Caroline Buxton is a character on the New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street, who was portrayed by Tandi Wright from late 1995 to early 2000. The character went through numerous storylines throughout her 4 years on the show, including; a long running romance with badboy Greg Feeney (Tim Balme), a euthanasia storyline that saw Caroline jailed for murder and a high-profile lesbian love affair, the first of its kind on New Zealand television. Since departing in 2000, Caroline is remembered as a favorable character and her two major storylines, the 1997 euthanasia episodes and the lesbian romance saga have been noted as two of the most iconic storylines to feature on the soap.
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| - Caroline Buxton is a character on the New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street, who was portrayed by Tandi Wright from late 1995 to early 2000. The character went through numerous storylines throughout her 4 years on the show, including; a long running romance with badboy Greg Feeney (Tim Balme), a euthanasia storyline that saw Caroline jailed for murder and a high-profile lesbian love affair, the first of its kind on New Zealand television. Since departing in 2000, Caroline is remembered as a favorable character and her two major storylines, the 1997 euthanasia episodes and the lesbian romance saga have been noted as two of the most iconic storylines to feature on the soap.
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| - Caroline Buxton is a character on the New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street, who was portrayed by Tandi Wright from late 1995 to early 2000. The character went through numerous storylines throughout her 4 years on the show, including; a long running romance with badboy Greg Feeney (Tim Balme), a euthanasia storyline that saw Caroline jailed for murder and a high-profile lesbian love affair, the first of its kind on New Zealand television. Since departing in 2000, Caroline is remembered as a favorable character and her two major storylines, the 1997 euthanasia episodes and the lesbian romance saga have been noted as two of the most iconic storylines to feature on the soap.