| - GAI — автомобильный бренд в «Mafia Ⅱ». Является производителем грузовиков, возможный прототип — компания «GMC».
- Gai was a Shou Harper agent near Hillsfar.
- Gai was a Skrreean male who one of two mates bonded to Haneek. He was one of three million Skrreean refugees who arrived at Deep Space 9 in 2370. The Skrreean society was matriarchal and males were treated as second class citizens. As such, Gai had no position of authority in the Skreean society. He, along with some other male Skrreea, got into a fight with the people on the habitat ring on Deep Space 9. Reacting to what she felt was bigotry, Haneek, the Skrreean leader, reprimanded him. (DS9: "Sanctuary") Gai was played by Leland Orser.
- Gai (垓 in Chinese , がい in Japanese) is equal to \(10^{20}\) in both Japanese counting system and Chinese counting system. In English, it is one hundred quintillion in short scale and one hundred trillion in long scale.
- [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Gai]] gai from [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Gai]] [[gai#|gai]], of [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Gai]] origin, from [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Gai]] gaheis (“‘impetuous’”) or from [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Gai]] *gāhi (“‘fast, sudden, impetuous’”), [[w:|]][[Category:fr: derivations|Gai]] *wāhi (“‘pretty’”). Cognate with English gay and Italian gaio.
- Gai is one of the main characters of the anime series, BeyWarriors: Cyborg. He travels through Teslandia alone to collect the most Tokens for the city of Stone. His Cyborg Warrior is Iron Minotaurus.
- Chercher "gai" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)