| - Uri (? - 2009) es un personaje de la saga Grand Theft Auto que aparece como secundario en Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. Es un hombre de avanzada edad con problemas al corazón, que le debe dinero a Zhou Ming y que por alguna razón se encuentra en la cárcel. Es el primer personaje de Chinatown Wars que emite sonidos (gritos de terror).
- Uri – postać w Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.
- Uri is a Box Weapon that Future Gokudera left behind. It was kept in one of the Sistema C.A.I.'s Storm Boxes. It has a problematic temperament and its performance as a weapon is low and hardly useful. However, by absorbing Sun Flames, it matures into an adult Storm Leopard with great physical ability, though it's temperament remains the same. Gokudera Hayato, though he complains about it frequently, loves Uri dearly and comes to see it as a valuble ally. Uri feels the same way about Gokudera and is very protective of him in both kitten and adult form, like a mother cat guarding its kittens.
- Uri was a male Gotal bouncer at Merl's. He and his partner, Glocken, tried to protect Merl from Beilert Valance, but the bounty hunter shot and killed him.
- URI — это символьная строка, позволяющая идентифицировать какой-либо ресурс: документ, изображение, файл, службу, ящик электронной почты и т. д. Прежде всего, речь идёт, конечно, о ресурсах сети Интернет и Всемирной паутины. URI предоставляет простой и расширяемый способ идентификации ресурсов. Расширяемость URI означает, что уже существуют несколько схем идентификации внутри URI, и ещё больше будет создано в будущем. Подробнее см. «Структура URI» ниже.
- He was played by Shaby Ben-Aroya.
- On hard and master trails, a double agent who looks identical to Uri will appear first and must be killed before Uri will appear. The emote equipment is not required when fighting the agent but will be required to speak to Uri once he appears. It will be required to summon him again, however.
- The flag of Uri.
- On hard trails, a double agent who looks identical to Uri will appear first and must be killed before Uri will appear. The emote equipment is not required when fighting the agent but will be required to summon Uri, and speak to him once he appears.
- == Uri Family == Uri´s als pets Habt spass mit euren startpets! Skills: level 6 - Charge Attack (Attack after charging power for 1 turn) Uses 40 guts
- Uri is one of the 26 cantons of Switzerland and a founding member of the Swiss Confederation. It is located in Central Switzerland. The canton's territory covers the valley of the Reuss River between Lake Lucerne and the St. Gotthard Pass. German is the primary language spoken in Uri. Uri was the only canton where the children in school had to learn Italian as their first foreign language. But in the school year of 2005/2006 this was changed to English as in most other cantons. The population is about 35,000 of which 3,046 (or 8.7%) are foreigners. The legendary William Tell is said to have hailed from Uri. The historical landmark Rütli lies within the canton of Uri.
- miniatur|Uri kurz vor seinem Tod Uri († 2009 in Liberty City) ist ein alter Bekannter von Zhou Ming aus Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. Er ist herzkrank und wird von Huang Lee in der Mission Flatliner entführt. Als Huang ihn bei Zhou abliefert, stellt sich heraus, dass Uri den Kontakt zu Zhou abgebrochen hat. Zhou schneidet ihm daraufhin mit einem Messer das Herz aus dem Körper.
- Uri is a minor character in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.
- Uri, die Sturm-Katze, ist eine Box Waffe, die von Future Gokudera zurückgelassen wurde und wohl ein Teil von Sistema C.A.I. ist. Es hat ein sehr hitziges Temperament und ist im Kampf nur bedingt einsetzbar, da Uri nur kaum oder gar nicht auf Gokudera hört. Uri kann Gokudera nicht leiden und Gokudera Uri auch nicht. Das ist wohl der Grund, warum Uri Gokudera immer kratzt. Uri hat außerdem eine Vorliebe für Fisch.
- Uri era un guardia gotal en Merl's. Él y su compañero Glocken trataron de proteger a Merl de Beilert Valance, pero el cazarrecompensas lo mató.
- Uri is a Japanese RPG game designer. She is well-known for her Strange Men series, which is still active.
- On hard trails, a double agent who looks identical to Uri will appear first and must be killed before Uri will appear.
- Uri is the proprietor of Kites and Crows, a shop specializing in custom-made hang gliders, located in the Bottoms district of the Varisian city of Kaer Maga. He keeps a large flock of talking crows that he trains to be pets or familiars, which is where his store gets its other name. Uri can often be found aloft on one of his contraptions, riding the thermals coming off the Storval Rise, surrounded by his cawing, feathered companions. Thanks to his somewhat uncouth charm (and obvious bravery, considering his hobby), he has become the unofficial mascot of the Bottoms and is well-liked by its inhabitants.
- Uri is Miranda Priestly's personal driver. He is also friends with Andrea, assisting her whenever possible.
- Uri was an enforcer of Russian mob leader Mishka Grenkov. Uri was sent by Mishka along with Sasho and another man to Petro Vlacic's home to kidnap Petro and his family, Maria and Eugen, to use them as leverages against Jack Bauer, Mishka's nemesis who killed his brother and father. They arrived and Sasho knocked on the door but no response. Sasho then ordered Uri to burst the door. Uri gladly accepted and as he was about to break down the door, he was suddenly shot by Jack three times through the door, killinh him instantly. Sasho and his man were also quickly overpowered and killed by Bauer. (Underground #2)
- Uri was a guest at Tatlock Towers on their medieval-themed weekend in November 2010. A rich plastic surgeon, he remembered Rosie Webster who was there on a modelling promotion from a consultation in the previous January when she had seen him to enquire into a breast enlargement from a 32E to a 32 double F. Rosie was flattered by his recognition and having resigned from her job of promoting Strumpet Ale, she readily ditched escort Jason Grimshaw and had dinner with the surgeon.
- File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Izanami | Tsukuyomi | Yomi File:FireIcon.png Fire: Gilgamesh (FF) | Vendetta | Zuma | Jin | Gunblaize | Mikumo File:WaterIcon.png Water: Lupin's Gang | Okita Soji | Baal | Dracula | Nurarihyon | Oruga File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Chikamatsu Monzaemon | Poltergeist File:LightIcon.png Light: Lightblade Murasame | Ultimecia | Sphinx | Cabaletta | Orochimaru | Minamoto no Yoritomo | Yuan Shao | Marida of the Lamp of the Lamp | Jack | I-400 | Bright Blight | Shishimaru File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Dyna | Sephiroth | Blizzaga | Dong Zhuo | M.Bison | Deathscoil x 9th Angel | Dark Wyrm | Ultron | Bahamut | Yeti | Deathscoil | Neko Nyanyan | Genome | Visceron | Bastet | Da Vinci | Inari | Princess Takiyasha File:Scroll.png Tower: 20F | 30F | 34F | 35F | 40F File:S
- right|thumb Uri est un personnage mineur apparaîssant dans Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars lors de la mission Flatliner. Uri est un membre emprisonné des Triades gravement malade qui est arrivé à Liberty City sous haute surveillance. Zhou Ming, avec qui Uri a des problèmes de dettes, enverra Huang Lee (le protagoniste) le chercher dès son arrivée au Francis International Airport pour ensuite le ramener à son Q.G. Uri se trouvant dans une ambulance surveillée par le L.C.P.D., Huang ira dérober le véhicule et s'enfuira avec Uri à son bord pour le ramener auprès de Zhou.
- One can classify URIs as locators (URLs), or as names (URNs), or as both. A Uniform Resource Name (URN) functions like a person's name, while a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) resembles that person's street address. In other words: the URN defines an item's identity, while the URL provides a method for finding it.