romulan), or one of a few of Star Fleet Battle's own design (such as Lyran). Star Trek: The Stoneship Files (given its Lyran roots), RIS Bouteina and Star Trek: Unity are (at least partial) attempts to reconcile SFB with TNG-era Star Trek.
- Star Fleet Battles ist ein Brettspiel. Es wird selbst hauptsächlich in Amerika gespielt. Dort werden auch regelmäßig Turniere veranstaltet. Star Fleet Battles basiert hauptsächlich auf Star Trek und hat die Lizenz für die Zeit zwischen Gründung der Föderation und bis zu Next Generation. Neben den bekannten Völkern wie der Föderation, Klingonen, Romulanern, Gorn und Tholianern kommen noch andere Völker hinzu. Lyraner, Kzinti, Hydraner, Andromedaner, Seltorianer, Jindarians, Orions und Allianzen wie WYN und ISC und Untergruppen und Abspaltungen Demokratische Republik Lyran, Neo-Tholianer.
| - While this is a Star Trek product officially licensed by Paramount Pictures, it is granted only a partial license, and as such cannot mention specifics of canon Trek in the games, save for basic information. This game does not use the name Star Trek in its title, but incorporates the design of the Constitution-class heavy cruiser and the uniforms, weapons, aliens, and some of the terminology of The Original Series era. Part of this license allows the game to depict information from the Star Fleet Technical Manual by Franz Joseph (such as the Federation dreadnought and Ptolemy tug) and also information from Star Trek: The Animated Series (including the Klingon projected stasis field and Larry Niven's rarely-seen Kzinti. It should be noted that the SFU Kzinti are very distinct from those of Larry Niven's works). This game's license forbids the release of characters, aliens, ships, or situations taken from any of the Star Trek movies or the Next Generation era series (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise, etc.). However, Amarillo Design Bureau has continually added their own ships and races to the game system, referring to their continuity as the Star Fleet Universe. While Star Fleet Battles is a tactical-level game, Amarillo Design Bureau also published a strategic-level game based on the same "universe" entitled Federation and Empire in 1986 which is similar to a 1981 game entitled Federation Space, also published by Task Force Games. The focus of the game involves the eighteen-year long General War fought between the "Coalition" (the Klingon, Romulan, and Lyran Empires) and the "Alliance" (the Federation, Kzinti, Hydrans, and Gorn with the Tholians as co-belligerents). Expansions and updates published in 1993 and 2000 have greatly enhanced the game and further expansions are still forthcoming to involve races and time periods outside of the General War. A role-playing game has also been created entitled Prime Directive which focuses on small, specially-trained and equipped "Prime Teams", who are sent on exceptionally dangerous missions. Also, a card-based combat game known as Star Fleet Battle Force and a new tactical combat game, Federation Commander are also produced by the company. Because of the game's extensive revisions and high-degree of playability, much of the material from the Star Fleet Battles universe was incorporated into video games by Interplay, such as Star Trek: Starfleet Command and Star Trek: Klingon Academy. These games were licensed by Paramount and therefore were allowed to feature situations during the Star Trek movie era. Amarillo Design Bureau's partial license has prohibited them from producing computer games based on their own material and previously published board games, however this has been disputed in the past and is still being contested by legal means.
- Star Fleet Battles ist ein Brettspiel. Es wird selbst hauptsächlich in Amerika gespielt. Dort werden auch regelmäßig Turniere veranstaltet. Star Fleet Battles basiert hauptsächlich auf Star Trek und hat die Lizenz für die Zeit zwischen Gründung der Föderation und bis zu Next Generation. Neben den bekannten Völkern wie der Föderation, Klingonen, Romulanern, Gorn und Tholianern kommen noch andere Völker hinzu. Lyraner, Kzinti, Hydraner, Andromedaner, Seltorianer, Jindarians, Orions und Allianzen wie WYN und ISC und Untergruppen und Abspaltungen Demokratische Republik Lyran, Neo-Tholianer. Die meisten Völker führen untereinander Krieg, später bilden sich zwei Gruppen die sich bekämpfen: die Koalition Klingonen und Lyraner unterstützt von den Romulanern und gegenüber die Allianz aus Föderation, Gorn und Kzinti welche mit den Hydranern verbündet sind. Tholinaer unterstüzen zwar die Allianz, treten ihr aber nicht bei. WYN, Orion und ISC sind an den Kämpfen beteiligt, da sie aber aus verschiedenen Gründen beide Seiten bekämpfen, vergrößern sie nur das Chaos. Die ursprünglichen Völker entsprechen weitgehend dem gewohnten Bild und werden nicht näher erläutert.
- Star Fleet Battles is a tabletop tactical Starship combat game set roughly in the original series Star Trek Universe. The game allows players to take command of one of several Star Trek fleets (such as Federation, Klingon, or Romulan), or one of a few of Star Fleet Battle's own design (such as Lyran). It should be noted that the original license for Star Fleet Battles does not come from either Desilu Inc., or Paramount Inc., but from Franz Joseph, the creator of the Star Fleet Technical Manual, though they have now a limited license to continue from Paramount. As such, the universe presented within the game is based not on the television show, but on Franz Joseph's work. This limitation is why Star Fleet Battles cannot use designs found in later official Star Trek ventures, such as Star Trek: The Motion Picture or TNG. Star Trek: The Stoneship Files (given its Lyran roots), RIS Bouteina and Star Trek: Unity are (at least partial) attempts to reconcile SFB with TNG-era Star Trek.