- After Zuko withdrew from the Harmony Restoration Movement, he sent spies to the Earth Kingdom, who reported to General Mak. The spies informed the general that Earth King Kuei's forces were marching toward Yu Dao, and he passed this information on to the Fire Lord, which prompted Zuko to sail with a fleet of several warships toward the colony.
- Mak was an Imperial general who, in the company of Darth Vader and Nas Ghent, searched for the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Crucible during the Galactic Civil War.
- Después de que el Señor del Fuego Zuko retiró su apoyo al Movimiento de Restauración de la Armonía, envió espías al Reino Tierra, quienes le informaban al General Mak. Los espías informaron al general que las fuerzas del Rey Tierra Kuei marchaban hacia Yu Dao, y le dió esta información al Señor del Fuego, lo que llevó a Zuko a navegar con una flota de varios buques de guerra hacia las Colonias de la Nación del Fuego.
- Mak är Goa'uld ord vilket betyder Min identitet. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The Ultimate Visual Guide")kategori:Goa'uld språk
- Mak – jednoroczna roślina z rodziny makowatych, znana bardzo dobrze polskim hippisom jako symbol pięknej przyjaźni i miłości między ludźmi. Kolor jej płatków był wzorowany na obrazach licznych artystów, którzy nie zawsze wiedzieli co malują, lub nawet nie widzieli nigdy wcześniej pędzla, a co dopiero farb z Biedronki. Jest uważany za fabrykant do produkji toksycznych kredek Bambino, dlatego też został zakazany w hodowli, przez co przedszkolaki zostały zmuszone do zaprzestania licznych dywersji związanych z dezintegracją przedszkolanek.
- The Mak are a race that Temrash 114 stated the Yeerks had enslaved and conquered in Book #6: The Capture. They were enslaved sometime before the silent invasion of Earth. Nothing else is known about them.
- The City State of Mak, somewhere well to the west of Ape City and Delphi, was according to legend founded by a human, but became home to both humans and apes by the era of the Lawgiver. Around 2657, forces from Mak rescued survivors from the ape/human Red Creek settlement, which had been destroyed by the army from the human city state of Delphi, including the chimp child Alaya and the human child Sullivan, both of whom were adopted by the Lawgiver. He attempted to integrate humans fully into Mak society by enrolling Sullivan in the otherwise exclusively ape school. The armies of Mak, Ape City and elsewhere overran Delphi around 2660, ending their independence. Some humans, like Bako and Chaika, took refuge in the human ghetto of Mak, called Southtown but nicknamed 'Skintown'. The central p
- Végre! Sikerült hát megnyerned egy serteperte tündérkét magadnak, segedelmével talán kicsit jobban rendszerezni tudod fejedben az elintéznivalókat. A játék nyelvén ez annyit jelent, hogy összeállíthatsz egy olyan makrót, azaz max. 10 parancsos utasítássort, amit később bármikor, egyetlen paranccsal életre hívhatsz. A makrón belül nem használhatod ugyanazt a parancsot, tárgyat vagy varázslatot kétszer, úgy sem, hogy eltérő paraméterekkel próbálod használni őket. Ha ilyet raksz a makróba, egyszerűen nem fog lefutni. Makró parancson belül természetesen másik makró parancsot sem futtathatsz. A makrók beállítása a MAK paranccsal történik.
- In 2007, Mak was one of the most popular Yahoo Answers users of the Wrestling section. He had seen many times Sunday Night Yahoo being advertised, but never thought of joining. Four weeks later, when AWF was founded by King, Mak was linked on a Yahoo Answers question, and visited the site. As he went on to the site, he saw many popular Yahoo Answers users which encouraged him to Sign up, which he did under the name of Independent Kid. IK was a known Yahoo Answers troll, which was Mak himself, although he denied it until he became inactive on Yahoo Answers. As Independent Kid, he challenged the Answers Wrestling Federation Chairman to a match which he accepted. Independent Kid went on to win the AWF Inter-web Championship before he was shortly retired by Mak, as he signed up under his real
- Mak ist ein NSC, eine der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar die Hapideidin des Theaters. Elle donne aux gens l’envie de se déguiser et de jouer la comédie pour se divertir. Mais aussi pour obtenir ce qu’ils désirent... D’ailleurs, les larmes de crocodaille des enfants qui réclament des sucreries sont une de ses spécialités ! Die Hapideiden sind die Beschützer der Tage in der Welt der Zwölf, und jeden kann man nur an einem einzigen Tag eines Jahres im Raum der jeweiligen Jahreszeit im Bibliotempel antreffen. Mak beschützt den 9. Aperiel.