| - Es como una ardilla violeta,con garras,con orejas de gato, tiene alas de murcielago muy chicas y tambien dientes muy grandes que sobresalen
- Dorumon sind Tierdigimon, die einen lilanen Fuchs mit kleinen schwarzen Flügeln darstellen. Aufgrund der Platte auf ihrem Kopf kann man davon ausgehen, dass es ein "Prototyp"-Digimon ist. Es ist ein natürlicher Träger des X-Antibody.
- Dorumon is an Animal Digimon and carrier of the X-Antibody. Because it has an old-style interface on its brow, it is presumed to be an experimental "Prototype Digimon" from before Digimon were discovered. The personality of natural Combat Species Digimon manifests particularly strongly within it, so its combat instinct is high, and it often barks and snaps at everything, but it seems that it was tamed by someone it once bit. The data that is said to have been hidden within the deepest parts of its DigiCore, during an experiment, is the potent life-force data of the legendary beast, the "Dragon", and it is said it has the potential to grow into a mighty Digimon.
- |-|Dodomon= A Slime Digimon whose whole body is covered in the tough fur "Mithril Hair". It manifests an aggressive personality immediately after being born, and despite its fangs not yet being grown, it opens its mouth wide and completely intimidates the opponent with the manner in which it snaps at them. Because of this, there exist many Digimon which are completely deceived, but it is still a rare Digimon. |-|Dorimon= |-|Dorugamon= |-|DoruGreymon= |-|Grademon= |-|Dorugoramon=